chapter 45

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jeez, this book is getting fairly long. i don't imagine needing a second book though,

as you can tell, i've stopped doing the (insert amount) specials, i initially planned to keep up, ill do some eventually...🌚🌚

anyways, into the chapter!


as i crossed the street i looked both ways, its just a habit now. i did it so often when i was younger because i was instructed to, for obvious reasons.

carl and i walked over to where rick and glenn were standing, we stood to the side a little because they were talking at the moment.

"you didn't think it would still be here?" rick asked glenn

"did you?" glenn through the question back at rick

michonne paced around in the garage looking for anything useful. she seemed to find a few things since her trash back looked like it had slight weight to it.

rick wiped the top of his lip with his arm, he set a hand on his belt and looked around. them eventually he looked at glenn.

"after it happened, right after beth in the hospital, i saw that woman dawn, she didn't mean to do it. i knew it. i saw it. but i wanted to kill her. i remember i just wondered if it even mattered one way or another. didn't have a thing to do with beth. i don't know if i thought it would still be here. but beth wanted to get him here. she wanted to get him back home. this was for her. and it could have been for us, too." rick said

i could just feel that carl had rolled his eyes, im not sure why exactly carl has some hatred for his father, maybe hes just annoyed right now. i'm not sure.

i looked around for a moment, we could see where tyreese and noah were from here, they seemed to be talking.

noah still had his knees up to his chest from what i could see, i hope he'll be doing better soon.

i turned my attention back to glenn once he started to speak.

"i was thinking about that guy in the storage container. back at terminus. how i made us stop. after the prison, on my trip, i got maggie back. things went okay. losing washington..., losing...losing beth" glenn stopped for a second

he picked up a bat that was displayed in a case that had been laying on the ground.

(i just noticed that, maybe it was a little teaser for the way he was going to die..? idk)

"right after finding out she's alive, i hadn't caught up with you yet. if it were now, i wouldn't make us stop. we'd run right by, and i would have shot that woman dead. right or wrong." glenn continued

rick was looking at him, i stared at both of them. they're changing right before my eyes.

in slight ways but they're definitely changing. i guess it's only natural when you live in a world like this, right?

people changing left and right, changing to survive i guess. changing to protect their families.

"we need to stop." michonne said

she was in holding a trash bag in her left hand and a white shirt in her right hand, her eyebrows were slightly frowned down causing small wrinkles to form between her eyebrows.

both glenn and rick leaned off the car and turned to face her, she stepped forward a few steps.

"you can be out here too long." michonne said

i didn't quite understand, that's all the context that was given, she wasn't saying anything more.

rick looked at the ground, i guess he knows what she means.

i heard footsteps, it sounded rushed. i turned to look to my left. tyreese was running and noah wasn't in his usual place.

no one besides carl was paying much attention so i slipped away, i've become quite the nosy person it seems.

i just wanted to know what was going on, i ran after so that i would catch up. my footsteps made some noise but they didn't seem to notice i was gone, yet.

once i was somewhat behind them noah ran into a yard. clothing littered all over the grass, leaves fallen from the tress scattered in the grass and on the drive way.

the house door was open, the screen door wasn't.

"this is my house..." noah said

tyreese ran in front of him preventing him from going any further.

"you don't want to go in there." tyreese said

"yes, i do." noah said with some desperation in his voice

he tried to walk past tyreese but tyreese gently placed his hand on noah's chest and pushed him back.

"let me see it." noah said starting to get a little aggressive now

tyreese reached for his belt, he pulled out a knife and let out some heavy breaths

"me first." tyreese said

noah gave no reply, tyreese turned around and walked towards the screen door that was closed.

it was glass so you could see inside, it was a mess from what i could see.

noah walked after tyreese and i walked after noah. i guess i can't go back now..

i'm sure that whatever is in that house tyreese will protect us.

when tyreese got up to the screen door he pounded in the outside wall, he got no response from anything inside.

tyreese entered the home, noah and i glanced at each other. we both hesitated but went in right after ty did.

blood stained the white walls, hand prints and even footprints.

the house was littered just like the outside, the living room was an absolute mess, the couch pillows look liked they'd been thrown on the floor.

the table stand was moved out of its original spot on the carpet, and a woman laid in the middle.

she'd clearly been dead for a little while. a pool of blood around her head which looked to be bitten all over, a empty space in the side of her head for the piece of flesh a walker had bitten out of it.

noah looked down at the body, blood stained all over the woman's shirt and photo frames broken around her. probably in attempt to get away.

tyreese and i stayed behind the couch, noah stepped forwards and went towards the woman.

he bent down in front of her and placed a white blanket with a blue design on it over her torn apart body.

noah started to whisper things to the woman's dead body, he apologized for not coming sooner. he apologized for her having to go through it alone.

he explained how he couldn't come sooner, tears rolling down his face. it pulled on my heart strings. it was so sad to watch.

it made me feel as if i was guilty, guilty for keeping him so long. but it wasn't my fault. i knew it wasn't.

i looked to my side and realized tyreese was gone. maybe he just wanted to look around and tell noah if he found anything else.

i didn't go to find tyreese. what's the use? it's not like he's going to need saving for anything.

word count; 1206

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