Chapter 8

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After the check up by your friends, the two of you found a place to sit at the performance stage. It wasn't as packed this time around, so you felt like you had just a little bit more privacy. Hyde put his around your shoulder to hold you as the two of you watched the performance. It was some sort of stage play and was quite entertaining. You wish you could go see an actual performance. Like the ones that go on for 3 hours and are full of drama. It would be fun. The show only lasted for 30 minutes, it felt good to sit down for a bit and watch something. "Thank you everyone for coming to the festival. We'll next be preparing the area for dancing, with a live band of course. So if you would please excuse the mess" said some guy on the stage. Dancing? What kind of dancing? To dance with Hyde would be amazing. "Want to come back when they finish moving things around?" asked Hyde. He read your mind. "Yes. I think it would be fun. I never really had the chance to do something like this before...with someone" you told him. You've been to school dances but never had a date or anything before. This would be the first time. "It'd be my first time too. So you won't be alone in that" Hyde said "And I'm not sure I know how to dance" he said a little unsure of himself.. What? "Then what are you doing on the stage half the time? Surely that's dancing" you laughed thinking about his many performances. Sure it wasn't a full on dance number, but he knew how to move on stage. "I guess you're right. I do dance on stage huh?" he smiled thinking about it "But that's when I'm by myself. I'm not sure how to move as a couple, you know" he told you. He did have a point. You don't have to worry about your movement alone. So this was a more personal dance. Which you still were in the same boat. "Well let's just try and if we fail, we fail together" you told him honestly. He nodded, "Sounds good to me, angel" ,he agreed.

The volunteers made everyone leave the area so they could set up everything. " While we're up, let's make a quick stop by the restrooms" ,Hyde suggested. That was a good idea. Nothing ruins the mood like needing to go. So the two of you made a stop by the restrooms. You came out first and waited outside for Hyde. You thought you would've taken longer since moving around in a yukata was a bit of a pain when you have to go. You didn't mind taking a seat on a nearby bench to wait. "Hey miss. How are you doing tonight?" someone had approached you. You looked up at the person, who was wearing a mask. "Um....I'm fine" you replied a bit awkwardly. This is random. Maybe people were just nicer over here than in America. "That's good to hear. How about I make your night better? Care to keep me company for the rest of the night?" he asked. Okay nevermind, this guy was trying to hit on you. "Sorry. But I have a boyfriend" you declined his offer, which was kind of true. The man looked around you, "I don't see him anywhere. Are you sure it's not a lie to get me to leave?" he asked. So he's a sarcastic asshole? Dang. What's taking Hyde so long? "It's not a lie. Now please leave me alone. I don't want to go with you" you told him firmly. Surely he'd get it now. "Aw come one. Just come walk around with me for a bit. Your boyfriend will understand" he said, trying to grab your arm, but you quickly stood up to avoid it. Now he's trying to touch you. "You're quick for being in a yukata. But I insist, don't make me ask again. Come walk with me" he said, this time actually grabbing your forearm. This guy was probably close to 6 feet and his grip kind of hurt. You couldn't really pull away with this yukata restricting you either. If only you could yell his name.

"Hey Jackass! Get your hands off of her!" you heard a familiar voice.

Hyde came up next to you and forced the man's hand off your forearm. Oh thank goodness. "Are you alright?" Hyde asked you tenderly. You nodded. More or less. Now that guy's hand wasn't squeezing your arm anymore. "Hey shorty? Who are you? This is my girl" the man said, trying to claim you. You felt like something was different with Hyde. Maybe it was because he was obviously angry. Something you'd never thought you'd see in person. "She's my girlfriend! Now back off!" Hyde barked at him seriously. You moved behind Hyde so the man wouldn't try to take you by force. "You think you could fight me little man? Ha! That's the funniest thing I heard all night" the tall man laughed. Sure he had height but that didn't mean Hyde couldn't still kick his ass. Hyde reached for his mask and lifted it up. What was he doing?! That's not a good idea. You wanted to say something about it, but you didn't want to speak up for some reason. "I won't tell you again. Leave" Hyde said slowly. He wasn't going to move. "Like hell I'll move!" the man barked, he went to reach out to Hyde to grab him but he stopped in the middle of it. He practically froze. What was happening? Did the man realize who he was or was it something else? The man moved his arm back to his side and bowed, "I am so sorry sir. I apologize" the man said with no emotion. Wait. What? The man then turned around like some wound up toy soldier and left. That was freakin weird. You were confused and didn't know what to make of what you just saw. Hyde turned around to face you, "I'm sorry I wasn't out here earlier. I was having trouble with my yukata" he told you. As he was talking to you, you swore you saw something sticking out of his mouth. They were small, white and pointed. Hold on. Were you seeing fangs? This just made you more confused. Were you just seeing things? You haven't even had any drinks yet. "(Y\N)?", Hyde called your name. You looked up at him, "Sorry. Thank you. That was scary" you said trying to put aside your thoughts for now. Hyde pulled down his mask again to hide his face, "Let's go find something to pass the time" he suggested. You nodded, "Yea. I wanna forget what just happened" you told him and not for almost being taken by some guy but what happened afterwards.

You and Hyde pass the time by window shopping a bit. There were so many things you could buy. Jewelry, fancy kimono, anime things and so much more. It certainly made you forget about everything for a bit. "See anything you want, my angel?" Hyde asked you, as he was right besides you looking at what you were looking at. Well if he was offering, how could you say no. But you didn't really want to carry something around until after the festival. "We can always come back after the dance. I don't want to worry about losing things" ,you told him. Though, you couldn't exactly decide on what you wanted. "Fair enough. If you can't decide, then I'll make the decision for you. Okay?" he smiled. Maybe you should let him. You were kind of curious what he'd pick for you. You smiled back, "I like that idea".

Time passed and the performance area was clear and ready for the dance. The band was still setting up on stage, so everyone was just standing around. "I hope the band is good" you mentioned trying to start some small talk in order to not think about being a bit nervous. "If you wanted a good band, then I should be up there" Hyde chuckled. He wasn't lying about that. "That's true. But I want you down here with me. Let's give them a fighting chance, okay?" you joked with him. Not too long after, the band finally was ready to start playing. Some people had gathered at the front of the stage to just listen while the dancers lingered in the back so they could have space. The first song was upbeat and had a nice rhythm to it. You noticed a small group of people had started some sort of line dance. That kind of looked like fun. It would be easy to do. "Hey let's go join in that line dance" you told him wanting to try it out. "A line dance?" Hyde asked not sure what you were talking about. You pointed to the group of people, "See. Thats a line dance it's just a simple dance that you can do repeatedly in a group. Just watch for a bit" you explained and lead him closer so the two of you could see better. You observed the series of steps in the line dance. You think you could do this. One of the girls in the group saw you trying to mimic her, "Hey if you wanna join us, you're more than welcome. The more the merrier" she smiled. You were glad these people were so nice. "Wanna try it out?" you looked at Hyde, who didn't look too positive. "Come on. We'll do it together" you said, trying to encourage him. Maybe if you started first he'll join. So that's what you did. You went to stand by the girl and pick up on her movements. Slowly getting the hang of it. As you suspected, Hyde came over and you showed him the steps so he could catch up. After doing it for a minute, it became easier. "I thought this was a bit weird at first. But it's not that bad" Hyde told you, having learned the steps to the dance. He was doing really well and he said he couldn't dance.

It was pretty fun dancing in sync with the other people in the group. But just as quickly as it started, it ended as soon as the band changed songs. "Looks like we survived our first dance" you said happily. "I never knew people danced together like that" he commented. Maybe he doesn't go to parties much. 

Separation and Obsession (Hyde x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now