chapter 26

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It's been roughly three months since we'd gotten out of Woodbury and back to the prison.

I'd met someone while I was wondering around the prison, the girl said she followed us from Woodbury.

She would give me updates on everything that was happening so I knew that hell was going down over there.

The people weren't happy. That was up until Andrea gave a speech to everyone.

A flu broke out, it killed most of the people in the prison. It was horrible.

We almost lost was horrifying. People where dropping flies left and right.

Thinking of everyone...I actually got my hands on a camera. And I might have secretly taken photos of everyone.

I was lucky enough to get a photo of the original group before everyone else in the prison showed up.

I just pushed everyone who wasn't in the original group out of the picture frame.

A Lot has happened.

Michonne and Hershel went out to a few hours ago take care of something I don't listen very well so I didn't hear what they went out to do.

I just saw them leave with some gasoline and things so set fire with.

A huge explosion brought me out of my thinking.

I ran outside along with everyone else.

In front of the gate were cars. And a tank.

"Rick! Come down here!" The governor yelled

"We need to talk!" He added

Jesus Christ.

"It's not up to me! There's a council now. They run this place." Rick yelled back

"Hershel on the council?" The governor yelled

He motioned to someone and they put down their gun and pulled someone out of the car.


They brought him to his knees not to far from them.

"What about michonne?" The governor asked

A man pulled her out of the car and placed her on her knees by hershel.

"She on the council, too?" The governor asked

"I don't make decisions anymore!" Rick yelled to him

"You're making the decisions today, Rick. Come down here. Let's have that talk." The governor said

Daryl and Rick looked at each other. Daryl gave Rick a nod.

Rick turned around and faced Carl and I. He placed his hand on both our shoulders.

"We can do this. All right?" Rick said quietly

Rick turned around and walked away. Carl grabbed my hand ans gave it a squeeze.

I glanced at him and than turned my attention back to Rick.

"We can't take 'em all on. We'll go through the admin building, through the woods like we planned. We ain't got the numbers no more. When's the last time someone checked the stash on the bus?" Daryl said

"Day before we hit the big spot. we were running low on rations then. We're lower now." Sasha said

"Yeah, we'll manage. Things go south, everyone heads for that bus. Let everyone know." Daryl said

"What if everybody doesn't know when things go bad? How long do we wait?" Tyreese said

"As long as we can." Daryl said walking away

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