chapter 60

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another week passed, time flys by. i heard about things, about jesse.

carol told me to watch, keep an eye out and tell her anything i found suspicious.

i didn't really see anything until recently, i saw a few bruises on sam. ron didn't look like he had any.

i saw rick heading out this morning, in the direction of jesse's house.

i stayed on the porch and watched everyone talk with each other.

there would be some times where they'd look at me and smile, other wise no one tried to talk to me.

"do you know of carols making anymore cookies...?" sam asked, he'd been sitting up on my porch for a while now.

he was out here when i came out here, "no, but i can ask her. is that what you want me to do?" i asked

"yes please" sam said

"she out right now, but i'll ask when gets home." i said

sam smiled, "thank you,"

i nodded and stared at him for a while before looking away.

i could hear yelling from a distance, i didn't look, its normal to hear yelling.

but sam got right up and looked,

i heard the sound of glass breaking, i looked around but didn't see anything.

"Y/N!! THEIR FIGHTING!!! MY DAD AND RICK ARE FIGHTING!" sam yelled at me, he sounded excited..?

i stood up immediately, we both ran over to see what the hell was going on. i knew rick wanted to do something about pete...i didn't think he'd do this though.

people ran, screamed and watched.

rick was on top of pete and beating the shit out of him.

pete was trying to reach up and get at rick, but rick wouldn't let him. glenn and nickolas ran over, rick punched pete in the face for trying to get at his face.

jesse looked like she was crying, ron and enid came outside, carl came running from carols house.

carol came outside too, sam hid behind me but he could still see what was happening.

rick went for pete's eyes, put pressure on them, pete got the upper hand and they switched.

pete was now on top, he was holding rick's throat. jesse tried to pull pete off rick. it didn't work.

pete slapped her with the back of his hand and he fell back. i moved forwards along with rosita. we helped jesse on to her feet and watched.

rick head butted pete. rick was back in top, he was choking pete once again.

carl ran over and told rick he needed to stop. rick pushed him away, rick punched pete's face multiple times.

rick rolled to the side and placed his arm around pete's throat.

his breathing was heavy, "STOP IT. stop it, right now." deanna said

"you touch them again and i'll kill you." rick said to pete

"damn it, rick! i said stop!" deanna yelled

"or what? rick said pulling out a gun and pointing towards deana and everyone who was over by her.

"you gonna kick me out?" rick added

"put that gun down, rick." deanna said

rick caught his breath and slowly put the gun down.

"you still don't get it.  none of you do. we know what needs to be done and we do it. we're the ones who live."

(uhm wait. 'the ones who live.' interesting)

"YOU. you just sit and plan and hesitate. you pretend like you know when you don't. you wish things weren't what they are. well, you want to live.  you want this place to stay standing. your way of doing things is done. things don't get better because you want them to. starting right now, we have to live in the real world. we have to control who lives here." rick said

"that's never been more clear to me than it is right now." deanna replied

"me?! me? mean me?" rick said giving a laugh

"your way is gonna destroy this place. it's gonna get people killed. is already gotten people killed. and i'm not gonna stand by and just let it happen. if you don't fight, you die. i'm not gonna stand by..." rick said

michonne hit rick over the head with the back of her gun, rick fell over.

now what the hell do we do? everyone here is going to think our group is fucking crazy.

michonne picked up ricks gun off of him.  she turned her head slowly towards deanna, she stared at them and didn't look away.

she looked annoyed as hell.

everyone whispered and walked away in panic,

rosita talked to jesse to make sure she was okay, carol went back inside and closed the front door behind her.

ron rushed over to his mother and made sure she was okay before giving me the dirtiest look i've ever seen.

what the hell did i do? not my fault your dads an asshole.

i went back home with jesse and sam, pete didn't come back home for another hour. once he saw me he got irritated again.

"what are you doing here?!" pete asked me, raising his voice

"making sure their okay, since you obviously don't care if they are or not. and don't raise your voice at me." i said

pete glared daggers into me, i don't think he's ever had someone talk back to him.

"you must be so irritated that you can't take your anger out on them while i'm here..poor you." i said

"i can do what i want. how are you supposed to stop me" pete asked

"i have a gun, you raise a hand to them and ill shoot you." i said

he went up the stairs, jesse was shaken up and sam was sitting next to her, ron was in the kitchen.

i could feel his eyes on the back of my head. why is he acting like he hates me so much,
this is ridiculous.

word count; 1002

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