Chapter 6

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Hyde's POV

I finally had some time to myself, although it was almost time for the performance. I felt bad for not being able to text (y

) anything all day. Did she even get my text from this morning? I never checked. I saw two messages from her. She also sent me a picture of a poster for a festival. It was for tomorrow. If I could go see her then, I could do my best to push through today. I went looking for the rest of the band to tell them about it. "You think it'd be safe for him to go by himself?" asks Tetsuya. Safe? I'm more worried about keeping (y

) safe. "Well if we all go, I think it will be fine. Besides, when was the last time we all went to a festival?" said Ken, liking the idea. "You know what. Let's go. We have our last performance tonight" said Yukihiro, not refusing or shutting the idea down. I perked up, "Really? You guys are the best" I said excitedly. They had every reason to say no to this. But I know they are really worried about my emotional state. "He's like a child on christmas day", laughs Ken "But is this really okay Yukihiro?" he added. Yukihiro nodded, "Remember we have to make sure we get them together and we'll all be wearing masks so it's safe we can all go out without people freaking out. I also think we deserve some fun after working our asses off performing" he explains.

We began the show and managed to make it to the halfway point to take our break. "Looks who got their fancy footwork back in order" Tetsutya commented. "I don't think I've seen Hyde this happy in a while. It kind of scares me" added Ken. "Just be relieved he's in a calm state. I'm sure any of you would feel like you were on top of the world if you were him" said Yukihiro while drinking some water. I was listening to their conversation while still doing a bit of dancing. "Hey lover boy. Sit down and drink some water" Ken told me. But I didn't want to sit down. I felt too excited to sit still. But I knew I should rest while I could. As soon as I sat down, I realized how exhausted I really was. "Why am I so tired?" I asked out loud. "Because you have your head so far in the clouds, you don't realize how much dancing you're doing" Ken answered my question. "I don't think I've ever seen you move so much during a performance before. You ought to take it easy for the rest of the show" said Tetsuya. "Why don't you take a moment to text your girl.I'm sure she misses you" Ken said a bit sarcastically. "You're just jealous you don't have a girl" Tetsuya teased him. "I can get a girl anytime I want" ,Ken huffed. "Prove it" ,Tetsuya told him. The two continued to go back and forth. I looked at my phone and just realized, I never texted (y

)back. Better late than never, I guess.

Your POV

"I'll see you tomorrow then, my angel"

Oh my gosh, he actually agreed. You let out a small squeal of excitement. "Good news I take it?" asked Yume. You put your phone back in your pocket, "He actually said yes you guys. I'm excited" you told them the news. Of course you have every reason to celebrate. You were gonna technically go on a date with Hyde. "So this dude isn't some guy who picks up chicks at concerts?" asked Leo wanting to be the big brother. "He's not. I can tell. I promise he's not" you said, still throwing a party in your head. "And if he is. We beat his ass Leo" Yume gave him a thumbs up. Going to a festival to spend some alone time! You won't believe it until you see it. Wait a minute. A festival?! You don't have a yukata. Yume saw the look of utter despair on your face. "What's that look for?" she asked. "I didn't bring my yukata with me. I didn't think we'd go to a festival or something like this" you said disappointed in yourself for not doing so. "Well we can always look for one now. Since it's spring, we should have no trouble looking for one. But it's a bit late now. So let's wake up extra early. The festival won't be until closer to evening anyways. Plenty of time" Yume reassured you. It didn't really make it any easier on you to wait to go look for one. But since it was getting dark anyways, maybe it would be better that way.

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