Chapter 13

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Hearing me singing, Tetsuya took a seat next to me, "What's on your mind Hyde?" he asked, seeing I was thinking about something. "Just (y

). I want her to have a good time with us tomorrow. But I can't help but think about how I'm going to tell her I'm a vampire. She only had so long left here in Japan. But I need to know if she'll accept me" I told him. I was really worried how it would all play out. "You're not the only one who is anxious about that. We all want it to end well. But sadly, we can't control what she'll do. We can only hope she'll be willing to listen if things go south" he sighed also feeling the same pain. I couldn't help but think about it, even if I knew it wouldn't help. If I end up telling her tomorrow, then maybe it's just fate playing a part. "Let's take it a moment at a time. We still don't have a plan for tomorrow. Unless you just want to chill here and watch some movies" added Tetsuya. At this rate, that might be the default plan. Though I want to take her somewhere, an onsen would be nice. But maybe something like that might be too intimate. "We have plenty of space here. That might be the best idea. We just have to decide what to eat" ,I told him. She did enjoy everything at the fair, she probably would try anything. "Maybe some drinks too. Though I don't know what your girl prefers or if she even drinks at all. But it might help you not be too anxious. Just don't bite her if you both are drinking or you'll be smashed" said Tetsuya. I never thought about that. How drunk would I get if I bit her while we both drank alcohol? "I'll text her and ask what she likes" ,I told him while doing so.

"Hey, my angel. Do you mind if we have drinks?"

"I don't mind"

"Do you have a preference? I want you to be comfortable with what you like"

"I like (favorite alcoholic drink of choice)"

"Okay. I'll go get some for tomorrow night then"

That answers one question. Now about dinner. I held a meeting in the kitchen, "Do you guys think we should eat out or just get take out?" I asked them. Take out would probably be the better option. "Take out so we don't have to worry about nosey people" ,said Ken who didn't give it a second thought. "Okay then. What kind of take out? (Y\N) really like Japanese food, so it shouldn't be a problem" I added. There was ramen, sushi, yakisoba, hot pot and plenty of other dishes. "You know what I haven't had in a while. Curry" said Yukihiro out of the blue. Now that he mentioned it, neither did I. It sounded really appetizing. "Now that's an idea. We should be able to get some take out no problem. Though, can your girl handle heat?" said Ken. I really didn't know how she handles spicy food. Better ask.

"One more question. Can you handle spicy food?"

" I (like spicy food \ it a little spicy \ don't like spicy)"

"Got it. I'll be able to adjust the spiciness of your plate"

That should be everything we need to know for now. "Might as well go shopping now, while we have plenty of time. We might need some more snacks anyways" added Tetsuya. "Make sure you get some more soda too and If you don't mind, can you pick up some ...." Ken goes on to list several things. "What am I your mother? Go get some yourself. You're grown", Tetsuya refused and shook his head. "We're all going to the store together. So let's go" Yukihiro looks at Tetsuya and Ken, knowing the two of them would start bickering because Ken loved to be dramatic.

Your POV

You wondered what kind of food Hyde had in mind to eat. Something spicy? Was it Japanese food or something else? You were curious, but you didn't mind the surprise of trying new food anyways. Dang why did you have to wait until tomorrow to see him again. You already knew, you were gonna have a really good time. At least the aquarium was a good way to pass the day. You really did enjoy that too. You were looking at the outside exhibits. They actually had some dolphins here. "They're so cute, don't you guys think?" asked Yume, watching excitedly through the glass. You nodded, "I wonder if they have a show here?" you said looking around for a sign. But nothing. Maybe there wasn't one or it had already passed. Oh well. The three of you moved on and finished looking around the aquarium. Lastly, you made sure to get a little something from the shop, a (favorite ocean animal) stuffed animal.

From there, you went to eat out at a ramen restaurant. Now this was authentic. There were so many types of ramen bowls to choose from. But you went with the (favorite ramen bowl) flavor. The three of you chatted while waiting for your bowls. "So did Hideto tell you the plan for tomorrow? Must be something special" Yume asked, wanting to know more. "He actually didn't say, so I guess it'll be a surprise. It just makes it more exciting to me" you replied. Though you really did want to know what he was planning. Even if it's just relaxing somewhere it would be alright as long as you were with him. Getting to know him better was the most important thing after all. Not too soon after, the waiter came by with your ramen. He places your bowl in front of you, "The broth is still hot, so give it a few minutes" he said. You looked up at him and saw Hyde. For the third time today. What the hell was wrong with your brain today? You kind of froze. Was this really him or another brain trick? "Miss, is everything okay?" he asked, finding it weird you were staring. You came back to reality and realized it wasn't actually Hyde. "Oh yes. Sorry. Just a bit tired, I guess" you told him. That was a bit embarrassing. "Somebody is in dreamland thinking about their date tomorrow, I assume" ,Yume says. You wish that was the case this whole day. "Let's just go with that" you told her and yourself at the same time.

Returning back to home base, the three of you decided to watch a movie together. "I want to pick the movie" Leo volunteers as he took the remote from Yume without asking. "As long as it's not weird" she says not fighting with him for once. It took Leo a few minutes, "Oh I always wanted to watch this movie but I could never find it online" said Leo finding something. "You want to watch some cringy vampire movie?" Yume laughs, finding it funny. "It has my favorite actress in it. I don't care how bad it is" Leo defends his choice. You know what, you kind of wanted to watch it too. For no particular reason. You told yourself. "I'm down for it. Let's give Leo a chance to be in Japanese paradise for once" you giggled.

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