chapter 62

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(sorry that there isn't any filler in this story, you guys just tell me if that's what you want and i'll see if i can fit a few chapters in somewhere. i just like to get into action and im sure you guys do too.)

(on to season 6...)

after what happened that night, rick and everyone else were...some what accepted back into the community.

everything was going good, up until rick and morgan warned everyone of a huge nest of walkers.

and as of now, rick was dealing with them. along with some other people.

"i know this sounds insane, but this is an insane world. we have to come for them before they come for us. it's that simple." rick said

the only thing that's keeping the walkers away from everyone here is the two semi trucks, the pressure all the walkers are putting on them are making them move forwards slightly.

"this is where it all starts tomorrow. tobin gets in the truck, opens the exit and we're off. he hops out, catches up with his team at red staying in the west side of the road. daryl gets on his bike." rick said

a loud thud was heard, "you see that?" sasha asked point towards the semis

some people moved slightly away, it wasn't anywhere that was close to us. i don't know why they did that.
on the other side the semi fell due to the rocks below caving in.

"it's open!!! we got to do this now! we're doing this now!" rick yelled

everyone ran around, grabbing what they needed and getting into position.

"tobins group, get moving, GO!!" rick yelled

"NO, rick, we're not ready." tobin said

"SASHA, ABRAHAM!" rick yelled

"damn straight! we'll do it live." abraham replied

"you meet daryl at red. let him take them through the gauntlet." rick frantically explained

everyone in the front prepared their weapons. rico yelled at everyone to get the fuck ready.


i shot the flares right up and in the exact position rick told me to be in.

which was just standing in a specific spot that way everyone could see it if needed.
right after i shot mine someone else shot theirs up.

more went up into the sky, each a few seconds after each other. rick yelled and tobin to move the truck and the walkers came walking through.

daryl turned on his bike and made sure that it made a lot of noise so the walkers would head straight for him.

as soon as one walker had an eye on him the rest followed, its weird that they all follow one instead of just going their own way..

rick sent a group with me, we were to head back home and keep firing the flares as well as kill any and all walkers we see on the way.

of course, with the exception of if it's a huge group of them. if that happens, we were introduced to run.

i could hear flares going off in the distance, we made it half way back before someone needed to stop and take a break from walking.

i turned around to see who it was, i hadn't noticed was that girl ron told me about, the one who was following me around.

noelle i think her name was? she's five years older than me, which her name and age match up with my elder sisters, but she looks nothing like her.

could just be a coincidence.

we sat down, everyone talked with each other and didn't set off any flares since we stayed in the same place.


i waited outside the gates for a long time, everyone was talking with each other through the walkie talkie.

i was on stand by just in case, i knew i didn't need to be. but i felt better just being on the other side of anyone needed assistance.

the closest place is the yellow stop. it's a long walk, but you'll get their fast enough if you sprint all the way.

which is what i planned to do if they needed me to.

the woman noelle stayed outside with me, she kept glancing at me. like she wanted to say something. but she never did...

what i was hearing from the walkie was that everything was going okay, and on track.

"y/nnn!!!" i heard someone say

"do you mind taking this..? come and find me if something happens." i said handing over the walkie to noelle

i opened the gate with someone also helping on the other side.

i got in and looked around for who might have been calling my name. i didn't see anyone, children played and parents watched.

i saw a brown haired boy run past a tree and then behind a house, i paid no attention to that since his mother was following after him.

maybe im just hearing things, i have been feeling off as of late, seeing things that aren't there, hearing things, weird dreams.

it was something that needed to be looked into, but we didn't have a nurse, and i couldn't just self diagnose.

i have a speculation that it might be because of how much sleep i'm getting, very few. we've been busy lately.

barely have time to sleep. i can't be the one complaining though, the adults get less than i do.


i ignored everything i saw and just decided to go home, noelle would come searching for me if something went wrong.

i opened the front door to carol house where ive been staying,

i didn't lock the door since i didn't feel the need to. i went up the stairs and opened my bedroom door.

carl was laying down on the bed, he was reading his comic.

i took off my jacket and set my knife and gun down inside my bedside table drawer.

i glanced at the photos i took, they weren't good quality. i took them back in the prison. they stayed in my drawer.

it was hard to look at, some of the people in this photo aren't here anymore, and the newest photo i have..well..noah is missing from it.

"want to go for a walk?" carl asked closing his comic and standing up

i just got back from walking all that way..i let out a sigh, i didn't want to disappoint or make him upset that i said no.

"yeah, we can go on a quick walk" i said

carl put in his shoes and we both headed down stairs,

carl opened the front door for me and i walked out, the first thing i saw when i stepped out was a woman getting attack with a large hammer.

i almost screamed, i turned around "get the fuck back inside the house" i didn't even give him the chance to get inside the house. i pushed him inside.

i heard the back door glass break, i looked around. we only had a few options.

closet, or risk it and run upstairs or go outside.

word count; 1192

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