Chapter 37

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A\N Check out Hyde from back in 1993. Amazing!

"Are you okay, koala bear?" you asked Hyde, now that his breathing was better. The rest of the group had gathered around to see how he was doing. "Could be better....but I'll live" Hyde replied. You observed his face, and could see some bruises. No doubt he had more underneath his clothes. Hyde looked at the hand that Adrien bit, it was bleeding a lot and looked really painful. "Here you can use my scarf to wrap your hand. I don't mind", Yume gave you the scarf she was wearing. You gently wrapped it around Hyde's hand. Everyone was a bit quiet , not sure what to say. "So that Adrien guy is a vampire?", Yukihiro asked you. You sighed, "I guess he was. He never acted so aggressive until now. Said he could smell Hyde's scent on me. I always did feel uneasy around him though. Maybe somehow I knew deep down", you explained. You felt a little emotionally exhausted from everything going from bad to worse. "I see. Let's get Hyde somewhere safe for now. I don't think any of us can watch a movie after seeing what happened" Yukihiro told the group. Everyone agreed. So much for a nice date. Damn you Adrien.

Since your and Yume's apartment was closer, that's where you all went. You invited the boys inside. You could feel everyone's worry, concern and stress. It was a lot to take in. You sat Hyde in a chair while Yume retrieved the first aid kit. Being like the mom of the group, Tetsuya helped you take care of Hyde's injuries. You cleaned Hyde's face of any dirt or blood and made sure he was okay before helping Tetsuya with Hyde's hand. After wiping the blood, Tetsuya disinfected the bite wound with alcohol. "F*ck that stings", Hyde complained about the pain. No paper cut could compare to this. "Give it a minute, It'll stop" Tetsuya told him, being patient and continuing to wrap his hand in a proper bandage. As soon as that was done, Tetsuya checked Hyde's body for any open wounds. All you could see was a bunch of nasty bruises on Hyde's stomach. Ouch. "You're good to go", Tetsuya dismissed him. He must have experience treating injuries like this. Thankfully he did though.

You helped Hyde sit on the sofa. You could tell he was uncomfortable from being in pain. It made your heart ache. If only you could take that pain away. "Want some painkillers? Will they help?", you asked Hyde, wanting to know what you could do to help him. He shook his head, "They won't help much" he replied. Even if that was true, he should still take them. Everyone had gathered around to talk, "Not to be weird about this, but why was Adrien calling everyone a vampire? They're not real you know", Yume said looking at everyone as if to get someone to agree with her. We all stayed silent. "(y

) they're not real right? Adrien was just joking right?" she asked you directly. You were positive Yume saw the same things you did, especially the red glowing eyes. Though it wasn't your place to reveal the secret. You looked at Yukihiro, since he was the one to make these kinds of decisions. He sighed, "We are vampires. Choose to believe it or not" he told her. Yume looked speechless and confused. You had a hard time believing it, though your reasons were far more personal and confusing. Yume looked at you for some sort of answer. "He's not lying. But it's not exactly how they are portrayed in shows and movies. They still need blood though. But they're not monsters....unlike Adrien" you explained to her while you were playing with Hyde's hair, trying to make him feel better. "This has been one crazy week then" she said considering what you told her "So your eyes glow red too and what about the fangs?" she asked. You could remember yourself asking similar questions. "I'll show you", Ken volunteered. Despite the circumstance, Ken sure seemed to be getting attached to Yume.

"You weren't kidding. Hoy sh*t" Yume commented after Ken had shown her his fangs and red eyes. You weren't sure what was running through her mind, but you knew she was more open to things than you. "I think I need a drink. I'm sure we all do", she finally said. It was a better response than your typical running or screaming. You'll explain it all to her later. Yume went into the kitchen to get the alcohol, Ken followed her to help. "Speaking of vampires and blood. My angel, I'd feel much better if I could bite you. Please" Hyde requested, a bit desperate. You understood he was asking because he was in pain and that blood was very important. You looked into his eyes and could see the pain and how much he really did need it, especially after being apart for so long. If there was one way for Yume to see they really were vampires, it was to see him bite you. Now's not the time to think about being embarrassed. "I understand. You have my permission" you told him. Hyde sat up straight and did exactly what he did last time. Pulling you into a hug and sinking his fangs into your shoulder. He didn't hesitate this time. Maybe because of desperation. You closed your eyes at the start as you felt the prick of his fangs enter your skin. 'Just relax and keep breathing' ,you mentally told yourself.

"What's he doing to (y

)?", you heard Yume ask as she returned to give everyone a drink. You can tell by her tone she was a bit terrified by what she was seeing. "He needs (y

)'s blood so he can heal quickly. He won't suck her dry if that's what you're worried about. We don't go that far", Yukihiro explained to her. "You knew they were vampires, like real vampires (y

)?" Yume asked, you gently nodded. "Omg. But doesn't that hurt?" Yume asked you, concerned for your well being. By that time, you could feel the relaxation and haziness hit you. You shook your head, "It hurts only a moment. It's okay... I trust him. I trust everyone in this room. You're safe" you told her, starting to feel sleepy. Surely this would convince her that they were vampires but that they were still trustworthy. You started falling asleep afterwards and trusted that the boys would answer any other questions she had.

You woke up, still embraced in a hug. "Are you still drinking?" you asked him since he didn't change positions. He pulled back to look at you, "No. I finished. I just wanted to keep hugging you, my angel. You're really amazing, you know that" he told you smiling and grateful. Slowly you started to come back to reality. All you did was let him drink your blood, but sacrificing blood for any reason was pretty amazing. "(y

) you woke up. I thought you died for a second. You just passed out", Yume was relieved. You smiled to assure her you were okay, "I get sleepy when he drinks my blood. I know it sounds weird" you told her. You could tell by her face she didn't really understand, "Um okay. Whatever you say. I'll get you some water. You probably need it" she told you.

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