Chapter 55

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I clutched the weapon in my hand tightly and then tossed the knife to the side. I didn't want to use it. Despite what (y

) would want, to show mercy. In light of the circumstances and opportunity I've been given, I wasn't going to. Not after what he's done. I sprinted towards Adrien at full speed and jumped on top of him. Everyone was surprised at my action and we all went falling down due to the force of my attack. I landed on top of Adrien and sunk my fangs into his throat. Ken and Yukihiro were able to adjust to the new plan and Kept Adrien's arms locked so he couldn't move. I ripped my fangs out and bit him again and again and again and again. Hoping I would strike the right spot on his throat, I kept biting and ripping until there was a bloody mess everywhere. I knew I had successfully done enough damage to Adrien's trachea when he started coughing and gasping. I backed off to look at what I did to him. I could see nothing but blood covering his throat and small opened wounds everywhere from me ripping out my fangs. I felt his blood on my face, running down from my chin to my neck as I was covered in it. Once Adiren was slowly coming closer to death, he stopped choking as much and I knew his time was coming. Ken and Yukihiro let him go to stand beside me and witness his death. " Take care....of her....Cherish her.....and hope he doesn't come...and see what you'd done...." Adrien forced out before finally breathing his last breath. What did he mean? Or was it some sort of tactic to scare me and make me feel guilty for what I just did. Probably.

I breathed a sigh of great relief. It was finally over. I wasn't happy about killing him in the end, but I did it for her. "Well, find a place to put the body until sunrise. Go take care of (y

)" Yukihrio told me. I nodded and turned around to look for Tetsuya, (y

) and Yume but they were nowhere to be seen. They probably went back to the apartment so Tetsuya could stitch her wound. I return to the apartment, exhaustion finally hitting me. Yume opened the door and helped me inside, taking me to (y

)'s room. Tetsuya was sitting beside her bed keeping watch. I could see a lightly bloodied towel on the floor along with a first aid kit. I assumed he was able to make her better, even though she was still sleeping. Tetsuya turned to face me and was shocked by all the blood that covered me, but he was also happy to see me safe. "The cut on her leg luckily wasn't too deep to need further medical attention. I did my best to stitch it up, though she might not be able to walk very well for quite some time. I'm positive she'll heal just fine" he explained to me. "I see. Thank you for taking care of her" I said to him " He's dead. Ken and Yukihiro are going to take care of the body until sunrise" I informed him. He nodded, " That's good. At Least for them, the pill will give them enough coverage to stay out in sunlight for a while. But it's not perfect. I'm sure they know the limits" he told me. Yume then came into the room and gave me a towel, "Here.You might want to go wash all that blood off. It's not a very good look for you" she told me. She was right, I don't want to scare (y

) thinking I was injured and this was my blood. Although my body ached from fighting all night and I knew I had plenty of bruises from being punched and kicked, I was still here.

Your POV

After blacking out for who knows how long, you woke up back in your room. For a second, you thought it was just a dream. You tried to sit up a bit, noticing you were wearing a nightgown. One of your thighs was wrapped in a bandage. You had images flash in your head of pushing Hyde out of the way and you being cut. You couldn't recall much afterwards. "(y

). I'm glad to see you are awake. That's good" Tetsuya said, getting your attention. He must have taken care after you were cut. "Is Hyde okay?" you asked, being the first thing you were concerned about. You didn't want to be left with a slashed leg and no one to love. "He's beat up but fine. He went to clean himself in the bathroom just now. Don't worry" Tetsuya told you. You sighed, relieved. After this whole ordeal, he was alive. You were grateful everything turned out okay in the end. It's been a stressful ride ever since you came back home. Now it can finally be calm again. "Thank you for fixing my leg. Will I be able to stand?" you asked Tetsuya for a little information. "You can stand, but walking might be hard for a few days as you're trying to heal. Your thigh has a lot of big muscles, so you'll be limping. Might be best to stay home in the meantime" he explained to you. You didn't like the fact you'd have to miss (school\work) but you can't speed up the healing process. But as long as you have Hyde and everyone else, surely you'll be able to do just fine.

"I'll see if Yume can give me some pain killers for you. I'm sure you'll need them", Tetsuya said before getting up and leaving the room. Yume was still awake? What time was it? You checked your phone for the time. 3:08am. You haven't stayed up this late for a while. Everyone must be exhausted after what happened. You waited for someone to come back. The door opened, you were expecting Yume or Tetsuya, but it was Hyde. You can see some splashes of red on his clothes. Hopefully not his blood. Seeing him instantly perked you up. You couldn't help but smile when you saw him. Seeing he was surely alive, even after the brutal events. For a moment, you forgot about your leg. You were ready to jump up and run to him, but trying to get up too quickly sent a surge of pain in your leg. "Son of a.....that hurts" you said with some tears forming in your eyes due to the strength of the pain. Hyde walked over and gave you a hug. "My angel. You're awake" he said, delighted to see you. You fought through the pain for a moment so you could focus on him and hug back. Despite the pain, you were overwhelmingly happy and relieved. "My koala bear. Are you okay? You're not hurt too bad?" you asked wanting to know about his physical condition. "Just really sore, exhausted and bruised. Even my fangs hurt. That's new" Hyde explained. You could see how tired he was, it was written on his face. He needed to rest. You placed your hand on the side of his face and used your thumb to lightly stroke his cheek. Hyde closed his eyes, liking the gentle affection. "I'm just waiting for Testuya to bring me a painkiller, then we can go to bed" you told him. "Okay. I'll wait with you", Hyde agreed to stay up with you for a little while longer. You began to massage his head and play with his hair affectionately. You could tell he enjoyed this gesture immensely and hoped he'd feel better and forget the pain for a little bit. Tetsuya came back and gave you some painkillers to take so you would sleep through the night comfortably. "I'll stay up until Yukihiro and Ken return. You two get some rest" Tetsuya told the two of you before leaving you and Hyde alone again. Finally time to sleep. You moved slowly so you wouldn't strike a nerve in your thigh and got comfortable. Hyde got up to turn off the lights and returned to lie down with you. You let him cuddle you as much as he wanted. A part of you wanted to ask about Adrien but you assumed that he had been killed and maybe it wasn't a good idea to have Hyde remembered. So you'll just assume it's been done and it's over with now. "Good night, Hideto" you said to him, ready to fall asleep on your terms this time without passing out. "Good night, my angel" Hyde replied, giving you a light squeeze.

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