Chapter 18

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"Well not really until last night. I was actually watching a movie about vampires and there were surprising parallels of what I went through. It did scare me though. A part of me thought I was going a bit crazy thinking it was real. Especially when I'd be by myself and I'd see flashes of Hyde or swore he was right next to me" you explained how you felt. What were those hallucinations caused by anyway? His bites? "Hallucinations? I didn't know humans could experience things like that" ,Yukihiro found the fact interesting but he didn't seem to have an answer why it happened. "Maybe a side effect of the partner finding destiny thing?" Ken added on but also wasn't sure. What's a partner finding destiny thing? "Well it goes both ways doesn't it? The whole obsession thing, right?" Tetsuya said to add to a possible explanation. Obsession? More confusing vampire terms, you guessed. "What are they talking about Hyde?" you asked him, hoping he could clear things up. "You're my destined partner. Finding you and getting together has its side effects.Even I don't understand the process fully" he told you. It sounds like a confusing process. Well everything was confusing right now. But was he actually saying that meeting him was 'destiny'? That cheesy thing people say when things are meant to be. It was about as real as the thought of vampires. But since technically vampires are real, so is destiny. It was very romantic in a way. But you guess destiny was funny the way it brought the two of you together. This wasn't ordinary at all. Guess you'll take it as it is. "I see, kind of. Can you tell me what you know? Even if it may be hard to explain" you asked him. You wanted to at least know what these side effects were and what exactly was happening. "I'll let Yukihiro do that. He's the most experienced vampire out of all of us" Hyde said. He was? Just how experienced was he exactly?

"I'll try to make this as simple as I can. As a vampire, we are destined to one person in a generation. Once we find them, we can automatically tell. It can be by sight but mostly it's found through touch. At the concert, Hyde said that he touched your hand ,correct?" Yukihiro started. You thought back. Yea, he was right. You two did touch hands but you thought it was a little weird at that moment. You felt something off. You nod to confirm his statement. "So on a vampire's end, there is an automatic need to go back to that person in which we connected with. It happens on its own, we can't control it. But this simply because you two are now connected after the first meeting. That's where destiny comes in to get the two of you together by whatever weird means it wants to use" Yukihiro continued the long explanation. So if it's automatic to Hyde, is that why he asked you for a song recommendation? A reason to get connected with you again? Then all the weirdness afterwards, running into him by the bathroom and him inviting you backstage, wasn't just some lucky break? Wow. You couldn't explain how it oddly made sense but it did in that moment. "Okay. Go on" you said, to let him know you were following along. "As you noticed within the time period of connecting there are some side effects that happen. It's kind of cruel in a way. We call this obsession, because that is how it seems to work. The two of you become obsessed with each other and are drawn together. For you it could be the explanation for your hallucinations as well as other things" Yukihiro explains further. You thought you were just being a fangirl by keeping Hyde at the front of your mind. Yet things did seem to escalate after the concert. Though it made sense naturally, especially when you have a crush on someone. "Though for us vampires, it can have more of an emotional impact. Vampires experience emotions at twice the intensity of humans. So we get hit harder when it comes to anxiety and other feelings. But recently, we learned that our ramped up emotions are connected because we seek the blood of our partners. Since blood is what drives us. But our feelings for our partner also play a part. So if kept apart for so long or experience a moment where you separate, it can cause separation anxiety" Yukihiro goes on. Vampires have more intense emotions? Is that why Hyde just broke down earlier? That must be tough. That feeling of intense pain you felt, was that how Hyde felt as well? Damn. But to be so intense and driven for me, to get separation anxiety? Now you just felt bad for Hyde. How much did he suffer in your absence?

You recalled separation anxiety can make one panic and excessively worry or feel fear about someone they are separated from. Just how bad are Hyde's bouts of anxiety? "Hyde. How much pain did you go through?" you asked Hyde directly. If it was anything like him breaking down in tears, you'd imagine it would be similar. "I wanted to rip my own heart out of my chest sometimes. My head was so scrambled, I couldn't think at all. It was frustrating" Hyde explained with a sigh, remembering it. Damn, to feel all those at once. You surely would go insane. You squeezed his hand to recuperate your empathy towards his pain. "He's gotten better more recently. It's a relief. Though when emotional, we have a harder time concealing our eyes and fangs. Luckily, we were able to calm him down quick enough" Yukihiro brought to your attention. If they're at a risk of exposing themselves like this, you really felt bad for putting Hyde at a disadvantage. Though it was nice to hear, he was getting better at handling the anxiety than getting worse. But what would happen if it did get worse? "What would have caused him to get worse?" you asked. You weren't sure you'd like the answer though. "Let's say you cut off contact. Then slowly these bouts of separation anxiety would get worse and worse until it would've caused Hyde to go into a mad bloodlust. It's sort of like a vampire's last resort" he informed you. It stung to hear something like that. What if you would've rejected him tonight? What if you would've left? Would he be left to turn into a monster? That is why they all urged you to stay. No one would want a loved one to turn into a monster slowly. "You had the courage to stay tonight. We're all grateful you did. We were afraid what would happen if you would've left. Would you have even returned?" Tetsuya spoke up. It did take a lot of guts not to run. But after hearing about all this, would you have come back to Hyde? You couldn't say. You shook your head, "I can't answer that. I wouldn't know. But I do know, I've made the right choice" you replied to Tetsuya's question. You knew for a fact you did. You don't regret it.

"I would've hunted your a#s down and killed you if you didn't come back", Ken growled, threateningly. For a moment you felt a spark of fear. Your gut told you his words were a serious threat. Hyde quickly sat up straight and looked in Ken's direction as if the threat was at him, "Touch my girl and I'll make you eat concrete" Hyde barked at him, defending you. You weren't expecting Hyde to jump up like that. "Calm down you two. No ones killing anyone okay. That's not the path that was chosen tonight" Yukihiro ordered them. You were relieved that Hyde rushed to your defense, even against one of his best friends. But at the same time it was scary that he prioritized you. Someone he only knew for barely a week. This partner thing was pretty serious vampire business. You squeezed Hyde's hand to get his attention and it worked. He looked at you in response. His eye color changed from ruby red back to normal in the blink of an eye. You could tell he was able to calm down by directing his attention to you. These vampire emotions give a whole new meaning to the phrase "from 0 to 100". 

Separation and Obsession (Hyde x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now