chapter 21

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after daryl was done cleaning my hands he walked over to rick to see if he could get his attention.

"let me see the baby." hershel said

"what are we gonna feed it? do we got anything a baby can eat?" daryl asked

carl walked over to hershel with his sister in his hands.

"good news is she looks healthy. but she needs formula. and soon or she won't survive." hershel said

"nope. no way. not her. we ain't losing anybody else. I'm going for a run." daryl said

"I'll back you up." maggie said

"I'll go, too." glenn said

"okay, think where were going" daryl said

"you two get to the fence. too many pile up, we got ourselves a problem. glenn, maggie,vamonos." daryl said

I watched rick pick back up his axe and walk towards the door that I'd walked out of not that long ago. maggie called for him but he ignored her and walked in.

"get the gate. come on, we're gonna lose light!" daryl yelled

maggie, glenn and daryl walked away and went to the cars. I sat down and played with the ends of my hair.

I need a hair mom use to tell me hair tolds memories, so maybe I'll grow my hair out..?

I'm not sure what I want to do anymore.

I felt a soft tap on my shoulder and I turned my head to see who it was, just carl. he had his little sister in his hands.

"do you want to hold her?" carl asked

I blinked a few time and then looked down at the baby, shes cute.

"uhm, sure" I muttered

carl handed his baby sister over to me and he was about to explain how I needed to hold her but I held a hand up and stopped him because I already knew how, someone explaining something to me that I already know how to do gets annoying.

"her name?" I asked

"no clue, but let me think" carl said

I played with her hands and looked at her, I know babies aren't suppose to immediately have features of the parents. but, this baby doesn't look like rick what so ever.

it was silent bewteen carl and I besides the adults talking in the back ground. the silence wasn't uncomfortable, it was nice.

"what about...emma,?" carl asked

"no." I said

"why?" carl asked

"its a common name, and I don't like it. think of something else." I said

carl pouted and started to think. carls sister grabbed on to my finger and I looked down at her. her eyes were open and she was looking at me.

honestly, it was a little creepy...but she looked like she was studying me or something.

"judith? my third grade teacher was named that. I like the name, what about you?" carl said

"it's a good name, I guess thats her name now." I said

I looked down at judith and she was sleeping. I wish I could fall asleep like that.

glenn had been left behind by maggie and daryl, I didn't know the full story but he seemed mad.

I tried to give judith to carl but she started crying as soon as I left go of her.

why did this have to happen to me? I pouted and honestly, I hate hearing babies cry. its one of the sounds that make me mad.

I took judith back in my arms and she stopped crying and looked up at me.

she seemed at peace in my arms, I was having major baby fever. shes cute and it's hard not to like her.


it was night fall by the time maggie and daryl got back, I could hear judith crying from my cell.

not long after she stopped crying.

I'm asssuming they gave her food or something.

maggie came into my cell and handed me a book, it was a how to book for babies. I looked up and her and gave her a 'seriously.' look.

maggie crossed her arms over her chest and nodded.

"yeah, you'll need to learn one way or another, for judith. orrr-" maggie said

"no, nope." I cut her off "I'll only learn for judith." I said

"and what if I have a baby?" maggie said

"you and glenn will be around to take care of it" I said

"true, but what if I need you to watch the baby?" maggie asked

"then I'll watch it, nothing else to it." I said "I'm tired, goodnight." I got up and gently pushed maggie out and closed my cell door.

I closed my eyes and laid in bed for at least 10 minutes before I actually fell asleep.

I was sitting in class, my seat was in the third row second to last and the end. the teacher was going over things we need for the presentation thats due in 3 days, I was having a major freak out.

I don't do well in front of other people. and I end up muttering when I'm giving presentations. people normal ask me to speak up or they whisper to each other about how they can't hear me.

I noticed whenever I would get presentations the teacher would come a little closer to me so she could hear what I was saying.

my presentations are usually good, the only problem is that I get graded on if I faced everyone while presenting. it's half of the grade so its not a huge deal.

there isn't a lot of people in the class but when I'm up front it feels like there are.

I wish I could be like lilia, she spoke loud enough to where everyone could hear her, and she faced the class. she didn't studder. and she never looked nervous.

"y/n, pay attention." the teacher said and some of the kids in the class turned their attention to me

I kind of sunk down in my chair and looked around.

"can I have y/n smith in the office. she's getting checked out by her dad and uncle." the speaker said

I collected the things on my desk and put them in my bag and I rushed out of the classroom.

the class wasn't far from the office so it didn't take long. I opened the office door and my dad looked slightly annoyied.

"lets go, y/n." my dad said

"why am I being checked out?" I asked

my dad glared at my uncle and walked away with me following closely after.

I got in the car and my dad took me home, when I got inside no one explained to me why I was checked out.

"I'm leaving for a while. you are to stay home with uncle negan." my father said

I might not update on time, I have school work to do. also, I forgot to say this at the start but english is my second language so something might be spelled wrong or punctuation might be off.

word count: 1175

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