Chapter 2

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You and Yume returned to her uncle's house and had a proper meal this time. You might have snacks for the rest of the night. So you made sure you ate alot now so you wouldn't have to later. After lunch, the three of you got ready. Well mostly you and Yume. Leo just slapped on some comfortable clothing. Which wasn't a bad idea if we were going to be out for the rest of the day. But you wanted to look your best for tonight. You wore (favorite outfit with favorite accessories). For your hair you styled it in your favorite fashion. For makeup you (kept it simple\added a little extra flair). "Dang girl, if any guy walking down the street is impressed, I'm sure Hyde would be too" she told you. "Yea yea it nice" said Leo just being a boy. Yume smacks him, "baka" she scolds him. You laughed, "Don't worry Yume. Not like he's the one I'm going for anyways" you said confidently. You took no offense to Leo's comment. "I know but smacking Leo is fun" she said doing it again. "Instead of hitting me, shouldn't we be on our way?" says Leo trying to get Yume to stop hitting him at all costs. "He's right. Let's go. Time's wasting" you urge the two of them outside. Yume borrowed one of her uncle's car so we could get to the concert area. You took control of the radio and bluetooth your phone so you could blast L'arc en Ciel over the speakers on the drive over there.

After the car ride, Yume drove past the concert arena as she was looking for a decent parking space in the middle of all the action.You could see flags and other labels showing off the name of the band. It was exciting. "I think I'll go broke buying merchandise guys" you said your head practically out the window wanting a closer look. "Just give your wallet to Leo so he could hold it out of reach" Yume jokes as she found a good spot to park. "Well maybe I can buy everything now so I can put it in the car before the show" you said wanting to be smart and keep your wallet too. "Maybe we should let (Y\N) keep her wallet. I'm afraid what she will do if I keep her from the love of her life" says Leo, a bit nervous. "Wise choice, Leo" you smiled. He can hold your wallet after you were done shopping.

Before walking around the area, you headed straight for the concert arena so you could get your choice of merchandise now. It would be a bit of a pain to hold it during the concert anyways. You weren to the stands that were placed along the hallways. You decided to buy (favorite merchandise items). "Girl you better calm down. Save some money for some snacks and the rest of the week" Yume joked some but was serious. Leo made a gesture as if asking for your wallet. You sighed and gave it up willingly knowing that it was the right choice for now. Before leaving the area you managed to talk to some other fans who arrived early. Easily fitting in with some other girls who liked Hyde as much as you did. "How about we go get something to snack on" one of the girls suggested. "Yea we have some time to burn and there's a good cafe close by" said another. Just like that the three of you were traveling with a small group of fans. It certainly was a blast and would hype up the concert even more. Maybe you should go to events like these more often, especially if the fans are so friendly like this.

Time flew by hanging out with a bunch of other fans. You all headed back to the arena so you could get comfortable and try to get good spots and praying one of you would get lucky. The inside of the arena was bustling with people. More people buying merchandise, food, and drinks. The stage was of course covered by curtains and some music could be heard over the speakers. Something to listen to and pass the time while the audience waited for the band. "(Y\N). Leo. Group huddle" Yume says pulling the two of you in. "Remember we have an agenda. We have to get (Y\N) to the front of the crowd so she can see her man" Yume recaps. It was just a bet of 5 dollars. But if they were so into doing this for you, you were gonna ride this idea. This experience would be worth so much more than a 5 dollar bill to be honest. But you had to shoot your shot for a chance like this. "When the lights dim, we make out while everyone is focused on the stage" Yume explains to Leo.This whole idea gave you butterflies just thinking about it and before you knew it, the light went dim and Leo was dragging you through the crowd of cheering people right to the front of the stage. It all happened so quickly. Yume and Leo stood closely behind you as if to secure your spot right on the edge of the stage. Suddenly a voice started singing.

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