Chapter 4

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Your POV

You were glad you made it back and no one was mad that you took your time. But your encounters with Hyde was on your mind. It's all you wanted to think about. How much luckier could you get today? Hopefully a lot more. Maybe you should try to go back to those restrooms. If it gave you another chance to see him again, you would try. But there's no shot it would happen again, right? "Hey (y

)", Leo called out to you. It took your brain a moment to realize before you looked at him, "Yea. What's up?" you asked. You wanted to tell him about seeing Hyde face to face but would he believe you? "Got Hyde on the brain obviously. At Least you'll get to see more of him while the show continues" he mentioned. That's the good part. But he'll be on the stage. You wanted to see him closer like before. "I know. I can't get enough and I have to take in every second of this. Who knows if I'll ever see him this close again" you said continuing to think about it. Flashes of his face so close kept repeating in your mind. A part of you wanted to go back to that door to see him again or even be crazy enough to jump onto the stage. Were you really this obsessed or was it just a concert high?

Yume soon returned and the three of you just passed the rest of the time talking until the concert could continue. You looked towards the stage eagerly to see Hyde's face again. "Look at her, she's like a child waiting for some candy" Leo mentions. "You mean eye candy" Yume laughs. "Hush. It's starting" you told them not wanting to lose your focus. The curtains opened up again. The crowd started cheering for the band's return. Hyde was center stage, "Ready for more Osaka?" he asked the crowd, who were eager to respond back. "I think you will enjoy this next song. Ready?" he said smiling. Gosh dang, his smile was everything in that moment. The noise of the crowd's cheer dulled as you and Hyde caught each other's eyes once again. Then as if was speaking to you, you saw him mouth the words 'this is for you'. Unless you were just seeing things. But if he remembered you and where you were standing, he could really mean it. The lights turned off for a second, before coming back on as the band started to play (L'Arc en Ciel or Hyde song of your choice).

You watched in awe for the rest of the concert. At times, it was like you forgot how to blink because you were so fixated on Hyde the whole time. It made you happy to see how much he was enjoying himself this time around. Could this be because of you?

"Thank you all for coming. We hope you enjoyed the show and come out again to see us next time" Hyde announced after the last song. The other members of the group waved goodbye to the audience from their positions. You kept your eyes on him. Hyde looked in your direction and seemed like he was going to come to you but one of the other band members had pulled him back, as if he knew what he was going to do. Hyde looked back at him, then towards you again with a sad expression on his face. A second later, the curtains had closed, preventing you from seeing what was happening. It concerned you. You wanted to crawl on that stage and go back there. You then felt someone tap on your shoulder, "Come on let's get out of here" said Yume as she started to pull you away from the stage. You wanted to resist but the other people around you leaving in the same direction left you with no choice. You had to go back there, no matter what.

As the three of you stepped out in the hallway you made the decision to go back to the restrooms where you met him, "I-I gotta go to the bathroom" you said urgently. Yume and Leo looked at the long lines around the nearest restroom, "Looks like she's gonna burst any second but there's such a long line" he said to Yume. She nodded, "Yea and the traffic is gonna be bad leaving this place. What a headache" she added. "I'll go to the one on the way back last time. I'll be back" you said, acting like you'd really have an accident if you didn't leave. Though you knew your urgency wasn't really to go to the restroom. You ran through the crowd, trying not to bump into anyone, which was quite hard to do. But you were a woman on a mission. Like before, everything in this back corner bathroom seemed deserted. Everyone must be too busy leaving to care what goes on back here. Once you got to the restrooms, you didn't stop to wait there. It was weird. Your feet had a mind of their own in that moment. Something inside you told you to go straight for that door Hyde showed you. Without slowing down, you pulled the door open and raced inside. But as soon as you did, you smacked right into someone. The force made you almost run over and fall completely on top of whoever was about to come out of the same door. The two of you landed with a hard thud on the floor. "I don't freakin believe it. You gotta be kidding me" said someone else who just walked up seeing the incident. You looked up and saw the guitarist looking down at you and whoever you were on top of. You looked down at the person who you ran into and you didn't freakin believe it either. You almost trampled Hyde. So he was gonna come find you. That's at least what you thought. You quickly got off of him, "I am so sorry. I didn't mean to knock you over" you said worried and feeling so bad. It looked like Hyde really took a hard fall. He was probably in more pain than you were. He did kind of cushion your fall. But your head did hurt, maybe you smacked your head into his. Hyde placed a hand on his forehead, "It's fine. I'm okay" he insisted even though he looked to be in a little bit of pain. He then got back on his feet and offered his hand to help you to yours. "So this is the lucky girl" the guitarist said to Hyde. Lucky girl?! Did he tell the other band members about you? You must've meant something to Hyde then,right? Hyde nodded and turned his attention back to you. He examined your face for a second. "Your forehead is a little red. I hope you're not hurt too bad" he said warmly. You shook your head, you really weren't hurt too bad but was your forehead that red? "I think the only one hurt is you considering she ran you over" chimed the guitarist. Hyde looked back at him, "Shut up" he barked "I wasn't talking to you" he said. Wow. I didn't think he would get so defensive over you like that. Once he turned to you again, his expression softened, "Anyways, I hope I can make you feel a little better" he said to you. Hyde then placed a kiss on your forehead as an apology. Now your forehead wasn't the only thing going to be red. You felt your whole face heat up. You looked up at him and he smiled at you. You quickly covered your face with your hands in embarrassment. "You're gonna give her a heart attack. Give her the damn number already!" barked the guitarist. "I was getting there!" Hyde had barked back. "Let him do this on his own. So stop being nosey" said another voice you didn't recognize. You slowly pulled your hands away from your face and saw it was the drummer. He shoved the guitarist into the room closest to them so you and Hyde could be alone.

"Now that we have some privacy. I want to give you something" Hyde said. Before you could say anything, he reached for your hand and gave you a slip of paper. What is this? Wait, was the guitarist serious about the number thing?! You opened the piece of paper and indeed saw a number on it. "Your number? Are you for real?" you said in disbelief. This was seriously happening right? You looked up at him. Hyde had a small blush on his face, it was so adorable. "This might sound...random. But I know you're the one for me. I would love to stay in contact. If that's okay" he said a little shyly. If there was any time to pass out, it would be right now. You were speechless. Completely speechless. Like hell you'd love to stay in contact with him. "It's more than okay. I'd love to stay in contact" you said letting your excitement show. Hyde was surprised at your response. Did you scare him by getting too excited? "I mean...." you settled down some and gathered your thoughts, "I'd be honored to get to know you personally, you know" you said. Your words made him happy. He grabbed both of your hands, obviously excited. His happy expression was too wholesome. You heard some footsteps approach the two of you, the drummer had come back. "I think it's time you should return to your friends, miss. If you don't mind, we have some packing to do" he said, trying to get you to leave. Guess this is as long as you were tolerated for now. It was better than nothing. But it only means that the other members were okay with Hyde's decision. You thought this would've been 10 times more complicated. Hyde looked a little disappointed by the drummer's words, as were you too. But you understood. "I understand. Thank you for letting me talk to him" you told the drummer honestly. "I hope to hear from you soon" Hyde said, referring to the number. You nodded, "I promise" you assured him. The hardest part in that moment was pulling your hands away from his. Something on the inside stung and as you looked into Hyde's eyes, it stung him too.

Hyde's POV

I watched her walk out the door. Looking at my hands, that were now empty, a surge of pain ran through me. I fell to my knees, about to go through another emotional breakdown. Why did this hurt so bad?! She was just here. This makes no sense. Damn it! Yukihiro kneeled down next to me, placing his hand on my shoulder. "Don't let your emotions drive you to withdrawal," he told me. I squeezed my eyes shut trying to make the pain go away. I was trying so hard, my fangs biting down on my bottom lips making them bleed. Yukihiro forced me back on my feet, "Come on. Let's get to packing. It will help you calm down" he said, making sure I followed his direction.

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