chapter 43

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we stood by the fence, every time the walkers pushed up against the door i had to question if they'd get out this time or not.

michonne brushed judith's hair with her hand and glanced at gabriel.

she returned her hand to her side and walked over to gabriel,

"where did you go?" michonne asked

gabriel had his back to the church and two arms supporting his weight as he leaned against the fence.

"the school. i had to see, i had to know." gabriel said, he continued to stare ahead at the ground

the walkers snarling grew louder, the wood that was holding the doors shut came off. the only thing preventing them from getting through was the rope that michonne tied around the door knobs.

the wood began to crack form the pressure the walkers were putting on it.

"where do we go?" carl asked

i heard a vehicle approaching and was slightly relieved.

i thought abraham was going to stop the fire truck, but he didn't. he ran it right into the front of the church, blocking the door so the walkers couldn't escape.

wait, weren't they supposed to be going to washington or something? why are they back?

abraham and everyone else got out of the fire truck, glenn looked for me, when he spotted me he walked over to me.

"you guys okay?" glenn asked

"yeah, we're okay. what about you guys? why exactly are you back?" i asked

"eugene lied." glenn said getting straight to the point.

well i'll be damned.

"he can't stop it. washington isn't the end." glenn added

michonne looked so.., disappointed and mad. glenn looked around and slightly lifted a brow.

"where is everybody?" he asked

michonne immediately looked over at maggie, she smiled and stepped in front of maggie.

"beth's alive. she's in a hospital in atlanta. some people have her, but the others went to get her back." michonne said

maggie looked so happy and relieved, tears filled her eyes.

"do we know which one?" she said as her voice broke the slightest bit

michonne nodded her head, "grady memorial."

maggie lifted her hands, she placed them on her forehead and brought some of her hair back. "oh, my god." maggie said, she started to laugh.

glenn had walked up and maggie put her arms around him, he kissed her forehead and hugged her back.

"let's go blow this joint, go save your sister" tara said and chuckled


it wasn't a long drive to grady. we all got out of the fire truck and waited outside the hospital for everyone to leave.

maggie was so excited, i could feel it radiating off her body, she has a smile on her face, she was so excited to finally see her sister again after all the time that's passed.

i would be just as happy to see my sister again too.

we entered a gated area, it had tents pitched up, the ground was littered with trash, walkers here and there but not many.

we got closer to the front, everyone put their guns down when they saw rick leave the hospital.

sasha, tyreese, carol, and then daryl...

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