Chapter 40

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You woke up the next morning, surprised you actually fell asleep. It just goes to show how comfortable Hyde makes you. You saw your phone was still in the same position. Hyde also must've fallen asleep before the movie ended. Speaking of Hyde, who was still sleeping and holding on to you. You tried to get out of his iron koala grasp by pulling your body upwards so you could squeeze out. But you didn't get too far, only getting as far where your head was now above his while lying down. You shuffled your body around so you were now facing him. He looked so peaceful sleeping. But you were gonna wake him up. "Hideto. Ohayou", you called to him. "......", he didn't respond, but you saw some movement in his face. No doubt he heard you. Maybe a kiss will wake him up. You gave him a kiss on his forehead, telling him to wake up again. "....lie back down......", Hyde replied, still half asleep. You'd love to honestly. But you did have (work\school) and couldn't afford to miss out too much. You had to get up. "I have to get up, koala bear" you tried to reason with him and attempted to pull yourself away again. Hyde tightened his grip and buried his face in your chest in response, not paying much attention. This is awkward. You felt your whole face heat up from turning red. "H-Hyde. I love you.....but this might be a little much" you told him, hoping he would listen this time. Hyde had lifted his head, finally and realized where he had put it. He let you go and you could see his face turn red in embarrassment. You weren't worried that he was doing it on purpose or would try anything, it was just very awkward. "S-Sorry" he apologized. The two of you sat up, "I-It's fine. You are my boyfriend you know" you said, trying to make it seem like it was a normal couples thing. If anyone had permission to put their face in your chest, technically it was him.

You stood up, "Let's get ready for the day. I still have to go to (work\school). I want to spend the morning with you" you told him, trying to lighten the mood and clear away the awkwardness. Hyde was able to look at you, not feeling as embarrassed, "Okay, my angel" he smiled. He stood up so he could follow you out of the room. As you entered the more brightly lit living room, you almost completely forgot that Hyde was shirtless. His clear, slightly pale skin was very attractive, The angel wings tattooed on his back made it even better. You were certainly going to (work\school) in a good mood today.

You prepared some coffee and started making breakfast, waiting for Yume and Ken to wake up. If they were still sleeping. You and Hyde made small talk to pass the time until finally, Yume came out of the room. "So you actually let Ken sleep in the room with you? But was it really on the floor?" you asked teasing and wanting to know. "He was on the floor at first. After that, I don't remember how he ended up lying with me in bed" she told you trying to recall it. Yume's memory wasn't that bad and surely she didn't stay up that late to forget. Unless...did Ken bite her? Not like she'd lose her memory from it, but maybe it made her sleepy enough to not really be able to think. You looked at Hyde, who you assumed came to a similar conclusion. He was about to get up and possibly drag Ken out of the room. "Hyde. It's fine. Ken is a grown man. Yume is a grown woman. Let it happen" you told him. If Ken bit her, then that's on him. Not like you had a choice in Hyde biting you either, so you have more of an understanding of the situation. Though you knew Hyde was just trying to be protective over Yume because of you. But like you said, she's grown. If she wants your help or opinion, she'll ask for it. Hyde readjusted his posture, showing that he wasn't going to move. "Nothing bad happened. If I need you to beat the sh*t out of him, I'll let you know", Yume said, while getting herself some coffee. It did bug you just a bit to think of Ken biting Yume, but as you've experienced, it wasn't painful and would heal quickly. It was just the normal thing to happen when you knew vampires.

Ken did wake up eventually, you saw him headed for the bathroom. You could see Hyde looking in his direction and knew he wanted to go talk to him. You wanted him not to say anything for now. You let Yume take over cooking so you could talk with Hyde, "Look koala bear, let them figure things out okay. If he did bite her and she finds out, we have the experience to help them if they need it. So don't jump down Ken's throat about this whole thing" you told Hyde to behave himself. You did understand why he wanted to talk to Ken, you wanted to talk to Yume. You didn't want either of them to go through the pain you or Hyde went through. Especially if Yume ended up being Ken's partner. "Alright. I hear you, my angel" Hyde agreed to not mention anything to Ken. "Besides I didn't have a choice when you first bit me, did I?" you joked a little trying to give him more of an idea why they shouldn't interfere at the moment. But it was true. You saw Hyde flash a smile, "You're right again. I understand what you're saying" he told you. At that time when everything started to collide, neither of you really had much help to go off of. But at least the band was there for both of you.

Just as everything was ready, Ken finally joined the three of you. You sat on the same side as Yume, leaving the boys on the opposite side. The four of you happily ate breakfast together. "Here, Ken", you saw Hyde give Ken something that looked like a pill. Was it vitamins? Ken took it without complaint and popped it into his mouth. Hyde did the same. You then recalled Yukihiro saying that they needed to take a pill to help with the sunlight and food. For some reason you didn't think it would look so ordinary. "I didn't think you two would be so faithful to take vitamins every day", Yume assumed that's what they were doing. "That pill is much more than vitamins. I couldn't eat food like this ever again without it" Ken said and was thankful for it. It must be a strong pill to allow that, yet in this day and age, a lot of things have advanced. Yume looked a little lost at what he was getting at, "You know, because vampires can only drink blood" you told her. She looked back at you, "Right. I forgot about all that. Maybe I shouldn't have had that drink last night" she said remembering.

After eating, you finish getting ready so you can get to (work\school) early. "Will you be okay walking by yourself, my angel?", Hyde was concerned about you being alone. You felt his concern, but would Adrien really try something in broad daylight? Most likely not. "I'll be fine, koala bear. I'll only be 20 minutes away. You and the boys can pick me up when I'm done, okay?" you told him, not really feeling worried. Seeing that you were calm about it, helped Hyde feel at ease. "Okay. I'll walk you downstairs", Hyde offered. You picked up the things you needed and walked with him to the front of the apartment building, "If you want to come check on me, Yume knows where I'm at" you told him "I'll text you when I'm almost done" you reassured him. He nodded, "Have a good day, my angel. I love you" Hyde told you before giving you a quick peck on the lips. Even now his kisses still gave you butterflies. "I love you too" you replied before walking out the door.

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