Chapter 3

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Hyde's POV

As the Lies and Truth came to an end. I sang the chorus a few more times over. I offered my hand to the audience and started to skim across the front row of fans. The row of fans eagerly reached out. As I came across the last part of the front row, my hand connected with someone in particular. It was a strange feeling that came over me and only lasted a second. It was a young lady. My eyes instantly went to hers. Without much thought, my hand instinctively wanted to grab hers.But the moment passed so quickly. Before I knew it, I was at the end of the row of fans. There was something about the touch that felt intriguing. Of course I couldn't just stop in the moment to find out why. I allowed myself to go along with the schedule of the show. I motioned the band to stop the music, so I could say something as an introduction. "Are you ready, Osaka?!" I asked the crowd. I was met with a roaring response of excitement. It was moments like this that I felt the confidence to perform my best. Usually I don't make these kinds of requests from the audience. It was routine to have already a set of songs to perform before the show began. But I felt something in my gut telling me to do this differently, "Because I'm back home in Osaka. I want to make this performance special. To start I want to take a song request from the audience" I said aloud. Without hesitation, the audience exploded with many suggestions. It was a bit hard to make out just one song title clearly. I walked across the front of the stage, hoping I could pick out something. Once I came across the same place as earlier, I heard someone call my name, "Hyde sing (Favorite L'Arc en Ciel Song)". I managed to lock eyes with the same young lady as before. I heard what she said, but it was so noisy, her suggestion was drowned out by the other fans."Everyone quiet down for a moment", I told the audience. Almost immediately, the whole arena calmed down. I walked forward to the edge of the stage and knelt down so I could hear what song the young lady was suggesting. "What song is your favorite angel?", I asked, looking straight at her so she knew I was talking to her. I don't know why I felt the need to use an endearing term, but it felt right in the moment. I could tell I caught her off guard for a second but she finally replied, "(Favorite L'Arc en Ciel Song)" she repeated. I nodded finally able to hear clearly now. I stood back up and looked at the rest of the crowd and repeated the song she gave me. The audience was nevertheless thrilled by the choice. I looked back at my friends to see if they were on board. They all exchanged glances but all were into the idea. They nodded in agreement. Yukihiro set the timing by hitting his drumstick a few times so we would all start together. During the rest of the first half of the show, it was almost like my feet were moving on their own back to where the young lady was. I didn't really understand it. But I tried to make it look routine and part of the performance, I just hope it didn't look too awkward to anyone else but me. It finally came time for our break halfway through the show. "We're gonna take a short break to catch our breath. Be back in 30 minutes" Ken announced before giving the man on the side the nod to close the curtains. I turned around in time to look at the spot where the young lady was. As I looked at her something compelled me to give a playful wink. I'm not sure if she saw, the curtain didn't give me much time to see if she did.

"Hyde is everything good? Your footwork was a little weird", Tetsuya caught on. Since he was closer to me as the bass player, it made it easier for him to spot mistakes I made. I grabbed my water to take a drink, "Everything's fine. I guess" a little unsure if I should explain it or keep it to myself. Ken went around to each of us, handing us a pill. "Time for the usual" he said, taking his then drinking water. I really disliked taking this twice a day, but it was necessary for a band of vampires if we were to keep our secret. Not only did it dim the sun's effect on us, but it also helped us eat normal food without making us too sick. "So what's this about your weird footwork Hyde", Yukihiro opened the conversation again after hearing Tetsuya ask. "Nothing. I'm fine....Was it that obvious?" I kind of gave in to the idea, maybe it looked more out of character than I thought. "It was pretty obvious to me," said Tetsuya. "Yea even now that I think about it, it was kind of weird even for you" Ken agreed. "Something on your mind. So just get it out" Yukihiro insisted. I sighed, took another drink from my bottle before explaining myself. "Fine. Something weird happened when I went to stretch my hand out to the front row. I can't explain it. It was like one of the fans caught my attention, it threw me off guard" I told them. For a second, no one said anything. Maybe I was just imagining it. "Don't tell me it was a girl right? The same one you asked for a song?"Yukihiro hit it right on the nail. Before I had the chance to reply, Ken chimed in, "You're not suggesting what I think you are?" he said to Yukihiro. What were they suggesting? It was for sure something vampire related. I bet my fangs on it. I made a pouting face and waited for a reply. "I think that lucky lady might be your partner" Yukihiro finally spoke up. My partner? Wait, this is what it felt like when you found the one? This was a lot more awkward than what we were told. But if Yukihiro said so, and he's been through alot of weird vampire phenomenon more than the rest of us. "I'm not going to lie but this kind of sucks ,pun intended, since we're in the middle of the show. On top of that she's a fan" explained Tetsuya.For some reason I kind of got a little mad and felt like I needed to defend myself, even if this was sort of out of my control. "So she's a fan. It doesn't bother me" I told them firmly. Which to me, it really didn't matter. "That's the least of our worries right now. If we don't find a way to get them together.... We can't afford Hyde losing his 'sh*t in the middle of a performance" said Ken a little puzzled and aggravated. He was right.If I remember, we were told that finding your partner was a mysterious but difficult process. If we failed to establish a relationship, we could lose our sanity and go into a lust for blood. "All of this over a simple hand touch. What a pain in the ass. No offense to the lady, I blame being a vampire" added Yukihiro. Usually he wasn't one to blame these kinds of difficulties on being a vampire.If he was worried and stressed about it, this must be a very serious matter. "I have to use the restroom. I'll be back" I said. I need a moment to kind of process this now wild situation. I walked to use the restroom backstage but it was out of order. Just my luck right now. I guess I'll use the one at the end of the hall in the back so no one could really see me.

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