chapter 63

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screams of people got louder, i pulled carl and i into a closet, luckily it locked from the inside.

it was a tight fit. i wasn't panicking, but i started when i heard the front door get slammed open

i heard heavy footsteps, things broke, yanking doors open and breaking through them. i was scared, i could tell carl was, too.

"do you have your gun?" carl whispered

i shook my head "i left it upstairs. you have something?" i whispered back

he shook his head, i was getting more nervous by the minute, i was hoping, no i was praying that someone came in here and dealt with these guys.z

i mentally cursed at myself for not having my gun on me just in case. i remembered the photos, the only thing that let me remember the people who died.

carl and i had so many important things upstairs. so many things that hold memory. like the ring glenn found.

i figured out that he'd been lying, it wasn't actually my fathers. he fessed up to it. but i kept it because glenn gave it to me.

i wasn't wearing it at the moment. but it was upstairs in the drawer.

the house went quiet, i didn't reach for the lock, carl did. he opened it and exited the closet.

i followed after him, we raced up the stairs and closed our bedroom door behind us. i grabbed my gun and loaded it.

"are we going outside or are we staying inside the house?" i asked

"stay in the house, we need to protect ourselves. stay here and i'll make sure you stay safe." carl replied

"what about everyone else outside? we aren't going to help them? what about the kids, carl?" i asked

carl looked like he was debating with himself. "if you aren't back in a few minutes im coming to look for you." carl said

i was only really going outside to look for kids, i could care less about the adults.

i rushed down the stairs, opened the front door and looked around. blood everywhere, children, woman and men screaming.

i could hear the sounds of weapons hitting skin and the sound of people getting torn apart.

i went out into the street and started running, just looking for anyone to take back.

i saw carol running around in the tall areas of the grass.

i rounded a house and went inside, there was a man, he was swinging a knife at this poor woman and her child.

i ran up behind the man and shot him in the head, he fell forwards and the woman and her child moved out of the way.

the woman was whispering under her breath, talking about how her and her baby aren't going to make it. and she was about to do them a big favor.

the next thing i knew, the woman stabbed the baby, multiple times. and before i could stop her she slit her own neck open.

i sat there and stared at the scene in front of me for a good minute before collecting myself again.

i didn't know where i was going. i ran into people, crying people. people who begged me to help them.

i ignored them, i was complaining about helping people why am i not helping anyone. anytime someone asks me for help i speed up my walking.

i finally made it back to the house, i opened the door and slammed it shut locking it behind me like that would do anything.

everything looked good, carl was standing in the kitchen watching both entry ways.
it was like my legs just gave out on me, as soon as i felt safe my legs gave into all the weight.

to be honest, i was scared. so scared. any second, everyone outside could very well be me. i hadn't noticed carl quickly moved to my side.

did i actually see that woman kill herself and her baby..? had i actually seen that poor girl get torn apart by that large man?

i heard a huge crash and then a horn started going off, i knew carl and i had to get out of here. maybe even watch around.

and i tried to get up, but carl wouldn't see me. he kept asking what id seen out there, he asked how bad it was.
how many people i saw on the ground.

"its bad, people are all over the ground..this woman..she got torn apart i saw it, and the woman a few doors down with a 5 year old..she killed her child and then herself.." i said quietly

i didnt know if i actually believed i saw any of this or if i was imagining it all.

the horn stopped and most of the screaming also stopped.

i think deanna said there was more than 200 people living here.
and all these people are dying. who even broke in, how did they get in??

i knew that this place had blind spots, but i thought deanna would have gotten those fixed by now.

it sounded like everything was settled, carl helped me to my feet and let me lean on him as long as i needed to.

gunshots rang out a few more times, i noticed carol sitting on the front porch. carl and i left the house and went outside.

luckily, everything was short lived.

my mind started to wonder, my mind made up images of maggie, glenn, carl, judith, daryl, rick, michonne, carol, aaron, rosita, sasha, enid, sam, and jesse.

their limps removed and their body's smashed to bits. if it wasn't for carl and carol right in front of me, i probably would have believed what i was seeing.

glenn's was the worst...he was intact..but, he's head wasn't. it was enough to make me start tearing up.

i heard someone yelling for me, over and over. they sounded frantic. i stepped down the porch steps and looked around,

the person called out again. their voice cracking as they called my name. i realized it was maggie.

she turned the corner and saw me, she bursted out crying and made her way to me.

she wrapped me in her arms and swayed side to side, she ran her hand over my hair multiple times and told me she was glad i was okay.

i hoped everything lifted up from here, i wrapped my arms around maggie. and i let myself lean into her and relaxed my tensed up shoulders.

i started crying to, i let it all out right there. she was, so i figured i would to.

i didn't know i needed to cry so much, but it was clear id been holding it in for a while.

word count: 1137

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