chapter 11

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I did find out a cool thing while I was at the CDC. dr. jenner said my blood type was O positive.

maybe an hour ago we had to make a stop for fuel. now were are back on the road.

carl switched cars so he wasn't in the RV with me anymore.

I wasn't paying much attention to the outside but I could hear the birds chirping. the sun was coming right into the RV's windows and on to my face.

wasn't the best thing but I'd just have to deal with it.

shane was in the RV with me. I could feel his gaze burning into the side of my face but I didn't want to look at him.

his ugly face might make me throw up. it could every well happen.

the RV came to a stop and I looked over, from what I could make out there was something in front of us.

we started moving so I sat back down. we were on the highway. car everywhere. some had walkers in them.

there was stuff all over the ground. I looked around and for miles it was just cars.

there were was a wooded area off the the side but someone would have to jump over the railing to get to that. I don't think anyone would do that.

the engine failed again so gale stopped the RV. I got up and followed everyone out of the RV.

"I said it, didn't I say it? a thousand times. dead in the water." dale said

"problem, dale?" shane said

"just a small matter of being stuck in the middle of nowhere. with no hope of-" gale cut himself off to look at daryl who was taking stuff from a car

"okay..that was dumb." dale said

"if you can't find a radiator hose here." shane said

"there's a whole bunch of stuff we can find." daryl said

"I can siphon more fuel from these cars for a start." T-dog said

"maybe some water??" carol said

"this is a graveyard." lori said

everyone went silent.

I walked off. it wasn't to far, I could still see the others and they could still see me. hopefully.

everyone else started to look for things that could be useful. T was trying to get fuel from cars. and from what I could see gale was looking around on top of this RV.

I moved up a little more. I didn't find anything so I went back down to where carol and sofia were.

"hey, y/n, carl. always within my sight." lori said

I nodded and so did carl.

"you too, sofia." carol said

she slightly nodded and looked ahead. I was looking around with carl to see if we could find anything interesting.

rick was running but he wasn't being loud about it.

"lori! under the cars!" rick said

lori got under and rick looked at us.

"carl! sofia! y/n! get down!" rick said

I got under the car with sofia. I wasn't sure what was going on. I just did what I was told and stayed quiet.

I heard the groaning and growling of walkers and I looked over, behind us I could only really see the feet. but there was a lot of them.

walkers passed and kept passing. sofia grabbed my hand and I squeezed her hand to let her know everything was going to be okay.

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