chapter 9

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tw: mentions of suicide.

shane and rick came in and took jim out of the RV and put him down by a tree. I walked out of the RV a little after them.

we all walked up to the tree jim, rick and shane were at.

"hey..another damn tree." jim said letting out a weak chuckle

"hey, jim. I mean, you know it doesn't need to be this." shane said

"no. it's good. the breeze feels nice." jim said

"okay, alright." shane said

carl nudged me in my side and I looked over at him.

"let's play tag with sofia." carl said

I nodded and sofia and I decided that carl would be the one whos it.

carl came after me first. I ran as fast as I could which put a huge gab between me and carl. my side started to feel like it was tightening which for me was a normal thing that happens when I run.

since carl was still coming after me I kept running. he gave up and chased after sofia. I had a little time to catch my breath before carl saw me sitting around not running.

he took off after me and I ran for it. I ran past the adults as fast as I could and carl was a little behind me.

glenn and lori stopped to watch what was going on, lori gave a little laugh and coral turned her head and smiled seeing sofia play with me and carl.

I'd ran past sofia but stopped and hurried back and grabbed her wrist. she slowed me down a little but she was trying to match my pace which made it a little easier to run with her.

"sofia go that way, run as fast as your legs will let you!" I said

I let go of sofia and she ran in the other direction. carl decided to go after sofia since he could probably catch up to her.

carl was getting tired of not being able to catch us so he invited andrea and shane to play.

since shane thought he was faster than all of us he decided to be it.

shane went after carl, he was making "rahhh' noises while he chased after him.

carl was laughing and giggling. it was funny seeing shane be like this. I haven't seen him like this since..rick showed up.

"go after y/n!!" carl said laughing

and thats what shane did. for a police officer shane was pretty slow. I guess I have the upper hand since I was in track for a year.

"need help???" glenn call out to me

I shook my head and kept running. there wasn't a huge gab between me and shane. it was maybe a few feet.

"lori is the safe point!" shane yelled

I looked around for lori and she was far away. but I could make it. maybe.

I started sprinting. before I knew it I wrapped my arms around lori.

I stuck my tongue at shane and laughed.

"that kid can run like hell." I heard daryl say

shane turned around and went after the others who were playing.

sometime later everyone go back in their cars and we drove off. I was in the back in the same place I was when jim was back here with me.

I looked out the window and waved bye to jim with a smile. he looked happy from the looks of it. even though he was going to die soon...he looked happy.

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