Chapter 17

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Why was Hyde in pain? "(Y\N) if you feel better leaving, we won't stop you. But for your and Hyde's benefit, I ask you to stay and hear us out" Yukihiro requested of you. Every instinct in your body was chanting 'Run. Run Run.". But in the midst of all this confusion, you wanted an answer. Even if curiosity kills the cat. "Please (y

) do this for Hyde. He really cares about you and we care about his feelings" Tetsuya added with much sincerity in his tone. They really wanted you to stay. But was talking all they really wanted to do? "Don't run. Don't do this to him. He's our best friend" Ken said, even his words were heartfelt at that moment. You looked at Hyde directly. Did he really mean it? That he cared for you? That everything he said to you was real? As if under too much pressure, Hyde fell down to his knees and started sobbing. It caught you off guard. "I don't want you to leave (Y\N)" he said through tears. Hearing his desperate cries resonated with your heart. You felt a sting of pain in your chest. Was this how he was feeling? Your reaction was to start crying. You let the tears flow freely. His words just broke your heart.

For a moment, sadness had replaced your sense of fear. You felt yourself wanting to draw close to him and something clicked in your head. If Hyde really is a vampire, then why not just attack you the moment you got here? Don't vampires just attack at any opportunity? Weren't they monsters? Though you felt in your heart, this was different. You didn't see a monster in front of you. Hyde wasn't a monster. Even if he did bite you a few times and did who knows what else. The awkward scene in the kitchen after he saw you bleeding. Made a lot of sense now. He wanted your blood didn't he? But he still showed you more affection than anything else. He surely had a reason to keep this a secret. You probably would too. You decided to hear them out. Despite how confused and scared you were. You got down on your knees, so you could be on Hyde's level. You put one of your hands over his, to get his attention. Hyde calmed down for a second and lifted his head to look at you. His eyes still were a brilliant red color, but this time, looking at them didn't scare you. He was still the same Hyde you knew. "I won't leave. I promise. I told you. I wanted this to work out, didn't I?" you told him, recalling your words from the festival. Even if you weren't sure about your own words at the moment, how you felt about Hyde before finding out about all this, still rang true in your mind. You knew he wanted the same. Tears still ran down your cheeks. You never felt this amount of emotion before. It was overwhelming. Hyde clung to you, giving you a hug. He wrapped his arms around your neck and pulled you in close to him. You felt a sudden sense of comfort and relief at the same time. Even if he was a vampire, his embrace still was warm and gentle. Fear finally left your body and you calmed down. The L'Arc-en-Ceil song "fate" came to mind, so you started singing the chorus to him. Even if it sounded bad through your tears:

"setsunai hodo ni kimi o omotte (Thinking of you so much, it's painful)

kono ude ga kono mune ga (This arm, this heart)

daichi o koete kokoro o koete (Beyond the land, beyond my heart)

taisetsu na hito no tame ni...?" (For the sake of the one precious to me?)

Hyde's sobs soon faded and his breathing became steady again. You were relieved he had calmed down. Hearing his cries was something else. Hopefully something you'd never have to hear again. They were so painful. "Let's get you two on the sofa. There's alot to explain. It might take a while" Yukihiro had approached the two of you, urging you to get up off the floor. Hyde let go of you and took ahold of your hand so he could help you stand. He sat on the sofa and pulled you to sit closely next to him. He insisted that he keep holding your hand and he rested his head on your shoulder. You never seen him be so clingy like this before. It was cute. You guess he just wanted comfort. You didn't blame him. You could use the comfort as well. It did feel nice to you as well, to be the one who was comforting him. "I'm sorry" he told you softly, wiping his tears. Why was he apologizing? For the scene he caused? "It's okay. The truth had to come out eventually, right?" you told him. You felt a headache coming on, now that your adrenaline had subsided. Hyde looked up at you, you noticed his eyes went back to normal and were no longer red in color. Did they change on their own? The rest of the band brought the alcoholic drinks and set them on the table in front of you. "I think there's no better time than after what just happened" Ken said referring to the events that just unveiled. Not going to lie, you could probably go for a drink or two.

"Let's see where I should begin?" Yukihiro started to think as everyone got comfortable. The first thing that came to mind was if Hyde was the only vampire here. "Is the whole band, you know, vampires too?" you decided to start the conversation. The answer was probably yes. But you thought you'd ask anyway. "Yes. We all are vampires. It makes things easier if we have one another to lean on in events like this" Yukihiro told you. It would make sense to be with your own 'kind' and not alone. "I like to consider us a family, you know. We have to stick together" Tetsuya added in his own perspective. That was a very endearing way to look at it. The thought made you smile warmly. It was comforting to know that Hyde's friends really cared for him the way they do. "That's very sweet. Though for explanations, maybe just start with the basics. How do you guys go out in the sun? Eat normal food? Can you see in the dark? Do you really hypnotize people?" you said adding on multiple questions. It might help you get a foundation started. Something to build upon. "For the sunlight and eating , we take a special pill. Easy enough. Though we still do have a need to drink blood. But we rarely go for humans" Yukihiro answered the first question. "I wish we could drink human blood more often. Animal blood is disgusting" Ken said in disgust. Was there really a difference and why go for my blood if they wanted to stay away from human blood? "As for seeing in the dark. We can. But we sleep just like anyone else, not all of us choose to stay up all night" Yukihiro answered the next question. That's pretty cool, but makes sense. "And hypnosis? I kind of remember blacking out sometimes" you said, remembering the many times. "It's a harmless hypnosis. Just put you to sleep for a few minutes. Though in rare cases we can overdo it and end up putting people to sleep for hours" Yukihiro put some thought into explaining. Now everything was starting to make sense in a weird way. But you'd hate to be unlucky to be put to sleep for a few hours. "You remember being put to sleep?", you heard Hyde speak up. "Not really. It's hazy, but I did think it was weird and seeing you defend me from that one guy did set off a lot of red flags too. It was very out of place" you told him. "You're really perceptive of the small things (y

)" Hyde complimented you. He was surprised. " Most people just shrug it off weird events like those and forget. But I'm curious, did you expect Hyde to be a vampire?" Yukihiro turned the tables on you this time.

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