Chapter 48

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Ken and I talked for a little while longer before Yukihiro and Tetsuya came down to join us. Mostly to see what the problem was. Why I was so angry. I felt like a dog with its tail between its legs, so ashamed of keeping this to myself and hurting (y

). I told Yukihiro and Tetsuya what I told Ken. "And you got mad at (y

) because you didn't want to tell her?" assumed Yukihiro. "Yea.....she knew I had something on my mind. She kept asking me to tell her, but I got angry because she wouldn't leave me alone" I replied thinking about my actions. She wanted to help me. But how would she feel if I told her? Surely, she'd be against the idea. I am too, but I don't want her to have to worry about it. "I understand how heavy the circumstance is. It does make things hard, you should've told us at least. The four of us can do something together instead of you being alone" said Tetsuya. Fighting Adrien alone would be hard. Fighting for your lives does add a surge of urgency and desperation. We aren't just fighting just for dominance this time, this is our life. It terrified me. Though I feel like it would be unfair if I did bring the others. Though it's not like I agreed for a one on one fight. "I know. With you all, I know we can....kill him. But this is also my fight. I owe it to Adiren to fight for (y

) by myself" I told them all honestly. I appreciate and understand their need to assist me. All of us would have no problem ending him. Maybe it was my pride telling me to do this alone. For (y

). To prove I was capable of protecting her.

"We can't allow that son of a b*tch to kill you. No way in hell!" Ken snarled and was against the idea. I didn't like it either. "Ken calm down. None of us like it. But this is Hyde's pride as a man to fight for the woman he loves. Surely you'd do the same for Yume" Yukihiro tells him. Ken sighed, a little frustrated, but understood what Yukihiro was saying. "Regardless, we're all going just in case something happens. If you do die, we kill the b*stard on the sight" he added. You knew none of them would hesitate to do so, if something happened. Though, I wasn't planning on being the one dying anyways. I wouldn't leave my family with a mess to clean up. "If possible, I want you to keep (y

) from coming. She doesn't need to see something so horrific again. Especially since the first encounter gave her nightmares. This one would only be much harder and I don't want her to see it" I explained to them. It would even be too much for me, to know she was there watching me spill the blood of someone else and my own blood. "You have to tell her that we can only do so much. But try to keep the location a secret. Only the four of us will know" said Yukihiro. I didn't want to keep anything else from her again, but it was a step I had to do. "I won't be surprised if she found out somehow" added Ken. There's that too. I didn't know how she would, but that is a possibility. Luckily at midnight, she would be fast asleep if I lied down with her. I just have to stay calm.

Eventually, Yukihiro and Tetsuya decided to leave, "Yume is still awake waiting for the two of you. Don't keep her up all night" said Yukihiro to Ken and I before leaving. I guess we stayed out here long enough. "Let's go back up then" I told Ken. The two of us put out our cigarettes before going back up to the apartment. Yume let us in once we got to the door. After closing the door, she was looking at me. Either she was angry at me as well, or okay there wasn't another reason. "You really roughed him up Ken. Don't you hold back?" Yume commented. My appearance must have said it all. "It's fine. I deserved it" I said. Besides, I wouldn't have talked if he didn't punch me a few times. "Can't argue with that" Yume agreed, " I left a pillow and some blankets on the sofa. (y

) locked her door, so I doubt you'll be getting in there tonight. Better pray for mercy in the morning" she told me. It didn't take long before her and Ken went to her room for the night. Leaving me alone. I got comfortable on the sofa and pulled the blanket over me, resting my head on a pillow. I sighed. Hopefully I can sleep tonight. There was just so much I had to explain to (y

). For most of the night, I kept running scenarios in my head. How I was going to apologize. How I was going to explain everything. Nothing sounded right. It kept me up. I wondered if (y

) was having trouble sleeping too.

Your POV

Eventually your tears dried up as you tried to sleep, but you ended up tossing and turning all night. You noticed that the apartment got quiet. It helped a little, but you couldn't stay asleep for long. This sucked. You wondered what it was that made Hyde get so angry and if he'd come back tonight. Your door was locked, so there was no way he was getting in. You wouldn't let him, even though you missed him and knew the warmth of him lying next to you would help you sleep. But you still were upset with him. You prayed the two of you could make up tomorrow.

After a mostly restless night, you woke up earlier than usual the next morning. It was still quiet, so Yume and Ken were likely still asleep. You slowly unlocked the door and took a peek outside. No one here. You started to walk towards the bathroom, when you noticed something on the sofa. You stopped. Was it Hyde? You tiptoed over and looked on the other side. It was him, sleeping. You couldn't help but admire how cute he looked fast asleep. It made you happy to see he was here. You could only think that it meant he wanted to talk to you. But what was he going to say? It makes you nervous to think about. You sighed and decided to let him sleep. You went on your way to the bathroom. On your way back to your room, you couldn't help but take a look at him again. Either you were worried about him or missed him. Both. You reached down to move some strands of hair away from his face. Your gentle touch, woke him. He opened his eyes and noticed you instantly. ".....(y

)", he said your name looking up at you. For some reason, you ended up blushing slightly and looking the other direction. You were about to start walking back to your room, you realized that maybe you weren't ready to talk yet. "Wait. Please.... I've been up all night trying to think of the right words to say" Hyde pleaded for you to stay. If he was so insistent to talk to you, might as well push back your nerves and hear him out. You walked over to the other side of the sofa so you could sit down, face to face. Hyde was sitting up by this point. Looking at him and seeing the pain on his face, you wanted to just jump into his arms. Maybe you should. You were hesitant at first, slowly just inching closer. Hyde reached out to you, once you got close enough and pulled you into his arms. You felt so lonely last night and his hugs were so warm and pleasing. For a moment, you forgot about how upset you were. Being with him made you happy again.

The two of you stopped hugging, so you could see each other's faces. "My angel, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to raise my voice at you last night" he told you. You knew he had a reason but it made you feel better to know that he was sorry for how he acted. "I forgive you. I love you too much to stay mad at you for long" you replied honestly. You could tell he looked relieved to hear you say those words. But it was true. A little incident like that wasn't enough to stop loving him. Not by a long shot. Hyde placed his hands on the sides of your face and brought you close enough to kiss your forehead. You couldn't help but melt a little on the inside. You smiled and so did he. Surely he was glad to see you again. "You probably still want to know why I got so upset" Hyde suggested. Yes. You had to know. What was his reason? You wondered what exactly happened last night after he left. Surely one of the boys went after him to see what was wrong.You nodded, "I do. Will you tell me?" you asked him. Obviously it still bothered him, but it was relieving to hear he wanted to actually share this time. "So earlier, while I was walking around your (work\school)...Adrien actually approached me. He told me something strange", Hyde started to explain. So he lied to everyone, saying that nothing happened. No wonder why he looked so distracted when you saw him. What did Adrien tell him?

You gestured for Hyde to continue, that you were listening. You could see he was trying to think of the exact words to say to you, "He told me that he was your partner...but as you know, that's practically impossible if I'm your partner already" he said. Huh? That was impossible. As far as you all know, there can't be two vampires with the same person. Unless this was destiny as her cruelest. Which it sounded like. "I see. Is that what you were worried about telling me?" you asked him. It did sound like it was a concerning predicament and it made Adrien's actions make more sense now. "Part of it. I was surprised when he told me. But what he suggested what makes my stomach turn" Hyde told you. That wasn't the full story? What could be worse than that? Did the two make some sort of arrangement without you? Now you are starting to feel nauseous. "And what is that?" you asked so you could get the worst of the encounter out in the open. "He proposed that the two of us fight for you. If we are both destined to be with you, then one of us will obviously suffer because of it. The only way to end that suffering, is if one of killed" Hyde said hesitating to say the last two words. Now you're really gonna throw up. 

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