chapter 47

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as we drove, i pinched tyreese as hard as i could to keep him awake,

he started talking to himself at some point, looking around the car in surprise. his eyes very droopy.

there's no saving him...i think i accepted that a little while back.

my brain knew, but my heart didn't want to listen. i thought maybe, if just maybe i knew a little more. if i'd actually listened to what i was taught back then.

maybe i could have actually saved him, i stopped attempting to tend to any of his wounds.

it didn't matter anymore. though, i could imagine the pain he's going through, even if i only have a slight idea from my own experience.

when is it going to stop? when are we going to stop losing people.?

never seems like a fit answer, even though i've prepared myself for things like this. i have to admit, just because you prepare for it, doesn't mean it won't hurt when it actually happens.

as rick pulled off to the side of the rode, i have tyreeses hand a squeeze, he muttered to me.

"thanks for trying kid.."

i gave him a nod,. everyone got out of the car.

noah stepped out into the road, i stood by his side.

rick, michonne and glenn helped carry tyreese out of the car,

carl stayed in the car. he was looking through the window.

they laid him on the floor, it took a little but they dug a hole in the ground. laid tyreese in it and covered him up with a white sheet.

i refuse to be the one to tell sasha.


its been a few days since getting back, we had no place to go. so, we stationed on a random road.

daryl, maggie and sasha volunteered to go out looking for something we could eat.

i wasn't exactly hungry, so i didn't care if i ate or not, i was just worried about carl and maggie. glenn..? he would be fine.

sasha....i can tell she's hurting, for obvious reasons. but, she's not showing it. bottling it up i guess. i'll remember not so say anything around her. i wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of all that bottled up emotions.

i'd found something strange a little while ago, the walkers around here..

they're cut in half, most of the time. torso is the only thing besides its head that's connected to the upper body.

and, all their foreheads have the same marking on them. "W", i haven't seen a walker in the last few days that hasn't had a "W" carved into their forehead.

maybe it's just someone going around having fun.? either way, it's a little concerning.


"we're out. just like the other one" abraham said

"so? we walk." rick said

we all got out of the very, very, stuffed car.

it was definitely an uncomfortable ride. everyone practically sitting on each others laps. while others were uncomfortable, some of us weren't.

for example, maggie and glenn. they seemed to be enjoying themselves a little.

we all got out of the van. the sun looked like it was about to set, though it was definitely still beating down on us.

we started walking, walkers followed far behind us, some of us were slower than others, i managed to keep up with the group in the middle.

the back of my knee hurt like hell, it felt like it was cramping up. it was giving me a slight limp.

you would think i'd be use to walking around for long periods of time. but i guess not.

daryl and rick were talking, i didn't care to listen in. which was unlike me in some situations. but i didn't care about what they had to say at the moment.

i was worried about everyone. not all of us had much fat on us, which isn't exactly good. by now, we've all hit way past light ketosis.

which is when the body burns some fat in order to give energy.

i'd say we're in heavy ketosis right now, which means our body's are ONLY burning fat to give energy.

it helps keep muscle, but what do we do when we don't have anymore fat to burn?

i guess it might start to break down our muscle tissue, which could cause trouble in the future.

a lot of trouble actually.

daryl and carol went off to look for things in the woods, carl talked to maggie, offered her a little yellow box.


carl said the music box was broken, but i'm sure someone could fix it. he's very thoughtful, sometimes.

gabriel tried to talk to maggie, he wasn't getting through to her. he only made her angry, i let out a sigh.

we got slower, the walkers began to gain on us, i wrapped an arm around maggie, just to let her know i was there.

i didn't try and talk to her about whatever was going on in her head. i didn't want to make her mad.

she didn't seem to mind my company, i felt her ease up a little. she ran her hand through my hair.

we kept walking side by side, honestly, if i could choice a way to go. it would be beside everyone here.

we stopped further down the road, rick explained the plan and we all split up.

the ones who were fit to kill the walkers were in the front, and the ones who weren't stood far back.

it was only me, carl, maggie and judith who weren't up front killing walkers.

i guess their way of "killing" the walkers was a little strange.

but again, we didn't have the body strength to do anything else.

anytime a walker got close to them, they'd push them down the side of the little road bridge we were on.

sasha made them change their plan, not to sure what they did.

but after sasha took to long to kill the walker that all started stabbing the walkers instead.

everyone regrouped after that,

we continued walking, it was hell, but we'd find somewhere safe...eventually, right..?

it's 1:36 AM

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it's 1:36 AM. i can't fall asleep 😭😭🙏🙏🙏

word count; 1038

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