44k special

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(ending 2-...??)

i laid in bed, it's been a while since i've gotten up. or, in actuality, i can't.

i'm not allowed out of the room, no one's allowed in either, i've been put under watch. as of late, i've been having fevers.

everything someone experiences when they are going to turn is what i'm experiencing now, and have been for a few days now.

it's coming slowly, but i know the outcome of my situation, i asked everyone to let me...take myself out if you will.

i didn't want anyone doing it for me, i didn't want the slight chance they might hesitate to be in the equation.

i know when it comes down to it, i won't hesitate. not if it's for the good of everyone living in Alexandria.

i did receive notes from everyone regarding my situation, it was their goodbyes.

i reached over and grabbed a random note,


"i never imagined the day you'd have to go through this, alone. i wish i could be in there with you, tell you you'll be okay, but i know you know that's not the truth. so, this is my goodbye. you were a good kid, and im sure i'll miss you"

i smiled, placed it next to me and grabbed another note.

the title read, your uncle, negan,

"damn kid. shit, i have absolutely no clue what to write. they wouldn't let me see you. so this is my best attempt at writing you a letter. if you're dad was here, i'm sure he'd kick ass to see you one last time, though, you were the one who took him out when you saw him. no judgement of course, it was badass."

i rolled my eyes and let out a short laugh before coughing.
i thought that was supposed to be a goodbye.

i grabbed another note,


"i'm sorry this is where it has to end for you, i went through your room and took things, i want something to remember you by. if that's okay with you, i enjoyed the time we had together. when i was with you it was like i was taking care of one of my own, you know? i'll make sure to tell hershel good stories about you. i'll make sure your kids know how great you were."

i saw some dry wet spots on the paper, she'd been crying while reading this...

another note, this time it was from carol..

"i'm writing for daryl and i, he couldn't write his own. i wanted to thank you, for everything you did for me, back at the camp as well as here. daryl wanted to say, he's thankful that you showed him what having a child could be like, he says he's going to take some things in your bedroom to remember you by, i think that's what everyone is doing. it was nice knowing you, hun"

i let out a sigh, i closed my eyes and tilted my head back on the bed frame. i knew who's letter was next.


"looks like we're going at the same time, what a coincidence. you know i'll miss you, right? i love you, i haven't gotten the chance to say that yet. but i wanted to let you know now i guess. isn't the right time, but this will probably be the last time you hear from me. i know you'll make it longer than i will, you're strong. and the kids, i left them in michonnes hands, i know you'll be at ease with this decision. the two things i regret are, not being in that room with you in my last moments, and not being able to protect you. if i had you wouldn't have to be in this situation. you'd be raising our twins, with or without me. i wrote notes for them to read when they grow up, things about you, me and everyone here. mostly about us though. i wanted them to know that their mom and dad loved each other. i'm sorry you didn't get enough time with them. and i'm also sorry that the world has been so cruel and unfair. i'll see you on the other side, okay?"


i stared at his note, i closed my eyes. they started to fell heavy, i knew id been a goner anytime now.

i've read their notes 100 times it feels like, but his still gets to me. he was fair more prepared than i was.

i didn't write notes for anyone. and i can't start now because i know i wont finish them.

i can't even bare the thought of starting them, i know he's gone. he's been gone. but i still want to write him a letter...

tears roll down my face as i look at the gun that rests beside me, glenn's gun. the one he'd given to me days before his passing.

i didn't get to say my goodbye to him, he was gone in a flash, that's something i can't get over..

if i have one regret, it's that i was to stubborn to go with my uncle when he warned me it would be best for me.

maybe then, glenn would still be here. seeing his child and living a proper life, one he so greatly deserved.

i was glad i met him, i was glad i got to meet everyone.

this life, the one i lived was neither a blessing nor a curse.

i lifted the gun and put it to my head, pulling the trigger.

AHAHAHAHAH, so, i wanted to give you guys different endings that could possibly happen in the story. it doesn't mean it will, just..keep them in mind.

there's only 2 right now, but i'm sure there will be more. (maybe)

word count; 981

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