Chapter 15

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"He's on his way here" ,you told Yume excitedly while adding some finishing touches to your outfit. Before going out the door, you put on the bracelet Hyde got you on. Yume waited outside with you. Just as a car you never saw was pulling up, you thought about if Hyde was going to step out to greet you. Would Yume recognize him? Oh no. Just as those thoughts raced through your mind, someone stepped out of the car. They were dressed nice in a casual sort of way and were wearing a mask covering the bottom half of their face. "Ready to go, my Angel?", they asked. It was Hyde. It was smart of him to wear a mask, you breathed a sigh of relief. "What's up with the mask Hideto?" Yume asked, being nosey. "Yume", you scolded her a bit as if she was a child. Hyde chuckled, "Don't worry. I'm not sick. I just woke up with bad allergies this morning. I'm just waiting for the medicine to kick in before taking off my mask" he explained without taking any time to think. "Aren't you a gentlemen '' , you decided to go along with it. Looks like the explanation worked on Hyde's behalf. "I see. I just didn't want you taking (Y\N) out if you're sick" Yume tells him. "I understand. I'll make sure she's back here safe and sound" Hyde says politely. "If you wanna spend the night or something else (y

) just text me" Yume said to you. You knew where her mind was going. "Yume!" you scolded her out of embarrassment this time, as you kind of blushed slightly. Yume just laughed and turned around to go back inside the house.

Hyde opened one of the back doors so you could get in. After closing it, he gets into the passenger side of the car. You saw someone sitting in the driver's seat. If you recall, Hyde said that Tetsuya was coming with him. Tetsuya was the bass player of the band. He was more so on the quiet side but was very polite and caring. Tetsuya had turned around to greet you, "Nice to meet you, (y

). I'm Tetsuya, but I'm sure you already knew that, right?" he said, holding out his hand so you could shake hands. You shook his hand politely, "It's freaking amazing to meet you" you try to say normally but let a little bit of your excitement slip out. "You don't have to hide the fact that you're a fan. Just be yourself, we're all pretty chill" he tells you nicely before starting the car.

As the three of you were on the road, you were thinking about how cool this was gonna be. It was like reopening up a jar of excitement. First you got to meet Hyde and actually be romantically involved with him, but now to meet the rest of the band. This was the best week ever. Everyone was a bit quiet until you decided to ask, "So where are we going?". Hyde took off his mask, guess he forgot he was wearing one. "Back to our suite. Ken and Yukihiro are waiting for us" he told you. A suite?! What was that going to look like? Amazing? Luxurious? "We decided the best way to get to know each other was just to relax and watch some movies. Stuff like that" Tetsuya added. Going to their suite was the last thing you were expecting, though it made sense. Going out would be nice but this would be more private and easy. "I don't mind at all. I think it's a good idea" you reassured the both of them. You wonder what other things they would have considered doing.

Tetsuya drove up to a really big and fancy looking hotel. It looked amazing and well kept. You rolled down your window to get a better look, "This place looked amazing" you said in amazement. Of course being a really popular band, they could get the best places to stay at.

Tetsuya parked the car nearby. You opened the door yourself and looked up at the huge hotel. Hyde and Tetsuya had put on masks, so they could walk around freely without getting any attention from others. You took a hold of Hyde's hand so you can freely look around without getting lost. You let him and Tetsuya lead the way through the main lobby. Wow. Everything looked even better inside. There were also a lot more security guards than usual around. You wondered if other celebrities stayed at this hotel. Getting into an elevator, you all went to the 12th floor. As the elevator opened up, Hyde and Tetsuya took off their masks. It was probably safer all the way up here to do so. You continued to hold on to Hyde's hand as you walked down the hallway to one of the doors. Room number (three favorite numbers). Tetsuya opened the door and let you and Hyde walk in first. Once you saw the inside, you were in awe. It was so big and spacious. It was practically like having your own apartment or something. You didn't see any beds, so they must've been in a separate room. All you could see is the main room and the kitchen on the side. Both had plenty of space. You felt like you were royalty. It must be nice to stay at a place like this when you're traveling. "Make yourself at home sweetheart" Hyde smiled as he looked at you and let go of your hand so you were free to look around. The first thing you did was find the first window you could so you could see the view. It was beautiful.

Separation and Obsession (Hyde x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now