Chapter 30

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(A\N: That picture is the cutest thing ever <3 Hyde with Miyavi and Sugizo)

It turned out to be Leo at the door. He came inside and he and Adrien started talking. You rubbed your eyes to help you wake up more. By that time, Yume finally came out of the restroom. What the hell was going on with you and Adrien? You did your best to stay away from him. But this was the second time something weird happened. Thinking about it, made you think of Hyde. A lot of weird stuff happened before he told you he was a vampire. Was it possible that Adrien was a vampire or something else, like a werewolf? Since vampires were now real, what other creatures were as well? You weren't gonna brush it off again. Luckily things between you and Hyde worked out fine, but no more weird sh*t. Not from Adrien of all people. It was time you started watching Adrien really closely. While of course, keeping your distance. Damn, why did Hyde have to be so far away?

The next week...

Hyde's POV

"Everything is arranged and ready to go. Make sure you all are packed and ready to go in the morning", Sawamura explained to us over the phone. After two weeks, everything had been arranged to fly out to America. I really get to see (y

) again. "I'll pick you all up two hours before the flight" he added before hanging up. "Wow. Kazuma really knows how to pull some strings. This is hella exciting" Ken was excited to go somewhere for once. Well, America was always the goal for everyone in Japan. A place we wanted to visit. I was excited too. The four of us got busy packing what we needed. This time, we didn't have to worry about a specific wardrobe. We chose what we wanted to wear. "Are you going to tell (y

) about this?", asked Tetsuya. "I want to surprise her. I have her address so the first thing I can do is go see her" I told him. I really wanted this to be a surprise. She's going to be so happy. "Are you sure that's a good idea? Not saying it's not. Didn't you say she lives with one of her friends?" Tetsuya replied. It was true. She lived in an apartment with Yume. I knew eventually she wanted to tell her friends about me. I don't blame her. But I know everything will go fine. "I know. I thought about that part a lot. But it's something we have to seriously discuss before we leave. I want (y

) to be free to be with me around her friends. But I know the risks of that" I told him. It was a heavy topic and you wanted to respect everyone's decisions.

So the next chance I got, I brought it up to the band. Everyone looked at Yukihiro, since he was the leader and mostly decided everything. "I see your point. I guess if anything bad happens. I'll just erase her memories of that incident. Though I don't like doing that very much, I will if I have to" he said. He was the only one who could erase memories. The rest of us haven't learned because Yukihiro didn't want us to have that sort of burden. Most vampire spells were taught by other vampires. But we've always gotten by just with our sleeping spell. I hated having to put Yukihiro in that sort of position, but he was willing to step up if he had to. I doubt we'd have to erase her friend's memories. If (y

) trusts them, I shouldn't have to worry about it.

The next morning, both of our managers picked us up and took the four of us to the airport to see us before we left. Sawamura, of course, was double checking everything with Yukihiro. Kazuma was more chill about everything, "Let me know how everything goes when you see her. Or if you have any emergencies. One of my vampire buddies will pick you guys up when you arrive and drive you to your hotel. I've asked him to stick around until you all get comfy" Kazuma was talking with the rest of us. "We will. Thank you for making this possible Kazuma" I said with genuine thankfulness. It really was his and Yukihiro's working together that I was able to do something like this. But the bonus of actually going to America was nice too. "We're family. Together we can make anything possible. More so because we have some vampire advantages" Kazuma said with pride. The best family a person could ask for. Even if we weren't blood related, no puns intended.

After a 11+ hour flight, we all finally landed in America. I texted (y

) to ask what she was doing, but no reply. The time was early in the afternoon, so it was possible she was busy. Like Kazuma mentioned, we met up with one of his friends at the airport. "I have your hotel room set up and ready. I also left a few essentials as well. Will you be okay driving in America?" Kazuma's friend informed us. Driving was mostly up to Yukihiro and Tetsuya. Ken and I only drove when we felt like we needed to or wanted. "It might be a little awkward, but Tetsuya and I have enough experience. We should be fine" Yukihiro told him. "I see. I'll check in with Kazuma about getting you guys your own ride" Kazuma's friend said. On the drive to the hotel, I eagerly looked out the window at the new surroundings. It was definitely different from Japan but in a good way. It was refreshing to think that barely anyone would recognize us here. We could actually go out in public without much concern. I could be with (y

) and go wherever. I can't wait to go surprise her later.

We got to the hotel and took our luggage up to our suite. Even the set up in the hotel here was so different. As we got settled down, Kazuma's friend was able to call him and get permission to rent a car for us to use while we were here. Then he and Yukihiro left to go rent a car and bring it back. On one of the kitchen tables was a map for us to use. Though we could always use our phones instead. I decided to look at it, so I unfolded the map. I could see an obvious circle of where the hotel was compared to everything else. I wondered if (y

) lived close by so I looked at the surrounding streets to see if I could find the name of where she lived. But reading a map was a bit hard for me. Not that I couldn't read English, it's just not in my list of skills of things I could do. I decided to look up the address on my phone. It turns out she lives only 15 minutes away by car. It was close enough. "I'm going to go take a nap. This jet lag sucks" Ken announced before heading to the bedroom. Taking a nap did sound like a good idea. Now that we were comfortable in the room, I noticed how tired I was from the long flight. I do want to be awake when I go see (y

) and all we were doing was waiting for Yukihiro to get back. I decided to lay down on the sofa in the living room and take my nap there.

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