chapter 55

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we heard yelling in the distance, we gathered our things and went back inside the gates, of course the same way we got out from.

there were people gathered near the front of the gate.

"you three need new gigs." aiden yelled

"you're not ready for any runs yet." he added

"yeah? i'm pretty sure you got that backwards." glenn replied

what even happened..?

aiden caught up to glenn, "look, we got a way of doing things around here.-" aiden was cut off my glenn

"you tied up walkers." glenn said

"IT KILLED OUR FRIEND." aiden yelled

"look, im not having this conversation. you obey my orders out there." aiden said

me and enid looked at each other and then back at what was going on.

"then we're just as screwed as your last run crew." glenn said

aiden didn't say anything else, he stepped a little closer to glenn's face. glenn didn't move back or try to move in the slightest.

"say that again.?" aiden asked

"no, back off, aiden." tara said

aiden shoved glenn with his left hand, glenn went back a little, not by much.

"come on, man. just take a step back." noah said to aiden

again, aiden shoved glenn. "come on, tough guy." aiden said

"no one's impressed, man. walk away." glenn said

deanna came out of her house and made way over to aiden. "aiden! what is going on?!" deanna asked

"this guys got a problem with the way we do things. why did you let these people in?" aiden

"because we actually know what we're doing out there." glenn said

aiden went to punch him, glenn ducked and glenn landed a punch right on aiden's nose, nickolas went for glenn,

glenn put him over his shoulder and slammed him to the ground. rick and carl came running through the front gate.

i didn't even realize daryl was holding nickolas down for glenn.

"you want to end up on your ass again?" michonne asked aiden

"cool, alright?" aiden said

rick pulled daryl off nickolas, daryl walked around, seeing if maybe he had an opening to get back at nickolas. rick followed right in front of him making sure he didn't do anything else.

"i want everyone to hear me, okay?" deanna said

ron was by enids side, just checking to see if she was okay sense we'd been pretty close to the fight.

"rick and his people are part of this community now in all ways as equals." deanna said

"understood?" she yelled mainly talk to aiden and nickolas.

"understood." aiden said

"all of you, turn in your weapons. then you two come talk to me." deanna said

aiden and nickolas walked past me, aiden made sure to hit my shoulder as he was walking past.

what a dick head.

"i told you i had a job for you. i'd like you to be our constable. that's what you were. that's what you are." deanna said to rick,

rick stared down at her, he didn't say a thing.

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