Chapter 45

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The two of you feel asleep at some point. Waking up the next morning, you tried to take things easy, even though you felt fine. "Are you sure you should go to (work\school) today, my angel?" Hyde asked, concerned about what happened last night. You nodded, "I feel okay. I promise to take it easy. If I do start feeling faint, I'm sure I can leave with no issue" you reassured him. Yukihiro and Tetsuya came back to the apartment, with a plan to follow you while you were (working\at school) to see if Adrien would show his face. You didn't mind and would feel safer knowing they were there with you. You were in the room getting ready, when someone came into the room and shut the door. You thought it was Hyde but it turned out to be Yume. This could only mean something happened last night. Hopefully good news. "How was last night with Ken?" you asked, knowing an explanation was coming. "Is it that obvious?" Yume said. You nodded and encouraged her to talk. "Alright. Ken told me that he likes me" she confessed. Oh so he did? "Really. I'm happy. But you seem to be thinking something else" you could tell Yume was in a little distressed. Which was normal for this situation. "I am the happiest girl in the world. My celebrity crush actually freakin likes me! I'm not sure why I feel otherwise. Do I just confess at this point, though he probably already knows I have a crush on him anyways" Yume was slightly freaking out. "Yume. relax. It's fine. Just let it happen and don't overthink it.You'll get used to it in time. Trust me, it was hard for me too" you told her calmly. Overthinking is really a mood killer. Yume took a deep breath, "You're right. I'm freaking out too much.It's just a little hard to take in " she explained to you. You understood, with things happening so fast, it was overwhelming. So many of the same thoughts crossed your mind "I know. So like I said, let things happen. Besides this is only something you and Ken can sort out. But Hyde and I are happy to help you and Ken through all this" you smiled and reassured her. "I'm so happy you guys are here for me. This is stressful. If this is what you went through, girl, I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you" Yume added on. It would've been nice to have her support, but you got through it. Thankfully the band really was a family, even to some random girl like you. Though now you weren't a random girl anymore.

You went to (school\work) later that morning. Everyone had decided to stay close by while you went about your day. You often passed by them on your way around. Thankfully, you didn't get any weird feelings or hallucinations for the rest of the day. Maybe their presence really did scare Adrien off. You had one more hour left. Things were going pretty good.

Hyde's POV

I went by myself to walk around a bit. I believe (y

) when she told us that Adiren was following her yesterday. But we saw no sign of him today. All of us here probably scared him off. Or so I thought. "You think it's good to be walking around alone?" a voice had asked me out of nowhere. I didn't have to guess who it was, because I knew. I wasn't scared of taking him on by myself again. I looked in front of me and there he was, just a few feet away. But far enough to be safe from me attacking him. "You should be the one worried. I'm sure you're aware, my friends are not too far away. Though, I should beat your a*s regardless for tormenting (y

) yesterday" I growled at him. It was cowardly of him to do such a thing. He must have a funny way of trying to scare (y

) into liking him. "I'm aware of the risk. But I had to get your attention somehow. I need to tell you something important" Adrien said, his body language said he didn't come here to fight this time. Well, I wasn't expecting this. What could he possibly want to tell me? "I'm listening" I said, still keeping my guard up just in case. I watch him carefully. "You're with (y

) because she's your destined partner, I assume?" he asked me. I nodded, confirming the statement. "I see. Well in my case, she's mine too. I know it for a fact. But I thought it was impossible for something like this to happen. Aren't we vampires only tied to one person? How can two of us be tied to the same one?" Adrien explained himself. I wasn't expecting him to say something like this. As far as I knew, it was one vampire and one partner per generation. But two vampires finding the same girl to be their partner, it really should be impossible. "I don't know enough about vampire history to say whether it's impossible or not. But it sounds like it should be", I told him honestly. So what exactly does this mean for the two of us though? But knowing this fact made sense to why Adrien attacked me before. We both need her. But we both can't have her. (y

) already has made her choice. She wants nothing to do with Adrien and neither me or him want to share her. Absolutely no way. "You know a vampire without his partner will go insane eventually. I'm sure you know what I'm thinking. I'll just keep coming back because she is supposed to be my partner. I have no gawd damn choice. It's a drive. An instinct. Simply, we have no choice but to fight for her until one of us dies if we are to end this" Adrien told me. I wish it didn't make sense, but it was scary how much it did. If I were in his shoes, I'm sure I'd be going through the same thing as he was.

Regardless, I'll protect (y

) with my life and I will fight for her no matter if it breaks my bones or spills my blood. I love her too much. "I understand. I guess the best thing we can do for her is to end this as quickly as we can" I said, thinking of not wanting (y

) to be stressed about this whole issue any longer. I had to take this into my hands, even if it was alone. If it was destiny, so be it. "I'm glad you got a smart head on your shoulders. Then let's agree on a date to get this over with. The quicker the better" Adrien suggested. There was certainly no faster solution than that. If I have to, I'll sneak out late at night to do this on my own. Though I should tell my family, no matter what. "I agree. How about 2 days from now? We both should be at our best by then, considering how hard we fought last time" I told him. Though I was mostly fine to fight again by now. I just need the extra time to think things over. "Sounds good to me. Meet me in front of the movie theater at midnight. There is a park just around the block. We should be free to fight there with no disturbances" Adrien gave me a time and place. Seems like he already had this planned out. But I'd rather agree to do this then have him do something drastic to get my attention.

The two of us went our separate ways, eventually I returned to the group to finish waiting for (y

). I kept everything I discussed with Adrien to myself.

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