Chapter 35

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The car ride to the hotel wasn't long at all. Everyone took a bag or two and went up to the boy's suite. Like last time, the hotel and everything was really nice. Inside the suite was big enough to be an apartment in itself. "Holy crap! This place is amazing" Yume looked around in awe. It was really amazing. Different from the suite in Japan, this one was more comfortably American in its own way. You and Yume put anything that needed to be refrigerated away, while the boys sorted out the other things. When everyone was out of the kitchen, you and Yume got to work preparing brunch. On the menu today was ( favorite brunch or breakfast). Hyde and Ken stood behind the counter to watch the two of you work your magic. You knew why Hyde was watching, to be with you. But what got into Ken? Maybe he was just hungry, he was the one who requested food. "You two cook fast together", Hyde commented. You and Yume had no trouble moving around the kitchen easily and preparing everything. "Well we can't keep four grown men hungry you know", you told him "Especially that one" you added, pointing to Ken. "What's that supposed to mean?"Ken replied, feeling a bit like he was being picked on, "It's not everyday we get this sort of personal service, you know" he added. His words didn't bug you all that much, it was a little cute how confident he seemed to be about what you and Yume were cooking for them. He'd definitely could use a girlfriend, someone to tend to him. You could tell Hyde wanted to say something but you beat him to it, "It's okay Koala bear. He can talk all he wants. It makes me happy to know our services are needed" you smiled. "I don't mind being a maid for L'Arc-en-Ciel", Yume added giggling. Of course she didn't but you didn't either. "See they don't mind. Let the ladies do the work Hyde. Enjoy it as they tend to our every need" Ken said, being really dramatic and acting like he was some sort of prince. Hyde rolled his eyes as his words, "Better treat them real nice then" he told him.

Brunch was finally ready and served. All six of you sat around the table and enjoyed yourselves. You were pretty hungry by that time, the food was well deserved. "Hyde told me that we're invited to join you ladies to the movies tonight. What do you plan on watching?" Ken asked you and Yume. It was a little weird to hear him use the term 'ladies', it was very polite of him. Something you weren't used to even after knowing him for a little while. It sounded more like a word Tetsuya or Yukihiro would use. "We're going to see a (favorite movie genre)movie. I've been waiting for it to come out for a few months now", Yume explains to him. Ken moves his chair closer to her, "Mind if you show me the trailer real quick?" he asked, showing interest. "As long as he's being a gentleman" you heard Hyde commented. You guess even he was a little thrown off by Ken's behavior.

You and Hyde moved to sit on the sofa in front of the TV, to be more comfortable. You were thinking about how long it's been since you've seen all of them. A little over two weeks. Though it felt like forever to you. You wonder how Hyde was able to take things waiting so long, so you asked him. "I hope the last two weeks apart weren't too hard on you" you said to him. You let yourself relax beside him. "I would be lying if I said I was fine the whole time. But calling you helped a lot honestly. I didn't have any major breakdowns if that's what you were worried about" he explained to you. That was a relief. Calling was a lot of fun, hearing his voice was comforting to you. "I'm glad you were able to stay strong. Were you craving my blood at all? Isn't that why it's hard for you to be apart from me?" you asked him directly. You could see Hyde's eyes flash red at the mention of it. "I always want your blood, no matter what. There are some things I can do to keep the urge for it at bay. It will never compare though" he told you. You hope he didn't have to do anything drastic to do so. If Yume wasn't here, you wouldn't mind experiencing your second bite.

You all passed the time together just hanging out and chatting. It was very relaxing and comforting to be with all of them again. The best feeling. "Let's all take a picture together. I like to remember days like these", Yume said to everyone. It's a good idea. A picture you and Yume could hang in the room to look at. "Good idea Yume. That sounds wonderful" you agreed with her. It was decided you were going to use the sofa to take the picture from. It took a minute for everyone to arrange themself in a comfortable way. Yume set up her phone and put it on a ten second timer, before going to her spot. "I can text you all the pictures. We can set up a group chat, so it's easier for all of us" Yume suggested. It would be better than texting separate numbers. Yume got everyone's numbers and set up the group chat. You made sure each number was saved in your contacts, so you could tell who was who. Yume sent the picture to the group. It was so cute. Eventually, Ken and Hyde had settled down for a nap on the sofa. Yukihiro and Tetsuya remained awake to keep you and Yume company. You stayed by Hyde's side, even though he was sleeping. You let his head rest on a pillow that was on your lap and admired how peaceful he looked while sleeping. Hopefully, he wouldn't have that horrible dream again.

Once Hyde and Ken had woken up again, you had the boys drop you and Yume back at the apartment so you could get properly ready before the movie. You were going on an official date this time. While they waited, the boys were going to drive around and check out the nearby stores. So you could take your time knowing they weren't just sitting there. "I updated Adrien about bringing some more friends. He's cool with it" Yume told you, while she was putting her hair up. Adrien. Almost forgot he was coming. No matter. You were gonna have Hyde and the rest of the boys with you there. You felt more safe now with them by your side. You and Yume finished getting ready, you texted Hyde so he'd know to have them drive back to get you. The car quickly arrived, "Do I know you two pretty ladies?" Ken was sticking his head out of the window from the back seat. Someone pulled him back in, "Sit your a*s back down Ken" you heard Hyde tell him. You shook your head and smiled. "Hyde opened the door so you and Yume could get in. Yume went in first. Before you could step in the car, Hyde took your hand and kissed it like a handsome knight would back in the days of Kings and Queens. "You look beautiful, my angel" ,he complimented you. He was so attractive when he did things like this. Giving you butterflies in your stomach and making you blush by his sweet gestures. Such a sweetheart. "Thank you, Koala bear" you replied, being polite. You got into the car, Hyde followed in afterwards.

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