Chapter 32

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Your POV

You read a text from Hyde asking what you were doing. You replied, saying that you were almost done with (school\work). You wonder if he wanted to call once you were free. You would like that a lot. You decided to call him once you got home.

After you were finished, you headed home straight away. Maybe you could suggest video calling this time. You would love to see his face after being apart so long. Looking at pictures of him wasn't the same as before. You unlocked the door and saw Yume standing there waiting for you. She looked excited. Wonder why? "(Y\N) I need you to close your eyes. There's a big surprise for you" she insisted, as she happily pulled you inside the apartment. You did what she asked and closed your eyes. What could she be talking about? Did you get something from Hyde in the mail? Now you were excited. Yume had you stand in a certain spot before stopping, "Stay here. I'll go get it" she said, trying not to squeal too much in excitement. Yume left to go get the surprise. What was it? You wanted to open your eyes so badly, but if Yume was so excited, it was worth it to keep them closed.

"Okay (y

), are you ready? I'm so excited for you to see this", Yume returned to where she left you and rambled a little bit in excitement.. "Can I just open my eyes now?", you asked her. She was just delaying the surprise and making you more anxious. "Fine, You can open your eyes now", Yume finally gave in to your request. You opened your eyes and the first thing you saw was someone standing in front of you. It wasn't Yume. It was Hyde. You were surprised and in shock. When did he fly out here? "'re here. You're actually here" you said, tearing up a bit. You were so happy to see him, it was all so overwhelming. "Come here, my Angel" Hyde invited you over so the two of you could hug one another. You eagerly ran over to embrace him. This was almost like a dream to you. You didn't expect him to come see you so soon. You didn't realize how badly you did miss him until now. He was in your arms again. His body was so warm to hug. "My koala bear. I've missed you so much" you said, clinging to him tightly. "I've missed you too, my angel" Hyde told you, then blessed you with a forehead kiss. Best feeling in the world.

You smiled and let out a sigh of satisfaction. He was here with you again. "You two are so cute together. I'm kind of jealous", Yume commented. Yume. Yume. Oh sh*t. Did she find out that Hyde was actually Hyde? Did Hyde tell her? Was she mad for keeping this a secret? You lifted your head to look at her, "You found out about Hideto?" you asked her. You wonder how she took the news. "I told her, my angel. I know how important it was to you if she knew. Since you weren't home yet, I figured it was the best time to let her know the truth" Hyde explained to you. It did make you feel a little better knowing that Hyde took the initiative to tell Yume. "Yea. It was quite the surprise. Believe me. But as your friend, I'm happy you found such a catch" Yume told you. "And you're not upset about it?" you asked, thinking that she would be. You'd understand. "Maybe a little at first. But it's okay now. Having a friend who has a famous boyfriend does have its perks too" Yume said honestly. At least she looked at the cup half full. You were relieved she did.

"When did you get here? Did you get settled in a hotel already?" you asked Hyde, wanting to know. You felt like you could ask him a million questions right now. He chuckled, seeing you were eager for an answer. "The four of us just flew in a few hours ago. I just wanted to drop by to see you for a little bit. Perhaps we can all hang out tomorrow" Hyde told you. Yes! You'd happily spend all your time with him. Maybe you could (ask for the day off\ skip classes for the day). "Don't forget we are going to the movies with Adrien tomorrow. But if you want to skip, I don't blame you", Yume reminded you. Oh yea. That's right. You sighed, not really wanting to be anywhere near Adrien since those last weird events. Hyde saw the change in your facial expression, "What's wrong? It's okay if you still want to go with your friends" he told you, thinking that what was bothering you. You shook your head, "It's not that. It's Adrien. He's been really weird around me lately" you told him. "That guy you told me about?" Hyde clarified "You told him you're dating someone right? Is he still bugging you?" he asked. You weren't sure how to explain this to him. "It's not that he's still bugging me. I just feel awkward around him. There's something weird about it" you told Hyde. "If you really feel that bad around Adrien I can tell him to get lost. You should've said something. I don't care if he has a crush on you" Yume said, having no problem being straightforward with her feelings. "Well I didn't want you and Leo to feel butthurt about it. You guys get along so well" you told her, telling her how you felt about it. Though you were glad Yume was on your side more than anything else. "He is pretty cool. But not that cool" Yume told you, "Or what if you came along Hyde. Maybe seeing (y

) with her actual boyfriend will get him to straighten out" she suggested. You didn't think that would solve the mystery of why Adrien made you feel the way you did. But maybe Hyde's vampire senses could help in some way. If Adrien was a vampire or some other creature, shouldn't Hyde be able to tell? "Of course. I did say I would drop Adrien, so it doesn't matter to me. It might matter to Leo more, you know. Since he's a guy" Yume added. "I think it's a good idea. What do you think, Hyde? Want to go to the movie with us?" you asked him.

"Let's make it a date" Hyde agreed, "Should I bring the rest of the band along too?" he suggested. A date! Your first one. Well technically the first time it was suggested it to be an actual date. Though the festival could've counted as a date too. "Ooo! Yes please bring them too!" Yume said eagerly. You felt loads better now you'll have Hyde to protect you. Maybe this would make Adrien leave you alone for good. But should you explain to Hyde about the weird stuff that happened?

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