chapter 61

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a day went by, deanna put pete inside another home. deanna told me to drop by every 2-3 hours to make sure pete wasn't with jesse and her kids.

i heard from michonne that rick had woken up, carl went a few times to check up on his father. but was sent home by michonne a few hours later.

i walked around the place, people didn't seem to mind me. but anyone else in the group they kept their distance from.

i made my way over to the gate and climbed it. i walked into the woods, i walked around for a little.

i stopped and bent down when i saw a walker, the letter W was carved into its forehead. i remember seeing this before.

maybe someone is marking their kills, like a game of some sort between friends.


hours went by, eventually night came and the adults were planning to go to the meeting.

earlier i heard maggie and deanna talking with each other. i was only walking by, they sounded angry with one another.

i decided it wouldn't be worth my time to snoop in that.

i wasn't told i could go to the meeting, but i doubt anyone will tell me to go home once im already there,

with that in mind i kept walking around the place, the meeting would start in few hours, i had time to do whatever i wanted right now.

i've already been outside the walls, i helped carol cook earlier, i read to sam, ive just been walking around now.

there isn't much i can do. there are these two little kids, they remind me of lizzie and it's disturbing.

they name the walkers, they hang around the gate. which isn't normally open. but when no one's on duty they'll speak to any walker that gets close to the gate.

once someone's back on duty, they run off like nothing ever happened.
i wonder if they'll end up like lizzie. i hope so.


everyone who was attending the meeting gathered by night time, it was crowed so i knew i wouldn't be seen.

"we're going to start" deanna said

"can we wait? there's still people comin. glenn, rick." maggie said

"we're going to start." deanna repeated "irs already dark. we're going to talk about what happened. not the fight, not what precipitated it, we're dealing with that we're going to talk about on of our constables, rick grimes." deann said

she glanced at the ground, took in a deep breath and looked back up.

"we're going to talk about how he had a pistol he stole from the armory. about how he pointed it at people. and we're going to talk about what he said. i was hoping he'd be here." deanna added

"she said he's coming." michonne said

"i'm sure he'll be here. and i'm sure we can work this all out." carol said

"and after being out there...and then not being how you were out there, it can drive you crazy. rick just wants his family to live. he wants all of you to live. who he is, is who your gonna be if you're lucky." michonne said

"rick grimes saved my life. over and over, there's horrifying people out there and he recused me from them. people like me, people us NEED people like him. i know what happened last night was scary, and im sure he's sorry for that. but maybe we should listen to what he was saying." carol said, looking around at everyone and giving them a smile.

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