Chapter 54

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Your POV

You held your breath as you watched Hyde and Adrien fight. They threw punches repeatedly with no holding back. Sometimes you felt a little dizzy as if you felt each hit when Adrien struck Hyde. It was weird and unsettling. A part of you wanted to inch closer to them, but Yukihiro held you back. He probably knew it was too dangerous and it was the safer option for you to stay as far as possible. But you hated it. You saw Adrien pin Hyde to the ground and pull out a knife in an attempt to stab him. You wanted to scream but covered your mouth. Hyde needs to focus on Adrien not you. If you scream you might draw his attention. You closed your eyes and hoped the situation would change in a moment. Once you dared to look, you could see that Hyde had gotten away from Adrien. You sighed in relief but your heart was still beating at 100 mph anxiously. Fighting for your life must be exhausting. You hoped you weren't too distracted being here. Yet again, being here maybe was the ticket. Though you shouldn't be encouraging Hyde to kill someone, the least you could do was give him the will to keep going. Since he had gotten some distance between him and Adrien you decided to push your luck, "Hideto!" you called out to him. Hyde looked in your direction, responding to his name. But Adrien also looked at you.

You realized you weren't just a distraction to Hyde but also to Adrien. As if having the same thought as you, Hyde took the opportunity to jump on Adrien. The two went falling to the ground. With Hyde having the advantage he bombarded Adrien with a flurry of punches to his face, as if having a burst of energy to fight again. Adrien was able to grab Hyde by one of his arms, stopping his punches and tossed him like he was a rag doll. You could tell it took Hyde by surprise since his reaction was slow to get back up again.

Gosh. Watching this fight was going to kill you before anyone else. The anxiety was so bad. Adiren and Hyde's fight went on. You could tell they were both getting frustrating as they resorted to biting and scratching each other. Slowly and slowly getting tired from a prolonged fight. It seemed like they were evenly matched in one way or another. Catching Hyde off guard, Adrien snagged Hyde by his throat, holding him firmly. For some reason you had a flash of the knife. You knew what was coming. Was this destiny giving you a chance to save him? Lucky for you, Yukihiro seemed too absorbed in the fight to be paying much attention to you at the moment. So you took the chance and started running towards Hyde and Adrien. "(y

)!", Yukihiro had tried to call you back after a failed attempt to stop you. But you kept running. Neither Hyde nor Adrien saw you coming. As if in slow motion, you saw Adrien reach for the knife in his back pocket. With Hyde in such a vulnerable position, he was likely to be seriously injured or die. With all your might, you pushed Hyde out of harm's way just as Adrien swung the blade. The force of your push caused Adrien to let go of Hyde, you were successful in saving him. But at a cost. You were in the way of the blade now. In a flash, you felt something cut you down your thigh. The pain was sharp and it took your breath away as you realized what was happening. You fell to the ground stunned and in great pain.

Adrien had realized what had just happened and he froze. "(y

)!!", Hyde cried in agony and ran over to hold you. You looked up at him and could see his concern written on his face. You saw his gaze go to your leg and you couldn't help but look as well. You saw a long bloody slash. Seeing it made you sick and dizzy. Your blood. So much blood. So much pain. Your face began to feel hot. Your head felt heavy as you started to black out. "(y

) you're going to be okay. Stay with me" Hyde told you. You couldn't really hear anything for the next few moments. All you remembered was Hyde's face looking down at you before you passed out.

Hyde's POV


) you're going to be okay. Stay with me" I told her, desperately wanting her to stay awake and try to help her stay calm. But I could see it in her eyes that the pain and blood was overwhelming. It wasn't long until she closed her eyes and passed out. Sh!t. "Tetsuya! Yukihiro! Ken!", I called out to my family. I was getting emotional, tears were starting to blur my vision. They all came running to my side, "I'll take care of her. You finish what you came to do" Tetsuya told me as he took (y

) from my arms. I didn't want to let her go so quickly. I wanted to tend to her but I trust Tetsuya. Ken had pulled me to my feet, "I'd say enough is enough, don't you think Hyde? Let's do this as a team. For (y

)" he told me with great conviction. I knew what he was getting at and he was right. I needed help. Without it, Adrien and I would endlessly fight until someone got lucky. I couldn't risk it anymore. If (y

) didn't step in, I probably would have been badly injured and would've been killed right there. I have to end this for her. "Don't mind if I step in too" added Yukihrio. "I'd be insulted if you didn't" commented Ken. I wiped my tears away so I could focus. The three of us glared at Adrien who was still in shock at what happened. "S-she got in the way. How was I supposed to stop? You know it was an accident. I didn't mean to hurt her. I'd never would" he tried to explain. I could see that fear overcame him as he knew his life was in grave danger at this point. He couldn't take on three of us, not already being tired from fighting with me for so long. "What's done is done and I vowed to kick your ass if anything happened! Now be a man and fight!" Ken barked at him harshly. We all waited to see what Adrien would do, but like before, he turned to run. "He ain't getting away this time" Ken growled and took off running after Adrien. Yukihiro and I chased after him.

Ken managed to get ahold of Adrien and pull him back. Having no choice but to fight, Adrien and Ken went at it violently. Adiren fighting to get away and Ken just beating the shit out of him. Ken knocked Adrien down to the ground, "So how do we finish this Yukihiro? Any ideas or do we just beat him until he's a scrambled egg?" Ken asked, catching his breath. "The knife is safer and quicker than making him choke on his own blood by tearing his throat open with our fangs" suggested Yukihiro. Option number two just sounded really dark and painful. Which I wouldn't mind inflicting since he caused (y

) so much pain. But I'm sure she would want me to make this painless as possible. Not sure if that will be possible either way. Adrien still had some strength to stand up even after going head to head with Ken. I understood that he was fighting for his life right now and he wouldn't just take death so easily. No one would. He took the knife from the pocket, hoping he could cut the next one who got close to him. There was certainly no stopping him from doing so. We'd have to be careful. Yukihiro and Ken moved away from me and went to the other side of Adrien so we all were surrounding him like a pack of wolves. The three of us exchanged glances as if we were talking to each other with just our eyes. Nobody moved .

Yukihrio slightly nodded, signaling he'd go first. In a flash he darted towards Adrien, who turned and swung his knife in an attempt to defend himself. However, Yukihiro quickly ducked and the blade passed over him. He grabbed Adrien's arm and took the knife from him easily. Adrien struggled to take the knife back, that's when Ken jumped it and pulled Adrien away from Yukihiro. Yukihiro tossed the knife in my direction, it landed close by and I bent down to pick it up. As Ken was struggling to keep Adrien still, Yukihiro walked over to help him. The two of them securely held Adrien firmly, making sure he couldn't wiggle free to escape. This was the opening I had to do what I needed. I guess cutting his throat would be the best way. But as I held the knife in my hand, I couldn't help but hesitate. I was actually going to kill someone. Never would I want to do something like this again for as long as I lived. My hand started shaking as I held the knife. There was something inside me telling me not to use it. But it wasn't (y

)'s voice. It was mine. My vampire's instinct. My craving to see his blood pour out of him. I began to feel a bloodlust I've never felt before. But I wasn't losing my mind, I was completely sane. This new feeling gave me the courage I needed. It tossed my nerves out the window as if they never existed. I was ready.

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