Chapter 52

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A\N I feel this song is fitting for this moment "Don't Be Afraid"

The rest of the day passed and so did most of the next, you spend it in leisure just relaxing with Hyde. As you were getting ready for bed, you remembered that tonight was the night Hyde and the others would go talk to Adrien. You thought about the novel and what it meant. You'd pray all night if you have to for good news. "Before you leave, wake me up I want to see you off for good luck" you told Hyde. Hyde paused for a moment as he recalled what you were referring to. "Don't worry, I was planning on waking you up anyways. I'll make sure, I come back safe to you as quick as I can" he told you, kissing your forehead before pulling you down to lay with him.

Hyde's POV

Without her next to me, I wouldn't have fallen asleep. That was a fact. But since she was at ease and so calm, it rubbed off on me. I held her tightly for the few hours of sleep I did get. Who knew if there was going to be a next time. Even if I should know better than to think like that. Perhaps it was part of just being in denial, that I could possibly die. Before the time could strike midnight, I decided to get up. I'd need as much time as I could get to talk with everyone beforehand. I woke (y

) up as I said I would, "I'm going to be leaving soon, my angel" I told her trying not to sound sad. It took her a moment to wake up a little. She sat up, "Time already? I was just getting comfortable next to you" she said half asleep. To be honest, I was too. I wish I could just lie back down and forget everything. But this was something I had to do for her. I still hate the fact I had to lie to her again and tell her it was just to talk and nothing more. For both our sake, I have to end it quickly so I can come back. "I know. I'm sorry. I want to get this over with as soon as possible. Think you can give me a kiss before I go?" I asked her. Perhaps it would give me the luck I need to push through. She nodded, "Of course, koala bear" she agreed and leaned towards me so I could give her a kiss. I did my best to hold a kiss for as long as I could. She probably had no clue why and it hurt for me to think so. "I love you, (y

)" I told her. My words caught her off guard but she smiled in response. "I love you too, Hideto. Please hurry back. Before I get cold" she requested. I nodded, "I promise. Go back to sleep, my angel" I said. I took the chance to tuck her in before I left the room. I sighed a bit frustrated. I had to suck it up and see this to the end. A few minutes later, I met up with the rest of the band and we went on to meet up with Adrien.

I took the few minutes I had with the band to say what was on my mind. Worry. Fear. Anger. Longing. They did their best to encourage me and built faith in myself. "If you can handle me, you can kick this guy's a*s" Ken told me.It was true Ken and Adrien were pretty similar in build, though Adrien was just a tad taller. "We'll be watching on the sidelines for support. You have us until the end" added Tetsuya. It made me feel better to know they had my back no matter what. Either way, Adiren was going to die. By my hands or the band's. I have to win this. I won't leave a mess for my family to clean. I can't put them through that. "Thank you. It means a lot to have you all come with me. I don't plan on dying, even if I break all the bones in my body" I told them. They knew what was at stake and why I had to do this. Even the novel seemed to point to the same conclusion. To fight for her. To kill.

The four of us walked out to the park as midnight came. I could see Adrien waiting patiently. He saw everyone else there and didn't look too happy about it. "We're just here as witnesses. We don't plan on stepping in on a personal matter" Yukihiro explained. Adrien took the explanation well, "I see. I guess we do need someone to testify to what happened here tonight. I'm guessing (y

) is back at home, sleeping?" he asked as if trying to imply he cared. Maybe he did, but definitely not for the same reasons I cared for (y

). "Yes. She's not aware of our fight tonight. It would be too much for her to see anyways. Too painful" I told him honestly. "I agree. Let's get this over with then. We fight for (y

)" Adiren declared as if he was trying to make a toast. For (y

). She was the one I was fighting for, yet he was too. No, he didn't feel the same way I do. My love for her is much stronger.

The rest of the band stepped away to give us room to fight. As far as I was concerned, we'd only be using our fists and intelligence. This would be brutal but fair. I exhaled sharply before racing forward to attack Adrien. I threw a punch at him but he caught it easily. We both stood there for a second, both reluctant to continue. But we can't back out now, there wasn't another way. Not if we searched for a 100 years. I pulled back my arm and attempted to swing again, he blocked. My punches slowly got faster and faster. Even if he did block, my body was trying to warm up from it being so cold outside at this time of night. Eventually, we locked hands together and started a match of strength, trying to push each other back. If there was one way to drain stamina, wearing the other person out was one way to go. I was at a disadvantage being shorter than Adrien, but I wasn't no push over either. I dug my heels into the ground, trying to resist being pushed back. I can't hold this forever. I need an opportunity to catch Adrien off guard. I tried digging my nails into his hands, but it didn't seem to phase him much. Instead, he tried to twist one of my wrists so my arm would give out. I decided to gamble and use Adiren's weight against him. I let my legs buckle for a moment so it would force me to get on my knees. As I did so, Adrien fell forward and was about to fall on top of me. I quickly rolled on my back so I could lift my feet off the ground and place them on Adrien's stomach. Using the momentum of Adrien falling forward, I was able to use my feet to direct him right over me. Adrien landed on his back, giving me time to get back up before he could scramble back on his feet. Before he got his balance back, I lunged. I did my best to throw my full body weight on him, tackling him back down to the ground. I managed to get a few punches in before he pushed me off, attempting to turn the tables. I rolled out of the way before he could pin me down. As I raced to get back on my feet, Adrien caught me by my foot and tripped me. The two of us started wrestling on the ground for an advantage. 

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