45k special

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(ending 3-...?)

i packed up lunch for the big lunch everyone planned to have,

after everything was sorted i picked up all the bags and headed to the front door.

"clementine!!! nathan!!! let's go! we're going to be late!!" i yelled

i heard the sounds of them running down the hallway, they laughed and joked with each other.

"any idea where your dad is?" i asked

they both shook their heads and snuck looks at each other like they had something planned.

"alright, you two ready to see grandma and grandpa again?" i asked

"yesss!!" clem answered

nathan only nodded his head but i could tell he
was still excited.

we walked out the door, i could already see the table we'd be sitting at. i had my kids at 18, which didn't really make maggie and glenn as old as 'grandpa and grandma' make them seem.

but they're in their thirties now. i'm only 25, and the twins are 7, they'll be 8 soon enough..

god they grew up so fast. it was like...i looked away, took my eyes off them for a single moment and now their grown.

i waved to rick, he waved back. michonne was standing right next to him. her baby bump looked like it grows by the day.

carl was sitting down at the table and talking with judith. hershel (maggie's son not grandpa) was sitting next to mom.

abraham, sasha, rosita, dad(glenn), mom (maggie), michonne, rick, carl, judith, my sister, little brother, uncle negan, daryl, lori, shane, andrea, dale, hershel greene, bob,

(basically every one who's been in group with rick since season one is going to be at the table)

"y/n!! how are you?" lori asked

i kind of tried avoiding her sometimes, but today is supposed to be a meet up, so id have to deal with her.

"i'm great! how have you been?" i asked slipping into the personally i usually put up around people

"i've been good, you know, just taken care of my little ones." lori said

"you have more kids?" i asked

"oh, dear no. i'm to old for that. i was taking about carl and judith." lori said laughing a little

"oh yeah, right." i said nodding my head

"have my grand babies been?" lori asked

i accidentally made a face, but she didn't realize,

"they've been fine, they were excited to see maggie and glenn. i heard maggie is having another one soon, im happy for her." i said

"me too, it's great." lori said smiling

i sat my kids down at the table and made sure they had what they wanted to eat. the adults sat down as well.

we all poured our drinks and laughed, abraham was mostly creaking jokes. unfunny but also somehow funny dad jokes.

the table had candles all over it, the kids laughed with each other.

i drank my water, wasn't trying to really drink anything else. i'm not much of a drinker, never have been.

the morning sky was as hot as ever. "mommy?" clem said

i turned my head, she was standing in front of me,

"daddy needs you, he says he broke something and wanted to know if you'd be able to fix it" clem said looking down at her shoes

did she break it...?

"okay, take a seat and i'll be back, have fun, okay?" i said

she nodded and i headed over to carl. he'd been bent down looking at something.

"you needed me?" i asked

"yeah, i broke something, it's behind you. mind taking a look at it? i have some of the pieces right now. i'm looking for the rest, it shattered." carl said

i turned around, i looked at the ground. my eyes scanned the grass, i didn't see anything. not a single piece.

the grass was pretty short and it was really sunny so i should have been able to see the glass shining in the sun.

i turned back around, "there isn't any-" i said, i only stopped talking when i realized what happened.

"you're joking. quit playing around." i said

carl was on one knee, he had a ring in the other. i look at everyone else, they watched.

had they been apart of this whole thing?

"y/n..-" carl started

"you don't have to say anything." i said

"i want to, so please let me?" carl asked

i took a breath in, id probably need it.

"y/n, my girlfriend, the mother of my amazing children, i'm asking you today. june 6th, if you would marry me. i won't give a long speech since i know you don't take a liking to those. but i want you to know, i love you, and i always will." carl said

"yes, i'll marry you." i said

he immediately got up on his feet and hugged me, his turned in circles. everyone cheered, some cried.

i cried. my children didn't really understand what was going on but they clapped their hands and cheered.

i guess this would be a good time to tell everyone im expecting..

word count; 857

immune..? (TWD) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now