chapter 36

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everyone continued talking, and laughing. it's like they didn't even notice bob had walked out of the church.

i saw gabriel looking at a picture, he set it down and prayed.

carl was sleeping not far from me, his hat was laying right next to his head.

i stared at the door, waiting for bob to walk back in. but he didn't...

i didn't want to go outside, one because it was dark, and two we had walked a long distance and the muscles in my legs hurt and i didn't want to get up.

sasha wasn't in the building, id just noticed that. i took off my jacks and laid it to the side, rick had requested that i bandaged up the bite scar i now had.

(i remember us getting bit two times one on our right arm, i just don't remember what leg it was on so ill just guess)

he said that the new group of people would learn when he trusted them, or they wouldn't learn at all.

i saw him rick and ty follow a little after sasha. i placed my hand on the bench and lifted myself. my legs ached so bad.

i followed them out, sasha was pointing a gun around and looking through the scope, she jumped back when she realized there was a walkers,

she pushed one's head into a tree nearby and shot the other.

rick, ty, and i made it up to her. ty covered her mouth as she screamed.

"it's me, it's me" ty repeated, she let out a breath

"he's getting away" sasha said shaking her head and breathing heavily

"who?" rick asked

"somebody was watching us." sasha said

rick moved his flashlight around and went to the other side of sasha, he had a gun pointed up in one hand and the flashlight in the other.

"if we go in there now, some of us aren't coming back. " tyreese said

"bob is out there somewhere. scared, alone." sasha said

"maybe not alone" rick replied and paused for a second

i'm sure that makes her feel 100% better.

"daryl and carol are missing, too." rick added

we all looked around for a little longer before coming inside, sasha stopped not to close to gabriel but also not to far.

"stop." sasha said

gabriel stopped messing with whatever he had in his hand, he looked at her

i sat down and watched, i asked carl why he wasn't asleep anymore and he said that he'd woken up as i was leaving the church.

"what are you doing?" sasha asked gabriel

he stepped closer to her, he looked behind him like he was confused about who she'd been saying that to.

"what are you doing?"sasha asked firmer this time

"this is all connected. you show up, we're being watched, and now three of us are gone." sasha said keeping the firm tone

"i..i don't..i don't have anything to do with this." gabriel said

sasha pulled her blade out, everyone scrambled up to stop her. carl let out a small chuckle. it was like watching a play or something.

"sasha, put it away." tyreese said

"who's out there?" sasha asked stepping closer to gabriel

"i..i don't have anything to do with this." gabriel repeated

"where are our people?" sasha questioned

gabriel tried to repeat the same thing but was cut off when sasha yelled at him.

"please, i don't have anything to do with this" gabriel said, sweat dripping down his face

sasha backed up, her body was slightly facing him, she looked like she was about to strike him.

she backed up behind rick, rick moved in her place. he stared at gabriel, if i was being stared at like that i would be shitting bricks.

"why'd you bring us here?" rick asked

"please, i..." gabriel stuttered

"you working with someone?" rick stepped closer to gabriel and he backed up.

"i'm alone, im alone. i was always alone." gabriel said pulling his hands up

"what about that woman in the food bank, gabriel? what did you do to her? "youll burn for this?" that was for you, why? what are you doing to burn for, gabriel?" rick asked he grabbed gabriel and pulled him closer. "what? what did you do? WHAT DID YOU DO?" rick yelled

carl and i just looked at each other, it was obvious he scared the both of us. i hadn't expected him to yell like that.

rick pushed gabriel back and then rick backed up from gabriel himself.

gabriel's mouth moved but nothing came out of it. he took a breath and tried again.

"i lock the doors at night. i always lock the doors at night. i always..." gabriel said he looked down at the ground and started to cry.

he sniffled and looked back up at rick, for a second i thought i saw a smug look on his face.

"they started coming, my congregation. atlanta was bombed the night before and they were scared. they were...they were looking for a safe place, a place where they felt safe. and it was so early. it was so early. and the doors were still locked. you was my choice. there were so many of them and they were trying to pry the shutters and banging on the sidings, screaming at me. and so the dead came for them. woman...children." gabriel said looking at me and carl

carl shifted, i could tell he was uncomfortable. he shifted closer to me. at least he's telling us..?

"entire families calling my name as they were torn apart, begging me for mercy....begging me for mercy. damning me to hell. i buried their bones. i buried it all. the lord sent you here to finally punish me." gabriel said, he sat down on the floor, rick was still staring at him

i could definitely imagine what he felt like when he heard the screams and cries for help. it made a shiver go down my shine when my mind went back to the camp.

"i'm damned. i was damned before. i always lock the doors. i always lock the doors." gabriel said and continued to cry.

sasha put her blade back into her holder, she was giving gabriel a smug look.

another shiver ran down my spine when i heard the sound of a familiar whistling.

though, this whistling sounded more sped up, it was far quicker. but it was definitely the same. it was his whistle.

yes, i did listen to the recording for the first whistle and the second to see if they were the same. they are,

now i hear the whistle in my head 😭😭😭

word count; 1122

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