chapter 32

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we walked on the train tracks, this time we went the opposite way of terminus.

i was still holding judith, she had fallen asleep but her grip was strong because she was still holding on to the fabric of my shirt.

we made a left turn and walked in the woods, did we know where we were going? i didn't, im not sure anyone else did either.

obviously, i mean we don't know the area so we don't know what's around us and what isn't.

we found a suitable spot to stay for the moment, everyone put their things down and stood around or sat down.

i had handed judith to carl so i could wander around, i probably shouldn't be going off alone.

but i was curious and wanted to see what i was around, or in. i didn't go to far from the group, they could still see me.

i didn't see anything, it was just trees and grass.

i turned around to head back, rick was talking to tara, maggie was with glenn, carl was sitting down with judith.

i was a flash out of the corner of my eye and looked over, it wasn't anything. maybe i'm starting to go mad.

i got back as quickly as i could, i didn't mention anything since i could have just been seeing things, which wouldn't be unusual for me.

"you didn't want to be there. that's why i tried to talk to you. glenn told me you saved his life." rick said to tara

"he saved mine." tara chuckled and moved her head slightly

"that's how it works with us, right?" rick said

"right" tara replied

rick turned to walk away and tara said 'hey' getting his attention, he turned back around and she had her fist out.

he looked at her fist and laughed lightly before giving her a fist bump.

"get something to eat. well start back at sunup." rick told tara

rick walked away and tara stood there for a good minute, i turned my attention to judith who was making baby noises and pinching at carls face.

i would hate if she was doing that to me, her nails haven't been cut yet. so i know for sure that has to hurt on some level.


after many days of walking around and setting up camp for the night we were now walking in a different direction.

it wasn't to far off of the direction we'd been walking for the past few days.

"uh, wet socks" sasha said

"cool feet" bob replied

"mosquito bites" she said back

"itching reminds you you're alive." bob said

"danger around every corner." sasha said

"never a dull moment" bob said

"the hot sun beating down on you" sasha said

"come on, a glorious tan" bob chuckled "i said it and i meant it" he added

"no privacy" sasha said

"captive audience." bob said he kissed sasha and then three more times

i made a 'ewww' comment under my breath and daryl nudged me with his elbow

"what. it grosses me out." i said

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