Chapter 1

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"It's finally spring break and I'm on my way to freakin Japan. This is nuts" you say to your friends.

"We'll get used to it because you're living it. Atleast my uncle is letting us crash with him in Osaka" adds Yume, your best girl friend who was the same age as you.

"Luck for you guys, I'm a big strong man who can protect you" says Leo trying to act tough. He was the oldest in the group. "Atleast you'll scare away all the ugly people" Yume jokes just to tease him. "Don't think this is some find a hot guy getaway for you two", he says with a huff to remind you and Yume why you guys were going to Osaka in the first place. "I mean we are going to see some pretty fabulous men on a stage called L'Arc en Ceil" you say, getting excited thinking about it. Yume rolls her eyes but you knew she was just as excited. "We both know you only have eyes for Hyde" she says. "Guilty as charged. But you can't say your not going just for the music either Yume" you accuse her as well. Though it was true you were more of a fan of Hyde than the whole band. But in the end they sounded amazing. "Yea I'll admit they're all cute but I'm looking for something else in a man. So my agenda is to get your ass to the front of the stage so you can tell Hyde how much you love him" she laughed at the silly idea but was also serious. "She'll pass out if we got her that close" Leo added. "I will not. I bet you guys 5 dollars I won't pass out if you get me to the front of the crowd to see Hyde" you made a friendly bet. Deep down you knew you could keep your cool. Yet at the same time, you wouldn't be surprised if you passed out the moment Hyde looked in your direction. Yume and Leo looked at one another, the were confident you would pass out. "Looks like we got a bet to win. Shake on it" says Leo. The three of you make the bet official. It just made you more excited to prove yourself at that concert.

The three of you arrived in Japan after the very long flight. Yume's uncle was there at the airport waiting. A part of you wanted to jump for joy, finally being here in Japan after so long of wishing. But the jet lag slapped you so hard in the face, it was difficult to be excited without falling over from also being tired. All you remember was driving on the roads and going to Yume's uncle's house to get settled. After you set your bags down, you found a comfy spot and just took a nap.

"Earth to (Y\N). It's time for dinner" someone called to you. You opened your eyes with a bit of difficulty to see Yume leaning over you. For a moment you forgot everything that happened. Then it hit you all at once. "Dinner? I'm starving" you fumbles out of your comfy spot to run to the nearest window to look outside. It was dark out, obviously, but the light and the architecture was everything like you pictured. It must be beautiful during the day. Yume, who has seen this scene about a thousand times, pulls you back. "You'll have plenty of time tomorrow to drool over Japan, now come on and eat," she says, dragging you to the dinner table. You sat down and made small conversation with Yume and her family while enjoying dinner.

Afterwards, the three of you decided to stay up for a while before officially hitting the sack to have the energy to run around the streets tomorrow. " Make sure you two get plenty and I mean plenty of sleep. Tomorrow night is the concert already and we are going to party like rockstars" says Yume. "Don't have to tell me twice. I'ma sleep until noon easy" chimes in Leo who just pulled the covers over his head. "I'll just listen to some music before bed, since Leo is already going to bed," you told Yume. "Let me guess Cape of Storms" she read you like a book. "It's a good song okay" you defended yourself as you put in your headphones.

You woke up close to noon. Your hair do said it all, how good you slept. Leo was still in his futon sleeping and snoring like a wild boar. You wanted to throw the pillow at him, but you decided to get up and fix yourself. The rest of the house was quiet, everyone must be elsewhere or at work. Yume was in the kitchen knowing well her two friends would want some food after sleeping in for a long. "Good morning. I wasn't expecting you to be sleeping as late as Leo. But I'll make an exception. We have to be all pumped up for tonight. Which reminds me, let's go around town and find something cool to wear. I know you already decided on an outfit, but we need to pass the time anyways and I know you want to poking around some shops" she explained to you. "Let's just ditch Leo then" you giggled "make it a girls trip". Yume nods, "I agree. He won't be up for another hour or so. I'll just leave him some food in the microwave" Yume goes along with your plan to make it a girls day. The two of you had a quick bite and quickly changed so you could bum the streets for a bit. Not even saying a word to Leo.

You walked down the streets taking in everything around you. Osaka was beautiful. Though you sure you would say that about every part of Japan. "If I remember right, there's this small little shopping area not too far from here. I'm sure we can find something to make your outfit even better" added Yume. During this time of the day, the shops were quite busy with people and it was nice to be in such a different atmosphere. You poked your head in every little shop to see what you could find. Even getting a chance to practice your Japanese was quite the challenge but it gave you a confidence boost. Yume watched you run around like a mother happily watching her child having a blast. "Okay this shop is sure to have something for you" Yume said taking you into some sort of clothing store. You could change your outfit entirely or just pick an accessory to go with it. You decided to (look for a new outfit\ Find an accessory).

"I think that suits you very well. Gotta look good if we're going to find a way to get up close and personal. Leo and I will be your personal escort" Yume gave you a thumbs up loving the choice you went with. You remembered the bet the three of you made. If they could get you that close, it would be a dream. Even better if you didn't pass out. But you didn't plan to. Don't want to embarrass yourself. Not in front of Hyde anyways. "I'm gonna stay strong for Hyde" you told Yume confidently. "That's the spirit" Yume clapped her hands together. Ring Ring. Yume checked her phone, "Oh yea forgot about Leo" she says before answering her phone. As she talked to Leo you paid for your choice. "We better get back, so we can take our time with lunch and then be on our way. It's a little bit of a drive. But they have some pretty cool things where the concert is. So let's not rush" Yume informed you. You nodded in response. Rushing is the last thing you want to do on this vacation.

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