chapter 34

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after everything was settled, rick pulled carl and i off to the side. i wasn't sure for what but i followed behind carl.

rick kind of kneeled down beside the bench and carl and i sat down and turned our body's to face rick.

"listen, i don't trust this guy-" rick started to say

"why?" carl asked

"why do you trust him?" rick throw an answer at carl instead of answering his

"everybody can't be bad." carl said

rick nodded and looked at the floor for a few seconds before looking back up at us.

"well..i don't trust this guy. and that's why i'm bringing him with me. but he could have friends. so i need you two to stay alert. help tyreese protect judith, okay?" rick explained

i nodded and so did carl, we both waited for rick to continue speaking.

"now, i need you two to hear what im about to say." rick said firmly

"okay" carl replied

rick glanced over at me and i nodded

"you are not safe. no matter how many people are around. or how clear it looks, no matter what anyone says, no matter what you think, you are not safe. it one takes one second. one second and it's all over. never let your guards down, ever. i want you guys to promise me that." rick said

i think he did more of scaring just then anything, of course, i knew that you could never really be safe in the world we live in.

but, it's just somehow scarier hearing someone tell you that you will never be safe.

"promise" i said

"i promise" carl said

"okay." rick said

he stood up and started to walk away but carl called for him and he stopped and slightly turned to carl before turning all the way around.

"you're right. i am strong. we both are. but we're strong enough that we can still help people. and we can handle ourselves if things go wrong. and we're strong enough that we don't have to be afraid and we don't have to hide." carl said

"well, he's hidin' something." rick said

"we'll stay safe, dad." carl said looking up at his dad

rick patter his shoulder and walked away.


rick and some of the others went with, i could hear the birds chirping. i would occasionally hear the sound of the wind passing through the trees.

the light was shining in from the windows on the walls.

i'd wished i had went with them, but rick trusted that i would stay behind and help look after judith.

maybe i could go outside for a little while. get a little sunlight, not that i haven't been getting enough already.

i looked up from the knife i was playing with in my hands, bad idea? probably. i'd cut my finger a little a few minutes back.

it hurt but strangely enough i didn't care that it hurt, it would be weird if i said i liked it, wouldn't it..?

it shouldn't take long until rick gets back, ty is watching judith and carl went outside.

what do i do..? usually i have someone else telling me where to go and what i need to be doing.

now that there isn't anybody at the moment i have no clue what i want to do.

"hey y/n! come look at this" carl called from the church door

i got up and walked over, i wonder what he found.

we went down the steps and took a right, it didn't look like anything weird was going on. what did he need?

he walked a few paces ahead of me and stopped, i stopped next to him and looked around. i didn't see anything.

"uh- what's going on?" i asked

he didn't answer he kept staring at the window, i looked but didn't see anything so i stepped closer.

just scratches, nothing really special. they don't seem to be fresh, not that i could tell if they were or not.

"hey. tyreese said you two were out back. come on in. we found food, a lot of it." rick said approaching us

i didn't expect them to be back so quickly.

"good" carl replied

rick stepped forward and looked at carl "what is it.?" rick asked

"those scratches. they're deep, like knifes or something. someone was trying to get in. i found something else." carl said

rick and i both glanced at each other, for what reason? i'm not sure. but we both followed after carl.

"i don't know what happened, but whatever it is, we can handle it." carl said

rick looked at him and then looked at the wall.

"doesn't mean gabriel is a bad guy for sure, but it means something." carl added

'you'll burn for this' was carved into the wall.

that's creepy.

i haven't gotten everything taken care of so i'll be posting whenever i have the time.

school topped on everything else im trying to deal with makes everything 10x harder. anyways, i hope you enjoyed!

word count; 846

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