chapter 28

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there was arguing from a little far away. they were yelling at each other about claiming something?

it sounded real stupid to me. the closer the voices got the more uncomfortable i got.

i was alone. and it sounded as if there were 4 men around.

walking faster didn't seem to help. like at all. it was almost as if they were following me.

i looked around hut that didn't seem to be the case.

"the hell? i already said i claimed that." a man said

"i didn't hear it. i claim it." another man said

there was more fighting. this time about the stupid snake they'd found. why can't they all find a way to share? i know there isn't much that you can share of a snake.

but, i'm sure they could figure something out instead of fighting like some kindergartens over who's turn it was to play in the toy kitchen.

(this was actually something the kids would fight over when i was in kindergarten 😭)

"maybe you should be faster with claimin' shit. stop throwin' a fit over everything. you get it or you don't get it. you'll live." a man with a heavy southern accent said

i walked a little more before i heard a voice again. it was closer. no, the voice. it was behind me.

"i'm claimin' her." the man with the southern accent said again

i realized the man was taking about me, i turned around. lucky and unlucky.

firstly, it was daryl who said that. secondly, and the unlucky part was that i'm stuck with the other men.

how nice. i was looking for some assholes to be besties with.

"that was the first thing you actually claimed. you were fast with it to, guess you really want to the girl" a man to daryl's right said

"what on earth happened to you? you aren't with your dad?" daryl asked coming over to me and wiping the blood off the corner of my face

"i don't know where he is. all i can remember is a huge explosion goin' off. probably got caught up in it." i said

daryl let out a heavy sigh and shook his head.

"well, im glad your okay. anyways, just stay by me and you'll be just fine." daryl said

"okay" i replied

daryl finished up wiping the blood from my face, he said the injury on my head wasn't anything to be worried about. which, for now. i'll believe.


it was night fall. daryl was sitting up next to me while i was laying down. he said he wanted to keep watch over me while i was sleeping in case anything bad happened.

i think we all know what he really meant. i couldn't sleep, it was cold. even with daryl's jacket. i wasn't warm.

"still cold?" daryl said looking over to me

i made an 'mhm' sound and daryl had taken off a sweater he had on and passed it to me.

it was a little surprising to say the least. but none the less, i was slightly warmer.

"we're going out to look for some things, animals, or anything we can find to eat." the leader said

in the dead of night...?

daryl stood up and i stood up along with him.

"don't you think she should stay? it's cold. she could stay around with the other guy who's staying." the leader suggested

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