chapter 18

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I'd gotten done putting my things up and i went up to see how lori was doing.

"it would have been better if.." lori said

"if what?" hershel asked

"if I'd never made it off that farm." lori said

I'm going to pretend I never heard that.

I walked into the room and sat down next to lori. she looked like she'd been crying.

"you're exhausted, frightened." hershel said

"yeah, thats true. my son can't stand me. and my husband...after what I put him through." lori let out a sigh and wiped her face

"we've all been carrying that weight. all winter." lori said

"I tried to talk to him. he..." lori begun to say but the words got caught in her throat

"he'll come around." hershel said

"he hates me. he's too good a man to say it, but I know. I put him and shane at odds. I put that knife in his hands." lori said

she started crying again and looked down at the ground.

"you know who doesn't give a shit about that? this baby." hershel said

lori let out a chuckle and hershel leaned move forwards.

"now lets make sure everythings all right." hershel said

hershel asked if I would help, and I stuck around because I was curious.

lori laid down and hershel got out a stethoscope since that was the only thing that he had.

"y/n, try and see if you can hear a heartbeat." hershel said

"uhhh," I said

"her stomach" hershel replied

"oh, alright." I said

I placed the tiny metal piece on her stomach and I listened. at first I hear nothing. but I started to hear a heatbeat.

"I hear one." I said

"good" hershel replied

I handed hershel his stethoscope and lori sat back up. hershel and lori talked for a minute and he left.

"hey y/n.." lori said

I looked towards her.

"hmm?" I said

"let say, I die after giving birth. will you help look after my baby?" lori said

"theres other people who are more than willing to do that." I said

"I know that, but I trust you. and if anybody I think you are more fit to take care of this baby. if I die rick may not be in the right state of mind. I need someone I can rely on. someone i trust." lori said

"I can name a few people. beth, maggie, carol, carl, hershel. it doesn't have to be me. if you pass everybody will put in an effort." I said

"yes I get that. and thats not what I'm trying to say. I want-" lori said

"no." I said

"just hear me out!" lori said raising her voice

I grunted and looked at her to say what she needed to.

"I want you to take care if this baby like it's your own. sure, I trust a few people to do that for me. but..." lori said

"yeah I get it. but I'm also 14 years old and I don't know if I take care of a baby. let alone look after it like it's my own." I said

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