Chapter 56

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The two of you slept in the next day. You eventually woke up to hearing something from the living room, probably Yume listening to some music out loud. You slowly sat up, looking down at your leg. You'd have to be careful walking. This was going to be a pain, both literally and metaphorically. You put most of your weight on your good leg and balanced on it, awkwardly doing little hops so you could get to the door. You weren't sure if this was the best way to get around, but you didn't want to risk putting pressure on your thigh only for it to sting really bad. You'll experiment later, when you are more awake. You opened your door and hopped out to the living room, then closed the door behind you. Hyde needed to get as much rest as he needed. No doubt he'd be hungry when he woke. You weren't gonna let hopping around on one leg and standing like a flamingo, stop you from getting around and doing what you needed. Your plan of attack was to go to the bathroom, but there was so much open space between here and there. You'd have to tackle this one step at a time. "Good morning", said Yume. But you didn't respond because of your intense focus. You hopped over to the sofa, so you could put your other leg down for a moment to rest. "I hope you don't plan on hoping to get around? You might fall flat on your face, you know", Yume warning you. "I know. But it's better than aggravating my wound and causing pain" you explained. If you fall on your face, you'll do it with dignity. "At Least ask for help when you can. Especially for the first few days" Yume said and offered to help you.You leaned on Yume as she escorted you to the restroom. You didn't mind the help, but as long as you were in the apartment, you still wanted to move on your own. But she was right, you shouldn't push it for the first few days.

As you began to wake up more, all this moving around made the pain in your thigh become more apparent. You decided to make yourself something to eat so you can take some painkillers to dull the pain. "Just tell me what you want to eat, I'll make it for you" Yume offered. You were confident in making your own food, but it would give you a chance to go check on Hyde. He's still sleeping. You requested (favorite easy and quick breakfast). While Yume got to cooking, you hopped back to your room and over to your bed, "Hideto. Are you okay?" you called his name, wanting to make sure he was alright. ".......sleeping" he replied. Well duh. "I just wanted to make sure you're still breathing. If you're going to sleep all day, you should at least eat something first", you advised him. Sleeping will only do part of the work in making him feel better, but he can't heal right on an empty stomach. "Alright, I get up" ,he said, coming out from under the covers. He sat up, "Everything hurts. I'm so sore" he commented trying to lightly stretch. You didn't know how badly he was bruised underneath but surely being thrown around and fighting for so long would make you extremely sore the next day. "I'm sorry, koala bear. Maybe you should take a hot bath to relax your muscles" ,you suggested. "A bath?" he replied, slightly insulted by the suggestion. "Yes, a bath. Grown men can take baths too. It will help you feel better. Besides we don't have any hot springs around here, so it's the closest thing you can get '' you said trying to convince him. Hyde didn't seem really convinced, so maybe you should sweeten the deal. "If you take a bath, maybe I'll give you a massage afterwards" ,you added. No man could refuse that deal.You wouldn't mind giving him one regardless, as long as he gets to take it easy. You'll get to look at his tattoo again too. "I wouldn't mind a massage from my angel" he said. You smiled. You knew he couldn't say no. "Okay then. I'll give you one after you take a bath then" you told him, leaving the conversation there.

You and Hyde left the room to go sit and eat. With Yume acting as chef for today, you ate however she prepared the meal. While you were eating, you noticed that the rest of the boys still weren't back. You thought Tetsuya would've still been here at least. Surely, they'd return soon. "Hear from the boys yet, Hyde?" you asked him. He would know. "They'll be here soon. Don't worry, everything went fine" he told you. That's a relief. "So if it's not a bother to either of you, how'd it go last night?" Yume asked, wanting to get some details. Although you were curious too, you weren't sure how you would react. "It wasn't easy. But after (y

) was injured, Ken and Yukihiro decided to step in and help me. I never seen Ken fight like that before. Adrien tried to run but Ken chased him down, pulled him back and beat the crap out of him. Remind me never to piss him off" Hyde explained. You were passed out at the time, but it sounded like a lot happened afterwards. You were glad to hear that Hyde had backup and didn't fight alone in the end. "I'll make sure I give Kenny some extra love today, when I see him", Yume decided.

After breakfast, more like lunch, you decided to go set up the bathroom a bit. You had Hyde help you get there since you didn't want to jump and scramble all the food you just ate. You set everything up so it looked nice. Cleaned up a little and moved things out of the way. "You don't have to set everything up like this, my angel" said Hyde, seeing you were putting in extra effort. Though you had to move a bit slow while doing it, you want to do it. "I know but might as well pretend you're at some spa. Have a little fun since both of us won't be doing much today anyways" you explained to him. Hyde could see you were determined and enjoying making everything look nice, so he didn't stop you. "I hope I'm the only customer you have at your spa" he said, teasing. It made you giggle, "I take pride in serving my only customer" you said going along with it, "All we need is some towels and to set the bath, then it will be ready to go" you told him. You picked yourself up and were able to easily get some towels from the closet outside the bathroom. You placed the towels on top of the sink before going to the tub.Too bad you had nothing fancy like bath bombs. But you did have a (favorite scent) candle you can light for a nice touch. You had Hyde light the candle for you as you heated up the water to a preferred temperature so you could fill the tub.

Once you got the tub filled with hot water, you told Hyde it was ready. You made sure to step outside the bathroom, so he could undress. "Why is the water so hot!?", you could hear Hyde comment from inside. Well you liked it hot. He wasn't gonna die if he soaked in hot water, it's better anyways. "Just be quiet and get in. It's to relax your muscles, you'll get used to the heat" you said. You waited for a few minutes until Hyde gave you permission to go inside. Of course the curtain was all the way pulled, but you didn't mind if he wanted privacy. You just wanted to sit beside the tub and keep him company. "I know the water is extra hot, but I'm sure it feels good" you try to start a conversation. "It might be easier to relax if my a*s wasn't on fire" Hyde replied. You laughed, "Sorry. But the water will stay warm longer this way. It'll cool down soon enough" you said. You hate sitting in cold water. Maybe going to a hot spring would be fun, the water would stay warm and you could soak to your heart's content. "Yeah. At least I'm not thinking about how sore I am while I'm being boiled alive" Hyde told you, being dramatic about the temperature. "You'll thank me later, koala bear" you smiled.

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