chapter 58

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it was like it was aiden's lucky day. glenn, nickolas and noah showed up to help him.

"hey, it's gonna be okay. we're gonna get you out of here. all right? everything's gonna be okay. i need you to stay quiet, okay? can you do that?" glenn said

aiden nodded his head.

they pulled him up in attempt to get him off the pole but it didn't work.

the flare was starting to go out and aiden's screams were getting the walkers attentions.

nickolas was the first one to run. aiden told us we. needed to get out. he said he had to pay for leaving behind his old crew.

the walkers were right behind us, noah, glenn and i ran.

we ran into this lobby, nickolas was out of the store walkers were outside and coming front in front of where we stood.

noah and glenn took care of the walkers that came near us.

nickolas tried to take care of the walkers that were outside, he managed to take down maybe 4 before coming right back into the store.

"i'm out!!" glenn said

"let's go!! come on!" noah said grabbing glenn.

glenn grabbed me and we all three went into one of the sections for the rotating door.

at the same time nickolas entered the section next to ours.
there were only two sections separating us from the walkers.

nickolas was freaking out, he was pushing in either side of the door trying to get out.

"hey! maybe...maybe we can shoot our way past them. you guys still have guns." nickolas said frantically

"and you have the ammo!" glenn yelled

"we've got to do something, man. we're gonna die in here." nickolas said

glenn looked around for anything, but found nothing.

"there had to be another way. there was to be a way." noah said

the van music started playing and the horn honked.

eugene yelled at the walkers, it was enough to draw them away. the only problem now, was the walkers inside.

they were keeping us from fully getting to open the door. i thought about risking getting bit a few times to save everyone here.

nickolas and noah would ask questions and nickolas would definitely rat me out. it's not worth it.

"all right. hey! i need you both.. HEY, NICKOLAS." glenn said raising his voice and hitting the glass to get his attention

"i need you both to keep the door steady, all right? i'm gonna break the glass. we get out, you push out. we get the rifle and we're good." glenn said

i helped the best i could, i leaned against the other side of the door with noah. all my body weight and strength went into trying to hold it still.

glenn hit the end of the gun on the door a few times, he failed to break the glass but succeeded in freaking out nickolas.

"NO! NO! STOP ITS NOT SAFE!!" nickolas yelled

noah leaned more into the door and glenn spoke to nickolas trying to calm him.

"this is the only way." glenn said

"NO. it's not going to break." nickolas said shaking his had multiple times

"it will" glenn replied

"we can hold it. we can." noah reassured

"trust me, okay? count to three" glenn said

nickolas nodded his head,




glenn was about to hit the door with the back of the gun again.
nickolas pushed the door in attempt to get out.

he put his foot through the small crack it made and pushed his way out.

noah and i were getting pushed into the walkers, glenn was glancing back at us and freaking the hell out.

glenn yelled at nickolas to stop, but he didn't. he kept pushing.

he got his arm out and then eventually his whole body. glenn grabbed on to noah and i, while at the same time trying to push the door back.

i tripped as noah was pulled to the ground. glenn grabbed me but i was grabbing noah so i could help.

both noah and i were pulled, i was kicked and i held my shoulder. i was away from the rotating door.

noah was still inside, i heard his scream. blood pooled under the walkers and i heard the sound.

it was like you were chewing into some really juicy meat you just cooked up.

some of his flesh dropped to the ground. it looked like raw ground beef.

i heard the sound of his flesh being ripped right off his body.

i couldn't see glenn, which meant he couldn't see me. i heard his cries. i didn't want to draw attention to myself.

with myself and a few other things in mind i ran off, trying to see if maybe i would find another way out. glenn can get out.

he'll be safe. i don't know about anyone else.

i didn't have time to think about what happened, i had to get out of this place. the image of what noah's face looked like before we both went down stayed in my mind as i searched.

i found an exit and went from there.


it took a while, my legs were tired, i was tired.

by the time i'd gotten back to alexandria i collapsed in michonnes arms. she was on her check around,

"y/n?! what happened? where is everyone else?! y/n?!" michonne asked.

"we..we were out getting some stupid micro things. things got bad, we were chased down by-" i started to say

i heard glenn screaming for help. he sounded so desperate and i wanted to get up.

i pushed off michonne, but she wouldn't let me get up on my own.

she picked me up, she didn't need to. i could walk just fine on my own.

"i can walk." i said

"right. your legs are shaking and you were walking incredibly slow." michonne said

she placed her arm under me knee and the other on my back. lifted me up and we were off in glenn's direction in no time.

word count; 1016

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