chapter 4

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I was with carol washing ricks clothes.

"morning" carol said

I looked up from what I was doing and rick was walking out way.

"morning" rick said

"they're still a little damp. the sun will have 'em dry in no time." carol said

"you washed my clothes?" rick said

"well, best we could" carol said looking at me

"scrubbing on a washboard ain't half as good as my old maytag back home." carol said

"thats very kind, thank you." rick said

carol nodded her head and rick walked away. the guys were taking the wheels and everything that the car that glenn brought back had.

rick patted glenns back and he walked away.

carol saw me looking over there and she nudged my shoulder and I looked over at her.

"you are welcome to go talk if you want." carol said

"then who's going to help you?" I said

"I can manage" carol said

I nodded and I walked over to glenn who didn't look very happy with what was going on

"I'm sure you'll get another car someday." I said

"you think so?" glenn asked

"mhm, theres car every where. who knows maybe you'll find one cooler than that one" I said pointing to the car he brought back

glenn seemed to be thinking about something but he turned to me and spoke.

"I have a question" glenn said putting his hands on his hips

"what?" I said

"do you think I'll ever get a girlfriend?" glenn asked

are you for real? why is he asking me? I don't even know a lot about that stuff. and I don't know why he would want one.

you'd have someone else to worry about, and you never know when they might get bitten and turn.

"I doubt it, but I'll be impressed if you manage to get one" I said

shane pulled with his jeep and he had some water in the back.

"water's here ya'll just remember to boil before use." shane said getting out of the car

glenn walked over and grabbed a gallon as well as andrea

I walked away and headed into the woods where carl went, I guess I could hangout with him today

once I got there I saw a deer on the ground and a geek eating it.

there was another kid there and she screamed.

"y/n! carl!" I heard lori yell

"mom!" carl yelled

"mama! mommy!" the little girl beside me yelled

everyone came running and once I and carl saw lori we both ran over to her.

"nothing bit you? nothing scratched you?" lori asked the both of us

"no, I'm okay" carl said and I shook my head

the men ran over to where me, carl and the other girl ran out from

I could see everything from where I was standing. the blood from the deers neck and the geek eating the flesh from the poor animal.

I saw 2 arrows in the deers lower body, and the guys circled around the deer and the geek.

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