chapter 38

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his walk was slow, the bottom of his shoes tapped against the wood floor making a tapping sound each time.

abraham gave the gun to eugene and got ready for whatever rick was about to throw at him.

as soon as rick got close enough glenn got in the middle of it to stop them, again.

"hey, hey, hey!" glenn yelled pushing them off each other.

glenn patted rick a few times,

"you stay. you stay and help us, and we will go with you." glenn said

"no." rick said leaning close to glenn

"it's not your call" glenn replied "you stay, help us." glenn repeated this time looking at abraham

"half a day. come high noon, we're taillights. i'm not waiting for the other damn shoe to drop." abraham said

"and we will leave with you." maggie said

"12 hours. then we go" abraham said nodding his head repeatedly

abraham lifted his gun, the top pointed towards the roof. he walked passed rick, tara, mic homme and maggie.

rick and glenn shared a look, glenn was the first to look away. he redirected his eyes to the floor and let out a sigh and walked away as well.


it wasn't long before everyone sat down to talk, since we knew where they were we could easily find them, not sure if that's what rick wants to do right now though. can't be for sure.

with everyone sat down and listening rick began to speak.

"we're in here and they could be anywhere. but we know exactly where they are." rick said

"plans got stones, i'll give you that." abraham chimed in

"make our move before they do." glenn added

"that's right" rick agreed "they're not counting on us thinking straight." rick added

"are we? i'm just making sure, it's a big play." rosita questioned

rick leaned his body forwards getting off the railing he'd been leaning on, he took a few steps towards rosita before stopping to speak.

"remember what these people are capable of." rick said roughly

abraham gave him a look, it felt like everyone at this point was giving rick a look. most people here probably think he's insane.

rick turned his head and raised an eyebrow before speaking up.

"tyreese?" rick asked

everyone shifted their attention on tyreese. he was sweating and looked insanely nervous. he was man spreading with his hands lazily intertwined between his legs, he was looking down at the ground with his eyebrows frowned.

"yeah?" he replied not looking up from the ground.

"you up for this?" rick asked

tyreese gave no answer, he did how ever look up when he heard sasha's voice.

"i'm going with you." sasha said, she sounded upset but equally angry.

"you should stay with bob." tyreese pipped up

"no, i want to be out there. i want to be a part of this." sasha said roughly

she turned around, once she'd started walking away tyreese quickly followed after her.

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