chapter 42

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i had been looking around for gabriel for the past few minutes, i didn't know where he was. the church was small so there wasn't anywhere he could go.

the door was boarded up and the windows were as well, there wasn't anyway in or out. (unless you took the boards off the door)

carl and michonne were talking and playing with judith, i could faintly hear something, carl and michonne seemed to hear it as well.

both their smiles dropped and they looked towards the door.

"please! don't leave me out here!!" gabriel pleased from outside

carl immediately stood up and michonne followed after.

why was he in such a panic.?

gabriel banged on the door multiple times while yelling and pleading to be let inside.

carl grabbed something. michonne told him to wait up but he wasn't listening.

michonne put don't judith so that she could move faster. carl was trying to pry off the wood so that he could open the door for gabriel but to no avail.

gabriel desperately called out our names, yelling and even screamed for us to help him.

carl and i were trying the best we could to try and get the wood away from the door. it wasn't working.

"get back." michonne said

carl and i backed up at the same time. michonne raised the axe over her head and slammed it down on the piece of wood.

she did it multiple times. each time more and more wood split off from the larger piece.

gabriel started yelling louder for help, i could only imagine what his throat might feel like.

carl and i raised our guns at the door, just in case. there wouldn't be any good reason gabriel is yelling this loudly for help.

michonne took the axe and put it between the door and the piece of wood. she pulled it back and the wood piece fell on the floor.

carl moved forwards and the door flew open. gabriel ran inside, knocking me down in the process.

carl fired his gin twice and michonne withdrew her katana.

i scrambled to get up on my feet, once i was good and standing i moved behind michonne as directed by her.

tons of walkers were outside, some impaled by the metal poles, and the others were coming through the opening.

we all backed up as michonne did as well, she spiced off the heads of the walkers she could reach.

i shoved both carl and gabriel.

"take us to where ever the hell you got out from." i said and pushed gabriel further.

he turned right around and started walking as fast as he could.

he opened a door and went in, carl, i and michonne filing in after him.

he tried closing the door but the walkers had already placed their hands in between the door and the frame.

he couldn't close it. michonne grabbed a chair that was near by and brought it to the door,

gabriel turned his attention to carl and i, he pointed at the hole behind us which i assumed was where he got out from.

"that's how i got out. crawl under to the back. just go, take the little one and go." gabriel said very out of breath.

michonne turned to carl and took judith's carrier thing off her back and handed judith to carl.

i urged carl to go first since he was holding judith, he got down in the hole and ducked so that he could go.

i paused for a second. i looked back at gabriel. he was holding the door so that the walkers couldn't get in.

i was worried that he might not make it in time. the chair wasn't even in place yet, the walkers could definitely get in if he let go of that door.

i'd just have to trust that he would get out in time.

i got down and ducked my head and moved through the tunnel.

dirt falling down as i crawled, i couldn't see much, but i knew carl wasn't to far ahead of me.

carl got out and wiped his knees off, he turned around fast it literally scared me because i wasn't expecting him to do that.

i came out and my arm was grabbed, i wasn't paying attention to carl at the moment. i knew he was okay.

but i didn't know if michonne or gabriel were okay.

when michonne came out i was relieved but somehow still worried.

so worried in fact i felt like i was about to puke back everything id eaten.

but, when gabriel came out and fell the the ground i let out a breath i hadn't known i was holding.

the machete he was holding had blood on it, as well as a small bit of his uniform. just on the back though.

michonne stepped forwards and pulled him up, he turned to face her almost immediately.

"i can't run anymore." gabriel said out of breath

"we're not runnin' michonne replied

we all walked back to the front, which probably wasn't the smartest idea.

carl and i killed the walkers that had been impaled by the metal poles which wasn't very many.

michonne walked through the open part of the poles and towards the doors of the church, carl followed.

they both closed the church doors as fast as they could.

carl boarded the doors up, using the end of his gun to drive the nails into the wood and the door.

michonne tired a rope around the door knobs and making multiple knots to make sure it was steady.

the walkers put their hands and even arms through the door if they had room to do so.

we all backed up from the church door and let out sighs of relief now that it was over.

i've never felt more panic in my life, well. that's actually a lie.

i've definitely felt more panic than this,

the pit in my stomach didn't leave. i was shaken up, again. if gabriel didn't close the door in time, and maybe even if he hadn't had the strength to hold the door closed we all could have died.

even though it's something really small i felt the need to thank gabriel. was it something i should be thanking him for?

probably. we would have died if it wasn't for him keeping the door closed and not being a scaredy-cat and going down the hole first.

now what do we do? we can't just leave and have everyone else return and wonder where we went...

hope you enjoyed 😼😼

word count; 1107

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