Chapter 22

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Yes you did. You were still curious enough to want to know how it felt. You suddenly received a text from Yume. She was wondering when you'd be back. You'd at least want to get the bite over with before you left. "Hyde, Yume wants to know when I'll be back. What should I tell her?" you asked him. Even though it was your decision to stay longer or leave whenever. You just wanted to hear his thoughts. "That's up to you, my angel. We can go when you're ready to leave" he told you, as expected. You nodded, "Right. But I want to do one more thing before I'm ready to go" you said. Hyde looked at you waiting for a response. It did make you a little nervous to say what you wanted but surely he was thinking of wanting to bite you too. "Will you bite me?" you asked him, feeling a bit awkward being so forward in a way. You think he'd be the one asking to bite you. But Hyde seemed like the type to prioritize your feelings over his. You could see his eyes flash red for a moment. "You really want me to?" he replied with a bit of excitement. You could tell he wanted to jump at the opportunity since you did technically give him permission. But he was being a gentleman about it and was holding back. Though any vampire would get excited over blood."I did suggest it last night. I meant it.It would make you happy too wouldn't it? I'm sure a little pain won't be so bad" you reassured him and yourself at the same time. Hyde sat up straight, "I'm already happy, my angel. But promise you'll tell me if it hurts too much" he requested. He wanted to make sure you were comfortable. If it was that painful, he'll be able to tell regardless. "I promise. Do you think it's okay to bite me out here?" you asked wondering exactly what everyone else would think or maybe your nerves were just getting to you. Hyde could tell you were nervous, "We can go into the bedroom if you want. But I won't be long, if that makes you feel any better. Just a quick bite" he said, trying to reassure you. You'd feel better in the room for sure, but everyone else here is a vampire. It's not like they haven't seen this or done it before. But Hyde saying it would be quick did make you feel more at ease. Might as well not make a fuss about it and just have him bite you right here. "Since everyone else is occupied, I'll be okay out here" you told him your answer.

Hyde brought you into a hug, at least you wouldn't be able to stare as he sucked your blood. You'd really pass out then. You did your best to relax as you waited for him to bite you. Hyde placed his lips on your right shoulder. You expected him to bite you immediately but he didn't. Maybe he became nervous now that he was given permission and opportunity or maybe you being awake really bothered him that much. "I'll be okay. Go ahead" you encouraged him.Only in a weird circumstance like this would you encourage someone to bite you. Not too long afterwards, you felt the prick of his fangs poke your skin and then sink in. The pressure felt like needles. Not the worst pain but not very comfortable either. Tolerable at least. You hugged Hyde tightly as you embraced the bite. You did your best to steady your breathing and not think about the pressure of his needle like fangs digging in your skin. You could tell him to stop, but you wanted to endure the process for him. After about a minute, you felt much calmer and noticed the pain in your shoulder was gone. You could see Hyde still there, he didn't stop drawing blood. Did your body just numb your shoulder on its own? Or was it some vampire magic?

With the pain now magically gone, you eased the tightness of your hug on him. You exhaled comfortably and let your head rest on his shoulder. It just felt like a normal hug. It still boggled your mind how the pain just vanished, but now you didn't have any fear of it. Especially knowing it would disappear within seconds after biting you. You suddenly began to zone out in your thoughts, feeling extremely relaxed. Who knew how long you zoned out for. You honestly felt like you could've fallen asleep. Though before you could, you heard Hyde calling your name. It brought your mind back to the present moment. "How are you feeling?" Hyde asked you. He leaned back so he could see your face. "A little sleepy actually. After getting past the bite, it's actually very relaxing. I don't know how to explain it" you told him. You still felt a little foggy in the brain, but you managed to wake back fully again. "Really? I never would've thought it felt that way" Hyde replied, surprised at the results, "But the bite wasn't too painful was it?" he asked. You shook your head, "It hurts a little at first, but the pain quickly went away. Are you sure you're not using a little vampire magic? Usually a bite like that would be painful.But it's as if you never bit me. I don't feel anything now" you told him wondering if he knew. You went to look at your shoulder to look at the bite marks. You expected your shoulder to be red from the blood flow and to see two fresh fang marks. When you looked, you did see two marks, but they were already healing. Is that why people never notice being bitten? Was it natural to heal this fast? "What is it?" Hyde asked, seeing you looking rather shocked. "It just healed so fast. You did bite me right? I wasn't imagining it?" you said doubting yourself a little. You weren't just daydreaming about it while your mind was hazy, right? "Apparently Yukihiro told us that our bites have some sort of healing effect. Though I couldn't tell you specifically what or how" Hyde told you. Vampire magic it is. "That's crazy. Though, I'm glad no one will be able to notice. No wonder why people think vampires aren't real. They never have time to see the marks because they heal so fast" you said, still mind blown.

After spending a little more time with Hyde just talking and relaxing, everyone soon came in to regroup. You then decided it would be a good time to go back to Yume and Leo. The four of you got into the car and oddly were silent on the way there. You sat next to Hyde, enjoying being close to him. You didn't know when the next time you'd see him or if this would be the last time for a while. "I should tell the two of you, that seeing each other again so soon might be hard. I was talking to one of our managers this morning. The four of us have to leave the city very soon. So I encourage the two of you to say what you can" Yukihiro specifically told you and Hyde. Hearing the facts made you hurt on the inside, but you knew there was going to be some point where you had to separate. "So you're saying you may not be able to see me off when I leave?" you asked Yukihiro. You knew that was a huge possibility now that he mentioned it. You could be sour and salty about it. But what could you honestly do? "Yes. I'm sorry. I know it means a lot to both of you. I tried to put in a good word. But we're out of luck since our other manager is out of town right now." Yukihiro explained. What did he mean exactly? "Is the manager you talked to just a difficult person?" you asked for more information curiously. "Not at all. He just wouldn't understand our reason. You see our other manager is actually a vampire, we can be open and honest with him since this whole ordeal is vampire related. But since he's not here, it makes things like this hard sometimes" Yukihiro told you. That makes sense. Who knew they'd have a vampire manager. It would have its benefits too. "I understand. On the brightside, we can still text and call, right Hyde" you looked at Hyde trying to find some positives in this kind of crappy situation. You could see Hyde was rather sad, but he managed to smile. "Right, my angel. I'll gladly text and call you every chance I get" he said. You were happy there was some way to communicate with him, but nothing compares to physical interaction and presence.

The car arrived at Yume's place. The realization slapped you in the face and you wished you didn't have to leave Hyde's side. You and Hyde got out of the car together and hugged tightly. You weren't sure who was hugging tighter, but you knew he didn't want you to leave as much as you didn't want to. "Please take care of yourself. I don't want you to suffer with anxiety. I want you to call me right away if you feel like panicking. I don't care what time it is, okay?" you told Hyde looking up at him. You knew this would hit him harder than it would hit you. Flashes of seeing his breakdown at the suite played in your mind. You didn't want to think about him going through that. Not again. "I'll do my best, my angel. For you" Hyde said, giving you the usual kiss on the forehead. You're really gonna miss those. "I'll miss you, koala bear" you told him, giving him one last hug. You did your best not to get too emotional. If you cried, then most likely he would too. You started to pull away but Hyde didn't let you get too far. He leaned over to give you a kiss on the lips. You eagerly kissed him back. Hyde looked you in the eyes, full of genuine affection but with a hint of sadness too. "I love you (y

)" he whispered loud enough for you to hear. You felt a light blush come across your face, "I love you too" you said, returning the same feelings. You knew it was hard for Hyde to pull himself away. As he got back in the car, you knocked on the driver's side window. Tetsuya rolled the window down to hear what you had to say. "Please watch over him for me" you requested the rest of the band. You knew they would take care of him. But you knew after this, he'd need their support even more. Tetsuya nodded, "He's in good hands. Don't worry (y

)" he reassured you.

You watched the car drive away before going inside. You started singing the first song to come to mind "Pieces"(L'Arc-en-Ciel):

"Nakanaide nakanaide taisetsu na hitomi wo (Don't cry, don't cry, those precious eyes)

Kanashisa ni tsumazuite mo shinjitsu wo miteite ne (Even if they stumble in grief, they always watch the truth)

Sono mama no anata de ite" (Stay as you are now)

Separation and Obsession (Hyde x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now