chapter 15

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                             going to be a time skip...a month. I'm just going to say this is when the hord of walkers came to the farm..

I was walking around, night had fallen and it was pretty quiet besides the crickets. rick wasn't around and neither was shane.

a lot of things happened in the past month. we found out that there were walkers in the barn so shane took the others and they all killed the walkers inside. turns out..sofia had been in there. lori's pregnant, and dad definitely likes maggie.

it's also been cold lately. or at least the breezes that come through have been. when the sun is out I feel like I'm being cooked alive.

carl and I have grown closer. lori still won't tell me what she was going to talk to rick about. the bite on my arm is now only a scar and the one on my leg is trying to scab over the best it can. when anyone who didn't know about it I would tell them it was from some accident I'd been in a few weeks ago.

it's driving me crazy not knowing.

"Y/N! Y/N! GET OVER HERE! NOW! daryl yelled

I looked over at him and raised an eyebrow. am I in trouble? what did I even do? I mean, I've walked far away from the farm a few times. what if it's about that? gosh, I am not ready to be yelled at right now.

"WALKERS! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!" daryl yelled at me a few seconds later

I looked over to where everyone else seemed to be giving their attention to.

my eyes widened at the sight. walkers one after another. they weren't far from me either. I was near the barn. the walkers were coming from the woods behind the barn.

it was a horrifying sight. they were all headed to the house.

I wanted to run, I tried to run. but my feet wouldn't move.

"Y/N! PLEASE!" maggie yelled

my breathing picked up, I shook my head and turned around, and I ran. I didn't care where I was going. as long as it was away from the hord I was fine.

I wasn't watching where I was going and I ran straight into a walker.

I fell to the ground and grabbed my gun, and I shot the walker beneath the jaw and my bullet went straight to it's brain. the walker fell limp on to my body and I pushed it off.

I ran the rest of the way to the house and maggie instanly wrapped me into a tight embrace that could have crushed me.

maggie ran inside and came back out with a bag of guns. she tired passing me one but I told her I already had one.

she passed glenn a gun.

"maggie.." glenn said

"you grow up country you learn a thing or two." maggie said

"I got the number it's no use." daryl said

"you can go if you want." hershel said

"you gonna take 'em all on?" daryl asked

"we have guns. we have cars." hershel said loading his gun

"kill as many as we can, and we'll use the cars to lead the rest of them off the farm." andrea said

"you serious?" daryl said

"this is my farm. I'll die here." hershel said and walked away

"all right. it's as good a night as any." daryl said

I got my knife out instead of my gun, I don't like using my gun very often unless I have to. I'm more of a close range person.

I lead a few walkers away. and killed them. I hear rustling behind me and turned around.

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