chapter 68

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sam finally spoke up after no body but me realized he'd been standing around.

"mom..?!" sam asked, his voice was shaky

sam's eyes moved around the room, he looked at the floor and then to everyone who had sheets on covered in blood and guts.

jesse stood up and walked over to sam, she bent down and placed her hands on both his shoulders.

she looked at him for a good minute before she started talking to him.

"you need to listen to me, okay? we aren't safe here anymore. okay, we need to do this so that we can be safe out there. we need to look like the monsters." jesse tried explaining to sam

sam shook his head and started tearing up.

"no, please, no." sam said at the verge of crying

"yes, honey, we have to go, okay? we have to, sam. honey.., just.. just pretend you're brave. okay? just make it all pretend. okay? none of this is real and you're somebody who isn't afraid. okay?" jesse said

her head nodded along with the words she was saying. i felt bad, not for sam..he was scared, and that was reasonable. but i felt bad that jesse might die because of sam.

sam agreed to go along with what jesse wanted him to.

he stepped inside the room and jesse helped him get ready for going downstairs.

she kept having to tell him he was going to be okay. michonne went outside the room ans looked over the stairs.

she leaned her head back inside the room. "we have to go, now." michonne whispered

rick and gabriel left the room, rick checked downstairs by leaning his head over the railing.

once he'd seen that it was clear he backed up and looked at everyone.

"we're ready." jesse said

ron stood on carls right, i stood on carls left. carls hand intertwined with mine and he gave it a squeeze.

"ron?" jesse asked

ron stared at the ground, though his mom called him he didn't look up. ron shifted his weight to one foot.

"yeah?" ron asked

"i'll get judith.." rick said

"rick. i'm not gonna give up out there. i will not turn back, no matter what happens." gabriel said

rick nodded, sweat dropped from the hair that laid there. "yeah, i know."

rick walked past me and jesse. sam stood in front of her, her hands on his shoulders. he was looking at the floor.

sam was still shaking, he fidgeted with his fingers. his mom didn't seem to care that sam was telling himself to knock it off and to be a "brave boy."

i knew carol told him things, just to make him afraid. but is this the result of all that?

is this really what she caused? or was this sam fooling himself into thinking whatever he made up in his head was true?

rick walked back into the small hallway with judith out in front of him. jesse moved out of the way. rick placed judith under his sheet.

jesse made sure her gun was loaded and that it was off the safety mode, she adjusted her sheet and held on to sam's hand.

rick was the first one to go down the stairs. carl and i followed.

rick's hands overs the couch over to the side just enough for everyone to get through. rick's blood stained hands stained the couch as he moved it.

carl held my hand tightly as we walked through all the walkers, they would come really close to us and then turn away.

immune..? (TWD) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now