Chapter 42

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The four of you enjoyed the movies and cookies together. Studio Ghibli films are just the best. You watched about 2 so far. "I'm going to go take a shower before it gets too late. You guys can start another movie if you want" said Yume as she got up to go get her things and take a shower. She'd be in there for a while. " you think we can talk for a second?" you heard Ken asked him. That could mean only one thing. By the way he asked, this was definitely a more private conversation. You didn't have to ask if you had to leave, "I'll be in the room" you told the two of them. Might as well change into something more comfortable while you're at it.


I was relieved that (y

) got the hint and went into the room. Though I felt a little bad for making her go to her room in her own apartment. "What's on your mind Ken?" I asked him. (Y\N) and I already had our suspicions, this was probably about him and Yume. He didn't say anything for a minute and I could tell he was trying to think about how he was gonna say things. I was concerned and hoped it wasn't anything bad. "I think I have a crush on Yume. But it feels much more than that....I suspect she might be my partner" he told me. I thought as much. Ken may not have to go through as much as what (Y\N) and I did, but confessing is always hard. "Is that so? Did you bite her?" I asked him directly. If he did, what her blood tasted like should be a clear answer to whether she was his partner or not. "I did. Last night. It's sort of how I ended up lying in her bed instead of the floor. I just kind of wanted to be close to her. I'm sure you can relate" he said next. I understood his feelings. I always want to be close to (y

) no matter the time of day and the feeling only increased more after biting her. "Yea, I do relate. Did her blood taste sweet or anything? I always think (y

)'s blood tastes like honey", I said, recalling its flavor. Ken looked at me with a blank expression then smiled, "So I'm not crazy for thinking it had a sweet flavor. Yume's blood is as sweet as summer strawberries" he admitted. I wasn't so used to Ken describing things like that. But that was a clear indicator nonetheless.

"I think it's safe to say she is your partner. Though she does know little about how vampires work when it comes to these things. At Least you don't have to admit you are one, since she already knows. That saves a lot of headache" I told him honestly. When I told (y

) the truth, I never had experienced such fear and anxiety. But Ken doesn't have to feel that ever. Although confessing your love, it can still be hard to do. "I know. Seeing you go through that, scared the sh*t out of me. I couldn't imagine. So it made me not want to find my partner. But everything did work out. If it can for you, surely it can for me as well" Ken said. That's true. Destiny was funny, kind and sometimes cruel in the way she operated. But I was just happy Ken won't have to suffer as I did. I wouldn't want anyone else to. But he has his family like I did and the advantage of (Y\N) and I experience the worst of it. Having (y

) console Yume would be a huge help in this situation. "We should probably discuss this with Yukihiro and Tetsuya before you confess, just in case. Though, I see no reason why they would reject you. But if you want to talk to (y

) about Yume, I know she'd be happy to help you" I told him, trying to give him all the relief he could get. Surely he was feeling nervous as I did when talking about these sorts of things. "I'm not concerned about telling her my feelings, it's just biting her. No wonder why your anxiety was so bad. The guilt and pleasure. You're a bada*s Hyde. I really mean it. I don't think I could've withstood the pain you went through" Ken told me genuinely. I honestly don't know how I survived it either. But here I am.

Your POV

After about 10 minutes, you got a text from Hyde saying that he and Ken were done talking. You left the room and went back out to sit with the both of them, until Yume had come back out. "Hey (y

) I need to talk to you for a minute", Yume had said from her room. Not only did Ken have his talk with Hyde, now it was your turn with Yume. You looked at Hyde, who gave you a little nod. "I'm sure everything will work out fine" ,you said to Hyde and Ken, knowing that they were concerned about what Yume was going to say to you. You got up and went to Yume's room and closed the door behind you. "Something on your mind or this a female emergency?" you asked. Yume was still in the middle of putting on some pajamas, "I mean I guess it's's about Ken. Even since last night, I feel different" she told you. You were curious to see how she was feeling, would it be the same as you? The constant thinking or maybe hallucinations, even though it's only been a short while. "I know he's your favorite band member right? Does it feel a little too real, knowing that he's actually here?" you asked her, it was also something you felt yourself. It all happened too quickly like a dream or a Jdrama.

Yume sighed, "I guess that's one way to explain it. I really do like him more now than I used to. It is a little scary to think how all this happened. At least you understand and I'm not just going crazy" Yume added. Feeling like your thoughts were making you sound crazy never is fun, but you did understand her thought process. "It's a lot to handle isn't it? Though it's not your fault, it's because they are vampires" you said, wanting to explain further since knowing the whole truth of the process made it bearable. "How would vampires relate to this?" she asked, having no clue why they would connect. "I can be 100 percent sure, but when everything between me and Hyde started happening it all seemed too good to be true. When I finally learned the truth about him being a vampire, there are some things that came along with it. Apparently vampires are destined to one partner" you tried to make it not confusing as best you could. "You're saying that destiny crap is real and not some fairytale? So you and Hyde were meant to be? That sounds ridiculous.....yet here you are with him. I can't deny that...." Yume told you and seemed to be thinking things through and connecting the dots. "Even I can't believe it either. But there were many things Hyde and I had to fight through. It was mostly emotional. Learning he was a vampire wasn't easy, but it explained all the weird things that were happening to me. The thoughts about him, the coincidence of meeting him and even hallucinations. When you're destined to be with a vampire, you experience some weird sh*t. And no matter what, 'destiny' will drive the two of you together. No matter how stupid it sounds" you told her more of your experiences. Yume had sat down on her bed, you could see it was a bit too much to hear at once. Though it was for you too. "So this is just all vampire magic or whatever you say? I guess it is stupid to say it makes sense then.But it does. I honestly thought I was going crazy and it's only been a damn day" Yume said to you. It seemed to be hitting her quicker than you, yours was gradual. But everyone experiences things differently. "I guess I'll let 'destiny' do her thing. I mean.... I really would like to be around Ken more" Yume told you.

You wanted to give Yume more of an explanation about the whole partner thing, but maybe save that for later. Or maybe she'd asked you a question as she went on with the process itself. Though you were glad to see she had no ill feelings towards Ken or the group as a whole since they were vampires. "I still don't know how Ken ended up lying in bed with me...not that it was a problem" Yume said a bit puzzled.

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