chapter 12

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carls body hit the ground with a thud and I processed what the hell just happened. rick and shane were already over by carl by the time I snapped back.

shane had the guy who had shot carl and the deer. I didn't care to get a good look at the guy. rick picked up carl and we all ran.

the man was telling us were to go, we broke into an open field and I was keeping pace with rick just in case.

rick turned around.

"how far??? how far?!" rick yelled

"another hald mile that way! hershel. talk to hershel! he'll help your boy!" the man said

rick and I ran for it. he was trying the best he could with carl in his arms.

me and rick weren't far from a white two-story farm house.

"do you need me to run up there????" I asked

"YES. GO." rick yelled

I heard ricks words and I bolted. I think I ran faster than I ever had. but I was doing this for carl. I couldn't lose him. his family couldn't..

there was a woman on the porch who ran inside and got some people and they came out.

I stopped and tried to get words out of my mouth while trying to breathe.

"a come to..hershel..he's one of yours..big man..he..he.." I said trying to catch my breath.

"was he bit?" hershel asked

rick was already up here by the time they'd come out.

"shot. by your man." rick said

"otis?" a woman asked

"he said find hershel. is that you?" rick said

"get him inside. get him inside!" hershel said

everyone rushed inside.

"patricia, I need my full kit. maggie. painkillers, coagulates. grab everything. clean towels, sheets, alcohol." hershel said

"in here." hershel said

he bent down and cleared a spot on the bed. and steppped away allowing rick to set carl on the bed.

"pillowcase." hershel said

"is he alive??" rick asked

"pillowcase, quick. fold it. make a pad. put pressure on the wound." hershel said

rick followed what he said, everyone else was walking around the room. I was standing in the door way.

ricks bloody hands were putting pressure on carls wound while hershel was checking to see if carl had a heartbeat.

"I've got a heartbeat. it's faint." hershel said

"I've got it, step back." patricia told rick

rick stepped back and hershel turned around. patricia put pressure on the wound.

"maggie, IV" hershel said

"we need some space" maggie told rick

"your name?" hershel asked

"rick." rick said

"rick, we're gonna do everything we can, okay? you need to give us some room. now." hershel said

I stepped back and sat down on the couch. I had my head in my hands and I was shaking. if, I can't think like that. he's going to survive.

rick went back into the room as with shane and otis.

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