chapter 8

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it didn't take long for carl and I to get back to camp.

I let go of carls hand and sat down in a chair. not long after us rick and lori went into the RV.

carl ran off in daryls direction and after telling him something he ran to glenn.

I grabbed my knife and looked for a thick piece of wood.

there was on on the left of my foot so I grabbed it. I started carving whatever came to mind.

I'm not sure how much time had passed but I looked up and shane was kneeling in front of lori while she was sitting down.

shane said something and lori stood up and moved under the shade. shane followed.

rick walked out of the RV and all three of them started talking.

gale looked like he was waiting for them to stop. rick and shane walked off together.

I looked around for something to do. maybe..I could go for a swim..?

no..lori told me to always stay in her sight. rules are met to be broken right?

I placed whatever it was that I was carving down and I put my knife in my pocket.

lori wasn't looking so I walked in the direction of the lake.

I walked into the wooded area and hit away some bugs that tried to come near me.

I finally made it to the lake. by the time I got there I didn't feel like swimming. I sat down on a rock and let my feet soak in the water.

is everyone who died last night...are they at peace? I hope they all are expect ed. he deserved to die.

now coral and sofia can be safe. they don't have to worry about that abusive prick anymore.

what am I saying..? no one deserves to die. at least not like that.

I heard moving coming from the woods. I looked but I didn't see anything.

I got off the rock and pulled out my knife. I stepped closer to the woods, least from what I could see.

when I'd gotten a little more into the woods something grabbed me and turned around really fast.

walker. I fell back from the weight of it. compared to me this walker was a beast.

I sturggled with the walker on top of me. the walker turned its head and got a tiny bite out of me. shit.

I panicked. I pushed the walker off to the side with everything I had. I rolled down my seleve so that it was covering the bite.

If anything I would end up like jim...I killed the walker and sat myself down.

I held out my knife in front of me. I didn't want to turn into a walker...and I sure didn't want anyone to have to shoot me, not after what they went through last night.

thoughts raced through my head..I didn't want to die. not yet. I still had things I wanted to do. isn't fair..right?

"y/n..?" carl called out

I turned my head towards his direction. he was walking around looking for me. glenn was with him.

I didn't answer him, I didn't want him to find me.

carl and glenn looked around when they didn't see me they left.

I could run...or I could go back with them...but what if they find out?

I've got to tell them..

I sighed and wiped away the tears that were going to fall. if I die at least I can watch over them, right.?

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